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R9 290X Owners Thread

But does a single 290X make sense at 1440P? Okay You might be a lot better at meeting those VRAM requirements, but if you can only hit 40fps then I'm not sure thats what I'm after.

I'm not sure what you mean. The 290X / GTX 980 are the best single GPU's from AMD and Nvidia. If a 290X isn't good enough for you than you only have one other choice Nvidia or go dual GPU's.

In both scenarios single or dual you're still better off with more vram as even some current games use more than 4GB at 1080P. Future games even more so. Why not get a twice the vram for £30 - £40 more..

The same guys that are currently saying 4GB is enough, would not be doing so if Nvidia had a cheap 8GB card. They would be buying that to have extra in the tank. It just so happens that AMD have a high end cheap GPU with 8GB 'extra in the tank', but it will largely be ignored until Nvidia introduce a similarly priced card with more memory. Then people will be saying that more than 4GB is recommend.

Just wait and see if Nvidia release an 8GB card, and watch how many people suddenly say more vram is recommended. There are those that follow and those that lead :p

Pay an extra little bit of money for something that is already cheap and have in the tank now just in case. 8GB 290X makes total sense over the 4GB version, at today's pricing it's a steal !!
Also worth mentioning the confusion over vram usage.

If you take an 8GB VS 4GB (same spec card otherwise), the max FPS will remain the same but what will happen is when that 4GB cards uses all it's available memory in X game you will get stutters and massive FPS drops, while the 8GB card will not have these drops. Giving smoother gameplay. So the overall experience is better. For such a small cost it's worth having the extra in the tank, especially with games even at 1080P exceeding 4GB. Resolutions are getting higher and games more demanding.

OCUK have MSI 290X 8GB for £299. Absolute bargain !! >>> http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=GX-269-MS


The real problem now will be finding 290X 8GB in stock :p

Gibbo: If your gaming at 1080P then a single card should be more than future proof for years to come even on the poorest console ports which could be using around 6GB of memory:
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Ah sorry, Bitfenix phenom. 2 fans intake at top, 2 fans exhaust at bottom and 140mm fan intake over radiator. Put the intake and exhaust fans on full (not radiator), which are still quiet and the lightning doesn't make any noise at all.

Ahh I was tempted by that case but my lightning would block the cables from the psu so it was a no for me :(
I'm over the moon with my 290x. Still don't really understand the overclocking side to it though :( What's the best program to use to see when you stop getting improvements? I'm reading Heaven 4.0?

But it makes mince meat of BF4 so i'm happy, and i like mantle a lot!
I've just played The Forest game at 1080p and the card went to 94C yikes.

That's with the case open, it idles at 36C. What am I doing wrong(if any thing) loving it so far :)
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