Racist or not?

No it's not racist, though because it can be linked to race some people will be hypersensitive about it (often depending on the identity of the person making the joke).
I've seen the pic and i would call it racist. Personally it made me lol and i found it funny, but yeah racist.

If it was different degrees of a white person, ie sunburn brown, gammon pink, up to a milky white gwar - then the white person would have to suck it up. But this adds the protected black man and everyone else who gets offended on their behalf.

Deffo didn't share that image :)
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I have noticed a definite trend where it seems it is perfectly acceptable for people of colour to be pretty outwardly,.if not out and out racist.certainly hostile to white people,. just like it seems it is ok for women to be disparaging about men in a way that men could never get away with with women.

and one of the most insulting men I have ever met was an incredibly in your face homosexual. If I was to speak to people the way he did I would definitely get a.punch, doubly so if it was at gay people.
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I'm white but wouldnt say I was racist. My girlfriend of 4 years is mixed race for a start
Racism itself is simply the assertion that one race is superior to another, or that one race is inferior to another.
This is how you could be black, date a mixed race person, be friends with white people and still be a racist.
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Subtle or ‘casual’ racism can also appear in the form of a ‘microaggression’. This is an intentional or unintentional offensive message that targets a person based entirely on their being a member of a minority group. Any form of racism is unacceptable, even a comment or an action that is subtle or occurs in a casual environment. Examples of casual racism include:
  • making fun of someone’s background, even if it's disguised as a joke.
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No, not racist.
Some people seem to think that any reference to someone's (non white) skin colour, in any context & regardless of subject or intent, is racist.
making fun of someone’s background, even if it's disguised as a joke.

Not saying you are wrong but................. where does that leave comedy then? i would say 90% of comedy is at the expense of 1 group or another......

seems to me certain groups are protected where as others are fair game...... why is that ok? (or isnt it? should most comedy be cancelled?)
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The reason it's funny is because of his colour.

Like i say, i found it funny, but we know where each other work, would you share that in a work whatsapp group? You'd be on D&I trg by the end of the day :)

Whose colour? There are 4 people there.
Racism itself is simply the assertion that one race is superior to another, or that one race is inferior to another.
This is how you could be black, date a mixed race person, be friends with white people and still be a racist.
Ok thanks.

How does the picture (toast picture) show that one race is superior or inferior to another? Unless people think that white uncooked toast is inferior and blackest burnt toast is inferior. Maybe that's why people think it's racist - my only conclusion really
I was recently in a group where a picture was shared of four football commentators.
One was white, one white and tanned, one mixed race and one black.

The picture text comment was "They remind me of the settings on my toaster!"

A few in the group commented that they thought it was racist. I could see it was comparing skin colour to toast colour but it wasnt specifically saying 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 was any better or worse.
It wasnt a funny picture, more a comparison and probably just a way of provoking people into commenting like most pictures posted on the internet.

Racist or not?

Of course it's racist... anything that involves a PoC in any manner is racist, we've established that.

And before the SJWs jump down my throat, we now live in a world where Maths is racist, the countryside is racist..

The tragedy is, actual racism is so drowned out by the idiocy of todays ideological weak minded fools that it often gets overlooked.
Not saying you are wrong but................. where does that leave comedy then? i would say 90% of comedy is at the expense of 1 group or another......

seems to me certain groups are protected where as others are fair game...... why is that ok? (or isnt it? should most comedy be cancelled?)

100% agree, but i don't make the rules. The comment i made was taken from an official site that educates people and schools on racism.
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