Whose colour? There are 4 people there.
Representation does seem to have gone full swing.Only racism here is the white majority were under represented, should have been at least two white British, maybe 3 with 4th on rotation.
Stop trying to be clever - the black dudes. As i say, if they were all white, we would be laughing about it.
And because this joke addresses all the people in the picture, rather than deliberately targeting one individual or even one race, it is decidedly not racist to joke about it.Subtle or ‘casual’ racism can also appear in the form of a ‘microaggression’. This is an intentional or unintentional offensive message that targets a person based entirely on their being a member of a minority group.
That's my point - The picture is not racist.Ok thanks.
How does the picture (toast picture) show that one race is superior or inferior to another? Unless people think that white uncooked toast is inferior and blackest burnt toast is inferior. Maybe that's why people think it's racist - my only conclusion really
Stop trying to be clever - the black dudes. As i say, if they were all white, we would be laughing about it.
No because it wouldn't make sense as a joke, would it?
I have noticed a definite trend where it seems it is perfectly acceptable for people of colour to be pretty outwardly,.if not out and out racist.certainly hostile to white people,. just like it seems it is ok for women to be disparaging about men in a way that men could never get away with with women.
and one of the most insulting men I have ever met was an incredibly in your face homosexual. If I was to speak to people the way he did I would definitely get a.punch.
I do like this quote though from Ricky Gervais, "You can joke about race without being racist. I do it all the time."
You can indeed be racist against your own race, as it would still be asserting the superiority/inferiority of one race compared to an other(s).Is it not racist if the person telling the joke is talking about their race / making fun of themselves? - Only racist if talking about another race.
I suppose similar with Rosie Jones making fun of herself for having Cerebral Palsy. If someone who didnt have Cerebral Palsy told the same jokes, I don't think they would go down so well!
Sounds familiar...I asked how it was racist and no one could provide a good answer, other that it was and “well called out” (that it was racist)
Yes it would. I said before, all white men: milky white gwar > pink gammon > sunburn brown - all fine. But start adding the black element and all of a sudden people start taking offence.
So the post says 'One was white, one white and tanned, one mixed race and one black.'Subtle or ‘casual’ racism can also appear in the form of a ‘microaggression’. This is an intentional or unintentional offensive message that targets a person based entirely on their being a member of a minority group. Any form of racism is unacceptable, even a comment or an action that is subtle or occurs in a casual environment. Examples of casual racism include:
- making fun of someone’s background, even if it's disguised as a joke.