Race reports

Slowly getting some form back, done the local 9 again on Thursday and improved by 15 seconds, and about 15w up. But need to go thru my stats. Felt stronger and more to come. Hardly any tiredness the next day which was a lot different to last year as really struggled say after tts. Got a couple of opens coming up in June 25mile flat ones. So looking forward to them!

Edit - checked my stats, only 8 seconds quicker, but 36W up! Think I may need to check the tightness of my pedals!
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Short road race today with a small field, was more like a handicap as spent the race rolling turns almost all the time!

Finished about where I feel like I should have done. 299w average power for 55 minutes so a good workout!

Did an extra 30 after the race and bonked big time 5km from home, I could hardly turn the pedals over and was doing about 150w, got home and ate loads of bread as its all we had in! Not the best post race food but could be worse.
Good work , Do your legs feel like theyve got that speed in them just waiting to come out ?

Did you see Wiggo go past his minute man in that Hull 10 ? The chap was doing 25 mph and looked like he was hardly moving as Wiggo blazed past him :eek:

The Wiggo video was pretty awesome, really puts it in perspective. The pros are amazing.

I did a sub 25 tonight, a 24:59 so couldn't have cut it any finer! Absolutely delighted with that as it was another crappy day with no one doing any better than a long 22. Need to start looking for a TT bike now. :D


Also did a 25 on the weekend, my first in a time of 1:06:38. Quite enjoyed the longer distance though it makes pacing tough. New target is to go under the hour by the end of the season but that depends on finding the right bike as well as my legs!


Got two weeks holiday from Friday which is kind of annoying as I'm the fittest I've ever been at the moment, but a couple of weeks off should set me up for the rest of the season. I've been racing since January most weeks so a break is probably needed to keep me fresh. Enjoying things though. :)
Another tt tonight. First ride with the tri spoke. Wasn't expecting much after doing 160 miles or so in last 3 days. Rode out too! Managed a 24.06 not especially quick but happy. Managed about 275w I think too. Gonna have easy day to work and back tomorrow.

Another 50 miles or so total mileage today too, so reckon after few easy days I'm going to be much happier with where I want to be towards the end of next week ready for a 25mile open!
Been quiet in here lately.

Slowly feel like I'm getting some form back after far too many stag weekends and illness. Weight is slowly going back to where it should be as I've been running about 2-3kg over where I was in April for the past 6 weeks, although got a stag weekend next weekend, so hopefully I won't reset!

Had an Open TT last Sunday and put down a 59:18 for 25 miles, which I was very happy with, hoping to get down into the 58s this Sunday.

Then last night local club 10, not the flattest of routes, but ran a 23:52, which is only 9 seconds off my PB on the course, and it was quite a windy night.

Was lining up all my TTs for the rest of the season the other day, going to be a busy 8 weeks! And I'm due to start doing some track with some of the club guys for a 4 man pursuit team they're putting together! Going to be busy!
Did a 25m TT last night. Knocked 4 mins off my time from June last year. Finished in 1:02:52.

Hoping on a better course I could crack an hour so I've just entered a course on the A50 on 4th July.
Big all in handicap race today. Off in the block (second fastest) group, worked well as a group but we missed out on anyone even making it into the top 10, too much time given to the back markers. I dropped off the group a little on the last climb CAT3, but before then had been doing lots of work on the flat, rolling turns so easy at 40kmh plus on new wheels.

Speaking of which, riding 65mm wheels on the hilliest race of the year, not so clever! But they are light!

61.5km and 1100m elevation average speed only 33.3kmh and a max of 79.6kmh according to Strava. My Garmin showed over 80 on a few descents but I'm not using the cadence/speed sensor as its inbuilt to the powertap I train on.

12 seconds off my time from last year, we were over a minute quicker but lost time on the flat towards the end when struggled to roll turns effectively. I was quicker up the hills at the end though.

Used an SIS powder for my drink, electrolyte and carbs, helped a lot I thought as its a constant intake unlike a gel, which I had one after 20 and one at 40km.
Another 25 TT this morning! Weather was supposed to be dry and hardly any wind,but actually turned out to be light drizzle a light (for the last couple of weeks) sw,and about 5c colder than expected.

Not a great prep it seemed! Forgot to do up my overshoes all the way, power meter played up as I restarted my garmin, even though it was fine on warmup. And I'd been so worried about ensuring I got the turns wrong. I forgot to look up the finish and took the wrong turn on the final roundabout. Still got a new pb for 25 with 58.35. Reckon I could have easily got into the 57s with power and with not taking the wrong turn. Oh well. Now to go try sort out my garmin. Factory reset time!
Staffordshire Ironman 70.3 team relay today!

We ranked 7th out of 36 in the teams. I was the 5th fastest team cyclist and 124th overall for bike times. So 119 people doing the whole thing were faster than me on the bike! :eek: (that does include about 50 or so Pro triathletes though)

I'm slightly disappointed in my race as I was hoping to get nearer to 2h30m, but I just couldn't push any harder. Weighted power was 199W when I was aiming for 205W so not too bad considering it's my first time trying to follow a power meter.

For perspective, my bike time was 20mins slower than Javier Gomez's (the race winner and current Ironman 70.3 world champ) and 20mins faster than Gordon Ramsay's!:D

Nice work, friend who qualified for Kona last month was there today and qualified for world champs out in the alps!
Staffordshire Ironman 70.3 team relay today!

We ranked 7th out of 36 in the teams. I was the 5th fastest team cyclist and 124th overall for bike times. So 119 people doing the whole thing were faster than me on the bike! :eek: (that does include about 50 or so Pro triathletes though)

I'm slightly disappointed in my race as I was hoping to get nearer to 2h30m, but I just couldn't push any harder. Weighted power was 199W when I was aiming for 205W so not too bad considering it's my first time trying to follow a power meter.

For perspective, my bike time was 20mins slower than Javier Gomez's (the race winner and current Ironman 70.3 world champ) and 20mins faster than Gordon Ramsay's!:D


Niceone Liam, good effort!
Cheers, a long way off your pace though! I'm going to train my TTing in the run up to the RP TT then focus on London Tri training following that.

Also, thanks for the tip on displaying last lap power every 30mins!

Ah glad to hear that helped. Coincidence I'm now doing the London Tri as part of a relay team with a couple of friends.
Anything more frustrating than posting a 1:00:00 when you wanted to dip under the hour? :(

Have also entered myself for a 50 mile TT on 28th! :S Pretty sure it is a stupid thing to do, but oh well!
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