A thread I feel I should stay out of, but here goes.
There is all sorts of problems, and I dont know where to start.
So first thing is I have always said that a lot of the reasons for non british white been less successful in general is because of social issues, these issues exist in this country, the division is quite bad, but this is something poor british white people suffer from as well, I expect if you was to do an investigation on how often someone born in a higher class family is successful vs someone born in a family living of the state, you would see unsurprising results.
Then there is the subject of systemic racism, I still find this something hugely overhyped, I am not going to claim there is no racism, but the definition of what is claimed to be systemic racism needs to be changed, the idea that systemic racism means anytime a minor race is a loser in a situation it must mean its systemic racism. The only fix to this supposed situation is to have counter racism to mean a minor race is never a loser. e.g. the police only employing black candidate's.
To me a proper example of systemic racism would maybe where an employer consciously only employs white people because he thinks every black person has a higher chance of been a criminal. In that instance there is not equal opportunity. So I do believe it exists but just not in the same way.
As an example BAME communities have lower take up of the vaccine, what are the reasons? is it refusal, or have they been offered less, according to data its mostly down to refusal. I expect however this is classed as systemic racism.
So really this needs movement from everyone, we never going to get masses accepting systemic racism is a thing, I consider myself very open minded, and I just cant get my mind round it. On the flip side there does need to be issues tackled in this country that BAME communities are often a victim off.
Some examples.
Lack of housing capacity in areas which are highly populated by BAME communities such as Leicester.
Lack of proper SSP pay, again something BAME communities suffer from.
Lack of employment protections in certain abused industries, examples of course the clothing factories in Leicester.
No effort to prevent ghettos from building up. This is primarily happening as again areas are born that lots of poor people live in, instead of equal spread around the country, and this is even more prevalent with BAME communities. Minorities who live in wealthy areas dominated by British white tend to be more successful.
Whats so frustrating is that covid was a perfect catalyst to tackle these things, but the opportunity wasnt taken, typical party ideology has prevented it.
To finalise this post, this doesnt mean I agree with the report.
This government doesnt even recognise poverty exists in the UK, which says a lot.