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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

1 Dec 2015
Was planning on Hybrid cooling the 1070s but may have to do this with the 480s instead :D
Hopefully drive down the price of the 1070, which im guessing is why theirs a bit of a delay with it getting out, knew AMD would be releasing and wanting to get a ball park figure. 1060 will have to be cheap and feature no power pins at this rate!
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
Put yourself if AMD's shoe...how are they suppose to compete with Nvidia at the high-end (financially speaking), even if they brought out a card that can compete on performance (with hardware Async support which add to the cost), but still more people buying the 1080 despite it is skimming on hardware support for Async just because "it is Nvidia" and they keep banging on "more efficiency/lower power consumption"?

It make a lot of sense to go with the entry level market first, to allow them to set a firm footing in the new gen card market. But unfortunately, it also means it will be a longer wait for those of us that already got 290 level card to upgrade.

Exactly. Nvidia has the name and the image. Look at the 390x. Cheaper and faster than the equivalent Nvidia card yet Nvidia still manages to sell twice as many as they cards.

Even if AMD brought out a card today which was cheaper and faster than a 1080, Nvidia would still sell more 1080s than AMD.

AMD can't win that battle. It would have to be a monster such as same money and at least 30%+ better performance in all games for AMD to outsell them.
5 Nov 2013
did they only show the one card at computex?
would be interested to see what other offerings they had, I'm guessing the 480 is their polaris flagship for the time being so any other cards would be cheaper?
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
Because you asked, naive I am not.:p

If I knew the answer, I wouldn't have asked! :o


Just to add, since looking for an answer, nothing uses it so far and no mention of any game using it coming but that's not to say it won't use it but the premise is very good if it gets used and would make mGPU a viable option for those wanting the best VR performance possible.
7 Aug 2013
Actually, if you'd been paying attention for the last two months, it was exactly what we were expecting.

Just as we're expecting AMD's answer to the 1070/1080 in Q4 2016 or Q1 2017 with their new Vega high end cards.
Roughly expecting, maybe. It's certainly on the very low end of the pricing that people were suggesting. £200 was often thrown around as an 'aggressive' strategy and a base 480 around £160-170 or so would certainly be about as aggressive as they could get.

Because Nvidia have the market sewn up, marketing hype and clever use of NV only crap like Gameworks and Gsync have tied people into their products and like Xbox live have a captive audience they can suck dry of money.
Ya know, I get a bit annoyed with posts like these, basically suggesting that the only reason people buy Nvidia is because they are tricked or are merely 'buying into hype'. It's actually quite a condescending attitude.
11 Jun 2013
you can see the the results of that with ToastyChip's school playground taunting in this thread

Not taunting at all.. just stating facts. The presentation was misleading, if infact there crossfire worked they would have a valid point.. why buy 1 of those when 2 of these do the same job and save you money! Fact is 2 of those dont work and all you get is hassle and end up with half the performance you forked your £££ out for. Did that mistake last time buying 2x280X's ... in 3yr the only game that worked well with crossfire was bf4, everything else either crashed or usef 50% of each card. Waste of money and a lot more grief. Ive had AMD cards 15yr+ i wasnt waiting for their marketing crap this time and got the best nvidia single card i could, had it 2 days and its far superior to any amd/upgrade ive ever done. Runs flawlessly @2080 80c - not 1 single drop in fps no matter whats been displayed. My point is why gamble on AMD keeping their word and supporting crossfire ( like theyve failed for yrs) or the game makers supporting DX12 AND multiple gpu's just to save £100-£150 when its an investment thats supposed to last a good few yr? I see no reason not go with the best single card solution knowing its going to perform.
19 Nov 2015
Glasgow Area
Exactly. Nvidia has the name and the image. Look at the 390x. Cheaper and faster than the equivalent Nvidia card yet Nvidia still manages to sell twice as many as they cards.

Even if AMD brought out a card today which was cheaper and faster than a 1080, Nvidia would still sell more 1080s than AMD.

AMD can't win that battle. It would have to be a monster such as same money and at least 30%+ better performance in all games for AMD to outsell them.

Yup, see it a hundred times a month on these very forums.
Someone asks what card they should get for £x. Everyone says (for example) 390, get a 390, 390 is the best card for that money. even though they all have 970's in their signature. Then the OP goes off, has a think, and buys the 970. It's purely down to Nvidia looking slicker. pure marketing prowess.
28 May 2007
Not taunting at all.. just stating facts. The presentation was misleading, if infact there crossfire worked they would have a valid point.. why buy 1 of those when 2 of these do the same job and save you money! Fact is 2 of those dont work and all you get is hassle and end up with half the performance you forked your £££ out for. Did that mistake last time buying 2x280X's ... in 3yr the only game that worked well with crossfire was bf4, everything else either crashed or usef 50% of each card. Waste of money and a lot more grief. Ive had AMD cards 15yr+ i wasnt waiting for their marketing crap this time and got the best nvidia single card i could, had it 2 days and its far superior to any amd/upgrade ive ever done. Runs flawlessly @2080 80c - not 1 single drop in fps no matter whats been displayed. My point is why gamble on AMD keeping their word and supporting crossfire ( like theyve failed for yrs) or the game makers supporting DX12 AND multiple gpu's just to save £100-£150 when its an investment thats supposed to last a good few yr? I see no reason not go with the best single card solution knowing its going to perform.

The old i have been AMD for 15 years story. I could name plenty of Ati/Amd/Nvidia cards in that time that are far superior as an upgrade in that time.

9700/9800pro/1900xtx/8800gtx/280gtx. There is plenty more but that's just a few.

You must have been buying some really bad cards over this 15 year period to feel like the 1080 is the best upgrade you have had.
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Nvidia must be pretty mad. I can only imagine they hoped to release their 1060 at £275+

Fat chance of that now.

With a 980TI level card at £350 Its certainly put Nvidia in a difficult position.
I doubt GP106 is as fast as P10 so they would have to cut the 1080 die down even more and for that money.

Which means the majority of their 1080 dies end up in £180 cards.

Not a chance.
13 Oct 2009
Also why would the NDA end on the day of release? whether it's true or not; it makes me think they're hiding something by stopping reviews

That is indeed somewhat disconcerting, but very common for GPU launches. Hopefully it's just to keep nvidia in the dark about the performance of the card. Pretty sure we'll see more leaks in the upcoming weeks especially around E3. Could very well be that they have something else up their sleeve (RX 480X maybe?), to counter the GTX 1070.

Going to be interesting to see nvidia's reaction, and I am sure we are going to see really cheap maxwell cards soon, because if you already own a GTX 970 or 980 - what's the point in upgrading to something that is barely any better? ;)
13 Oct 2009
The old i have been AMD for 15 years story. I could name plenty of Ati/Amd/Nvidia cards in that time that are far superior as an upgrade in that time.

9700/9800pro/1900xtx/8800gtx/280gtx. There is plenty more but that's just a few.

You must have been buying some really bad cards over this 15 year period to feel like the 1080 is the best upgrade you have had.

Considering the GTX 1080 is by far the fastest and newest card, it should come as no surprise that it has been his best upgrade so far, until he moves on to the next card and so on. ;) It's like when companies state that this is their most advanced product yet, when the opposite would just be retarded; it's obviously their most advanced product, because why would they be releasing an inferior product? :p
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
That is indeed somewhat disconcerting, but very common for GPU launches. Hopefully it's just to keep nvidia in the dark about the performance of the card. Pretty sure we'll see more leaks in the upcoming weeks especially around E3. Could very well be that they have something else up their sleeve (RX 480X maybe?), to counter the GTX 1070.

Going to be interesting to see nvidia's reaction, and I am sure we are going to see really cheap maxwell cards soon, because if you already own a GTX 970 or 980 - what's the point in upgrading to something that is barely any better? ;)

IMO there is a 480X there not telling us about, this is the $200 RX 480 and they said "Cards from $100 to $300" its the middle one, which would be interesting if the 480 is at 980> performance, means there could be <1070 performance card for $300. the 480X.
28 May 2007
Considering the GTX 1080 is by far the fastest and newest card, it should come as no surprise that it has been his best upgrade so far, until he moves on to the next card and so on. ;) It's like when companies state that this is their most advanced product yet, when the opposite would just be retarded; it's obviously their most advanced product, because why would they be releasing an inferior product? :p

That's not the same thing. It's pretty obvious as time moves on so does technology. What i meant is my first real upgrade was from an mx420 to a 9800pro. I went from low settings on sof2 struggling for 30fps to max settings at over 200 fps. It was a massive jump in performance and visuals. These days you just don't get this kind of jump. My last upgrade was from a 6870 to a 290. This is a massive jump but no where near as good in relation. The 8800gtx was a massive jump from the high end before it while the 1080 is not.
30 Dec 2011
IMO there is a 480X there not telling us about, this is the $200 RX 480 and they said "Cards from $100 to $300" its the middle one, which would be interesting if the 480 is at 980> performance, means there could be <1070 performance card for $300. the 480X.

It's also a reference version. So this allows AIBs to do custom cooled versions with the normal ~$100 markup. I suspect Apple have declared "all your 480X are belong to us". :)
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