R.I.P. Pyro

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R.I.P. Apostolis

Never spoken to him personally myself before and I usually don't leave comments in threads like this when somebody passes away as I simply didn't know them or feel much on a personal level to warrant leaving something. But this guy seemed so nice. I properly feel sad that he is gone. :(
I was at uni the sametime as Pyro was and he came along to the Snowboard Club a few times. I remember talking to him on evening after we had finished the session and were having some drinks in the pub. He was certainly loud and having a good time....

It's really sad to see that something drove him to take his own life, as he was so full of energy when I last saw him in 2004.

****, I met him at the Leeds meet. He was a great bloke. A little weird, but sound with it.

I have some pics of him lying around on my webspace somewhere from the meet.

RIP buddy, 23 is no age. I hope whatever it was is gone now.

Me too, he was a good laugh. We have some pics somewhere too.

Wow, this is the first time someone I have actually met has gone over.

RIP bud :(
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This may sound silly, but that's a great thing to do.

I never met him, never spoke a word to him face to face but all in all I've spend hours talking to him, and his outlook, attitude and personality made him someone I'd call a friend, and I know there's many many others from this forum who would say the same thing. He was a fantastic guy and genuinely will be missed by me and many others.

I agree.

My first reaction to this thread was "This better not be a joke." soon followed by "I really hope this is a joke." but as it stands, it obviously isn't.

R.I.P. Pyro, you were a sound bloke.
I can't believe this. He seemed like such a happy go lucky chap. It's awful that he felt he had to do this to get away from something. RIP Pyro :(
Oh my god. I just chatted to him a few days ago! No! :( He didn't seem that unhappy, sure he wasn't loving national service but he was enjoying his skydiving that I had got him into, and he was my "local" greek brother - I can't believe this.

I meant to ring him this week :( :( :(

Atio filemou. RIP. :(
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Very sad. I had spoken with him through these forums many a time and always found him to be a good fella. RIP. :(
God that is such a shock.

I still have fond memories of him at the Leeds meet a few years ago, stood at the bar with something rude strapped to his head. He was a very large personality and I'll miss his sense of humour.
RIP. I remember his posts, he seemed a nice fella.

If anybody is reading this with similar thoughts to those Pyro had, really, talk to somebody. Anybody, even a stranger off of these forums. There are far better ways to resolving issues. There is a lot of good in this world and exciting things to see or do!
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