Racist or not?

So the post says 'One was white, one white and tanned, one mixed race and one black.'

So why are you saying this is racist against one particular group? Seems you are searching for racism where it doesn't exist, don't worry though a lot of people do that these days.
Lol, I couldn't give 2 fecks about the picture. The question was whether it was racist or not - I believe it is.

The 'joke' gets its laugh from people's skin colour.

Perhaps next time actually read what was written, not just your interpretation.
Lol, I couldn't give 2 fecks about the picture. The question was whether it was racist or not - I believe it is.

The 'joke' gets its laugh from people's skin colour.

Perhaps next time actually read what was written, not just your interpretation.
I read what you wrote and interpreted it as utter nonsense.

The 'joke' gets its laugh from people's skin colour.
As i say, if they were all white, we would be laughing about it.
Why would you be laughing about it as by your definition of racism that is a racist joke. At least stay consistent.
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I read what you wrote and interpreted it as utter nonsense.

Why would you be laughing about it as by your definition of racism that is a racist joke. At least stay consistent.
Others are allowed an opinion too. You should try to be more open minded in your life.
No, no, no! I googled that, once.
I actually don't think I ever did. Maybe once? Not sure but tbh someone explaining what it is, is enough.

The lemon one I saw by mistake (honest :p). Not quite as bad but equally infamous.
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I read what you wrote and interpreted it as utter nonsense.

Why would you be laughing about it as by your definition of racism that is a racist joke. At least stay consistent.

OK, I'll break it down slowly for you. I, that's me, find it funny. But wait for it, I ALSO think it's racist.

Also, these aren't MY words, but a government department that educates the people:

"Subtle or ‘casual’ racism can also appear in the form of a ‘microaggression’. This is an intentional or unintentional offensive message that targets a person based entirely on their being a member of a minority group. Any form of racism is unacceptable, even a comment or an action that is subtle or occurs in a casual environment. Examples of casual racism include:
  • making fun of someone’s background, even if it's disguised as a joke."
Bottom line, I found the joke funny and to answer the OP's question, I do believe it's guilty of casual racism.
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OK, I'll break it down slowly for you. I, that's me, find it funny. But wait for it, I ALSO think it's racist.

Also, these aren't MY words, but a government department that educates the people:

"Subtle or ‘casual’ racism can also appear in the form of a ‘microaggression’. This is an intentional or unintentional offensive message that targets a person based entirely on their being a member of a minority group. Any form of racism is unacceptable, even a comment or an action that is subtle or occurs in a casual environment. Examples of casual racism include:
  • making fun of someone’s background, even if it's disguised as a joke."
Bottom line, I found the joke funny and to answer the OP's question, I do believe it's racist.
Quite a stretch to say it meets any of those criteria. Can you break down how you think it's in scope?
For it to be racist it must be making fun of someone for their background or appearance, no?

Rather than simply being a visual gag where all participants are subject to the same joke for the same reason, this is a racist gag because there are black people involved so it must be making fun of them?
Just so you know, toast will very easily fit through a letterbox.

You know what to do.
Ah yes, the old must post in GD to get valid responses and opinions. :) you don't want to see half the stuff that gets posted in my groups, ocuk would have a field day.
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Stopping talking about racism doesnt make it stop or go away. It just happens in silence. Racists is what keeps racism alive.

You reckon there should be some sort of Tony Edwards scaled thought detector? "On the TE scale that thought was very racist, a near 80% reading, go and join Lady Hussey on the naughty step"?
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