I have no problem with you buying on principle rather than what the best product is for you.Whatever mate. As we have clearly seen recently what the lack of competition from AMD does to prices from Nvidia, it would be pure blind fanboyism which leads to a monopoly in the gpu market.
Those who think consumers should not look at the bigger picture once in a while deserve the price hikes like those seen recently. I personally will not support companies that take advantage of such situations and abuse pricing like this.
It is in the interests of the consumer to make informed decisions. If Nvidia was in danger of dying then I would be supporting them when I can.
But DO NOT guilt somebody else for not doing the same. It has nothing to do with blind fanboyism. Consumers should be allowed to buy what they want, spend their money how they like, and not have asshats trying to tell them they are wrong, dumb or are a bad person for it(exceptions being proper moral issues like buying ivory or whatever).
And again, the context of the discussion was if Nvidia dropped prices. You would not be rewarding them for the high prices, you'd be rewarding them for dropping their prices. That sends the message, "Hey, I'll actually buy your product if you price it more reasonably", which is what we want, yea? But no, that is not good enough for some of you. For some of you, it is somehow our collective duty to prop up AMD and shun Nvidia. Seriously, if AMD brings out great products, they'll do fine. If the 480 is as good as some rumor it to be, it'll sell great. If you've got any confidence in them, then dont worry about it and leave people alone if they want to buy an Nvidia product instead.