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R9 290X Owners Thread

15 Oct 2011
Nottingham Carlton
MjFrosty had a look at stock memory clock i get artefacts at 1050+
Highest setting without artefacts is 1035mhz on core. Well now 35mhz over standard i cant even call that overclocking.
Only hope is bios
Last edited:
20 Aug 2006
Received mine this morning and had to send it back.

Its said the cooler is 66db at full whack. which doesn't necessarily bother me. but I kid you not the coil whine was louder than the cooler. It had coil whine at any sort of load which was louder than the cooler. There was no coil whine at idle. but as soon as any sort of load was put onto the card. It just screamed with coil whine.

Such a shame. I'll have to see if a different batch comes out later on, as I've read a lot of reports of coil whine.

Also when removing the card. I know the card runs at 95c. but OMG. the shroud (plastic) was near melting point. I couldn't touch it for a good 10-15mins after shutting down. I burnt my thumb :(.

Every other GPU I've had has never been anything like that. I could switch my system off and instantly remove it without the card even feeling remotely hot.

the metal part of the outerheatsink on my 480 SOC was very hot after taking out of PC even after a good few mins - but the plastic was ok

sounds very hot ?
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
MjFrosty had a look at stock memory clock i get artefacts at 1050+
Highest setting without artefacts is 1035mhz on core. Well now 35mhz over standard i cant even call that overclocking.
Only hope is bios

In my review I only got upto 1050 core, 1060 needed 100% fan. So what your getting is normal.

The Asus BIOS gives a lot more, but if you can't keep it cool your just gonna melt it or get no higher.

Stop using GPU-z it's not compatible, miss-reads the cards and puts them under 100% load.
Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
Firestrike Scores for one and two cards

Score 11388

AMD Radeon R9 290X(1x) @1200/1575 Air Cooled

Intel Core i7-3970X Extreme Edition Processor @4.9 Water Cooled

Graphics Score 12731

Physics Score 17754

Combined Score 4891


Score 18896

AMD Radeon R9 290X(2x) @1180/1575 Air Cooled

Intel Core i7-3970X Extreme Edition Processor @4.9 Water Cooled

Graphics Score 24063

Physics Score 17705

Combined Score 7530

2 Jan 2012
I have decided to return mine and await a better cooler. The card itself is fantastic but the cooler is awful. After half hour of BF3 the fan noise is horrendous and very intrusive. I could not use this in a system for someone and after hearing the noise they have gone for a 780.

Bit of a shame AMD cheeped out on the cooler. I will order again when there are better coolers available.

At least you tried it for yourself, bit of a pain to return it, but you will be happier with better cooler in the long run. This is why TTL's reviews and Linus were good because they told it how it is, and got a load of flack from AMD fans in doing so, but if it saves someone buying something their not happy with, I say good on em. Great GPU but just to hot on reference cooler. Those reviews were spot on tbh. Those that are watercooling it doesn't effect.

Firestrike Scores for one and two cards

Score 11388

AMD Radeon R9 290X(1x) @1200/1575 Air Cooled

Intel Core i7-3970X Extreme Edition Processor @4.9 Water Cooled

Graphics Score 12731

Physics Score 17754

Combined Score 4891


Score 18896

AMD Radeon R9 290X(2x) @1180/1575 Air Cooled

Intel Core i7-3970X Extreme Edition Processor @4.9 Water Cooled

Graphics Score 24063

Physics Score 17705

Combined Score 7530


Epic scores, I'm pretty much set on picking a non ref 290X to play with. These scores are awesome.
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