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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

22 Oct 2008
Lisburn, Northern Ireland
BTW the amount of FUD in the thread is frankly pathetic. What is it with the tribal B/S chaps? How does one get to be a rabid fanboy of one GPU brand over another? Time to take a long look at your life if you've got to that stage. Me, I'll buy the best value option for my needs at the time I need it.

Exactly. It's a mixture of epeen swinging and trying to re-enforce their mental state after buying a graphics card. In so much as they need to re-enforce their decision that it was a good buy for them. Me however...I'm now of an age (40+) where value is the driving factor than epeen swinging or needing the most expensive card for my forum signature.

This "he said...but then you said" rubbish is really tiresome but reflects the youthfulness on these forums.
11 Jun 2013
Not sure if hyper-sarcastic or idiot... "Rebadge" ? Performance comparisons to a card three times the price targeted at a different market sector?

Not sarcastic or an idiot. 2 cards that are rebadged furys probably 390x's at £400 with all the hassle of xfire, heat, noise and lack of driver support or 1 card without all the hassle fir and extra £100-£150?

Ive been AMD for 15yrs+ my last 2 cards 2x280X's when the R9's came out were the worst cards ive ever had, factory overclocked stressed crap with no xfire support except bf4 ( because they knew **** would hit the fan if they didn't ) and the drivers over the last few yrs... pfff

I paid premium for what i wanted, had this gtx 1080 2 days now - its the best card/drivers ive ever had. Does what they say it does without any hassle, id buy it again.
18 May 2010
Hmm well this isn't what we where expecting was it!

Seems like AMD have said well we cant compete with Nvidia at the high end so we'll go budget and have an AMD card in every home.

Are there any high end cards expected?
7 May 2006
London, Ealing
Basically your whole argument hinges around poor Xfire support.... and as i and others have pointed out, DX12 Mgpu support is a real thing, you cannot get away from the fact that for roughly a 3rd less than you paid for your 1080 FE you can buy 2 x 480 and have higher performance, infact for roughly the same you could buy Tri-Xfire.

Yep a lot is dependant on drivers and coding etc, but going forward you are going to see a lot better support for Mgpu i bet.

Anyhow enjoy your 1080 FE lol

I would say a lot hangs on if the new Consoles use Multi GPU.
31 Dec 2006
AMD is competing - it is called Vega and I suspect it is delayed due to the usage of HBM2 which will be the limiting factor for volume.

We know nothing concrete about VEGA yet, and given their broken promises with Fury, I take all rumours and even anything coming from their own mouths with a giant pinch of salt, until we see user benchmarks. They've got a lot of work to do, but I certainly hope they can produce something that competes with Nvidia at the high end... it will only benefit everyone if they do.

They will certainly need to have an answer the 1080Ti and Nvidia's own HBM2 offering though, so we shall see how that all unfolds and where VEGA stacks up. They have their work cut out though, that's for sure. I don't think this current round of cards necessarily helps though, if they become perceived as more of a budget offering.
28 May 2007
We know nothing concrete about VEGA yet, and given their broken promises with Fury, I take all rumours and even anything coming from their own mouths with a giant pinch of salt, until we see user benchmarks. They've got a lot of work to do, but I certainly hope they can produce something that competes with Nvidia at the high end... it will only benefit everyone if they do.

They will certainly need to have an answer the 1080Ti and Nvidia's own HBM2 offering though, so we shall see how that all unfolds and where VEGA stacks up. They have their work cut out though, that's for sure.

If a lot of decent DX12 games come along with Async use then Fury X will only be around 10-20% off :D:D:D
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22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.
I see many missconseptions.
If the RX 480 is as fast as the Fury that means faster than the 980. If it is as fast as the Nano (FuryX) then only needs bit power to get to FuryX performance,, which more or less trades blows with the 980ti.
970 is well down the foodchain just in line with the R9 290/390, and 3.5gb vram at full speed.

As for dx12 is far faster than the NV line up on bellow the top one. And anyone who has seen the pcgamer DX12 benchmark for TW Warhammer, could beat the 1080 at 1080p.Because most of the AMD 3 top range cards already do it.
20 May 2007
the fact that for roughly a 3rd less than you paid for your 1080 FE you can buy 2 x 480 and have higher performance

"The fact"? Lol

You've seen lots of benchmarks showing xfire 480's beating a 1080 have you (in something other than AMD's bum chum game that hardly anyone plays)?
25 Apr 2009
If it pans out right and it'll work put me down for 3x 8Gb until Vega/Big Pascal and then they'll be replacing the 7950s and 670 in my wife and kids machines when the more powerful single card solutions come out. Perfect.
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19 Feb 2011
"The fact"? Lol

You've seen lots of benchmarks showing xfire 480's beating a 1080 have you (in something other than AMD's bum chum game that hardly anyone plays)?

Ok a bit of speculation on my part ;) but however if 2 of those cards can outperform a 1080, then my point remains, they will be a better option where xfire support actually works.

There is a lot of IF's and But's in that however :)
20 Feb 2006
I hope this does compete with the Fury as I would then be able to hopefully pick one up(fury) on the MM for next to nothing.

The prospect seems very positive for AMD with this release and I believe they are targeting the correct tier to get the market share back up and hopefully start increasing turnover etc.

Looking good.
16 Jun 2004
Hmm well this isn't what we where expecting was it!


Actually, if you'd been paying attention for the last two months, it was exactly what we were expecting.

Just as we're expecting AMD's answer to the 1070/1080 in Q4 2016 or Q1 2017 with their new Vega high end cards.
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!

LOL Owned

Interesting. What games use this in VR please?
6 Feb 2010
Seems like AMD have said well we cant compete with Nvidia at the high end so we'll go budget and have an AMD card in every home.

Are there any high end cards expected?
Put yourself if AMD's shoe...how are they suppose to compete with Nvidia at the high-end (financially speaking), even if they brought out a card that can compete on performance (with hardware Async support which add to the cost), but still more people buying the 1080 despite it is skimming on hardware support for Async just because "it is Nvidia" and they keep banging on "more efficiency/lower power consumption"?

It make a lot of sense to go with the entry level market first, to allow them to set a firm footing in the new gen card market. But unfortunately, it also means it will be a longer wait for those of us that already got 290 level card to upgrade.
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