Racist or not?


All bases covered.

is that George Best ................................... :p
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Tbh with the HR lady (whom is one of the black people) I don't think we have that issue at our company.
Lucky you.

This isn't a dig or slur at you, so please don't get defensive, as I say, lucky you. But this could go wrong for some in other work environments.

At my work we proudly push how we are fully diversive and inclusive. Sharing that image and getting reported would land us in the doo doo :)
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Lucky you.

This isn't a dig or slur at you, so please don't get defensive, as I say, lucky you. But this could go wrong for some in other work environments.

At my work we proudly push how we are fully diversive and inclusive. Sharing that image and getting reported would land us in the doo doo :)
We push that too and they share plenty as well is the thing. It is full inclusive and should anything be taken offensive. There has been times, they just say in chat "hey a little far that" and it gets deleted and move on and that is it. It is being about being open to it and similar. Old sketches from comedians get shown and we go wow that is kinda funny but well that is also major offensive.
I was recently in a group where a picture was shared of four football commentators.
One was white, one white and tanned, one mixed race and one black.

The picture text comment was "They remind me of the settings on my toaster!"

A few in the group commented that they thought it was racist. I could see it was comparing skin colour to toast colour but it wasnt specifically saying 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 was any better or worse.
It wasnt a funny picture, more a comparison and probably just a way of provoking people into commenting like most pictures posted on the internet.

Racist or not?
Racist against who?
We push that too and they share plenty as well is the thing. It is full inclusive and should anything be taken offensive. There has been times, they just say in chat "hey a little far that" and it gets deleted and move on and that is it. It is being about being open to it and similar.
That's big boy rules, wish it could be more like that.
Its a simple comparison of colour using the stupid toast as the measuring gauge. No-one is saying one is better than the other, or one is worse than the other. It's really not that hard to understand, the people claiming its racist are finding issues where none exist in my opinion. It's like the stupid "Tea chart" someone put together at work the other day. One of the shades of tea was titled "action man" (similar to the colour of the old action man back in the 80's) and some ******** took offence to that claiming it should be "action person" blah blah blah, completely missing the obvious reference... It astonishes me how people seem to be perpetually offended by what they deem offensive and seem to relish it.
I don't think we need to ask.
It was made clear during the Meghan debacle and Piers Morgan walking out when the weatherman said "If she thinks it's racist then it is" and millions followed this train of thought.
You don't need an explanation, if he thinks it is then it is.
A colourblind person sees red as brown. In snooker they think there are 16 brown balls when there is only one. To them they are correct, to everyone else they are wrong. It's all about perspective.
The image is probably found offensive to some because it's reducing individuals with multi-faceted personalities to the essence of their skin colour. The white man is a white man, the black man is a black man... and so on. This is generally considered socially unacceptable in modern society and it (being, the act reducing people to their skin colour) is a typical component of bona fide racism.

Secondly, it's unsurprising that some racial groups (i.e. those that actually are in reality subject to bona fide racism) may be more sensitive to being reduced to the essence of their skin colour.

It follows that many people (even if they themselves are not subject to bona fide racism) will find it offensive to reduce an ethnic minority to the essence of their skin colour, because it's perceived to be insensitive to them: the obvious sensitivity has been shunned or disregarded for the sake of the humour.

Would the image be considered racist in a perfect world where racism didn't actually exist? No.

Is the image racist in the context of a world where (i) racism does actually exists, (ii) some races are more likely to face racism than others and (iii) others are aware of racism that others are subject to....? Based on those factors, it is quite insensitive. Can it be racist to be recklessly insensitive to realities and sensitivities of others? It can be, yes.

Is the joke itself worthy of scorn or great wrath? No, not beyond commenting that it's somewhat insensitive. It's not great, but it's on the mild end of the spectrum.

It's not something that's limited to race, as others seem to be mentioning. If you were to take a photo of a tall man, an average height woman and then a double amputee and say "those 3 look like Russian dolls!" then I think some would consider that ableist for similar reasons.
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