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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

you should consider staying away from this forum

hmmm, I point out that perhaps we should try being a bit more inclusive of the community aspect of the forum and you respond with this

you seem to be projecting your own feelings on to me, because I have absolutely no issue having a good laugh at what people try to direct at each other over the internet

Many times I have seen people suggest people who can't justify buying a 1080 are just poor. Now that is insulting, yet I never saw you have a problem with that?

I've not seen this once, and if I had I would say the same thing to them
what people choose to spend their money on has very little relation to their income, it shouldn't have any bearing on how they are treated on this forum, insults should always be frowned upon even if they aren't directly moderated

as gregster points out, this forum is a reflection of the shop that runs it and I'm frankly surprised at the level of vitriol some people get away with directing at other customers

As a show of solidarity I back you and anyone elses willy waiving :D

I'm all for a bit of light hearted banter and when its obviously meant in jest its all good ;)
my original post was even a sarcastic approach to make light of it, but someone seems to be taking it all a bit too seriously
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Lets all agree on what Gregster said on move on? He has a point so lets all agree? Yaaaaay.

God im counting down the days its Killin me. Lol
480 where art thou :D

That forbes article was a good read cheers!
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Shame the mods dont delete crap posts that are arguments or offtopic. This topic would and others in gpu section would be a lot nicer to read and not filled with useless posts all the time. I get that theres not much to talk about really with the 480s due to lack of info but doesnt mean you should post random chat about nvidia vs amd or this that or the other. Go to GD for that or find a topic you can post something useful in, plenty around.
Where are you guys whenever it gets nasty in the EU referendum debates :(

For me I've said it before anyway, I want a card closer to what Nvidia are offering performance wise but more at AMD prices so I'm waiting for a price drop from Nividia or AMD to release there next ones that equate to the 490 / fury. Don't think either of the current cards interest me but if I was forced I'd opt for 480 at this point, it's good AMD offer cards looking towards value for a change. Hopefully this will translate to the higher end cards too.

If you see something wrong RTM it. We can't read every post in every thread.
Thing is you are looking at it wrong. The base clock is 1080 and it boosts to 1266.

A boost to 1400+ is quite substantial. Basically compare it to 980ti and its a similar overclock esp if some can hit 1500Mhz and people refer to the 980ti as a massive overclocker.

SO on that basis I would expect every card to be able to hit 1400+ and some to hit 1500.

1266 is boosts and 1400 is boosts as well, i am missing something?
An easy OC tool to accompany the GPUs would be good for a noob like me. My mobo does the same for my CPU without me doing anything.

Mine does also, but it puts my 4770k to around 72c when gaming when i put it on the Gigabyte EZ Tune thing to 4.4 lol, thats with a Phantek cooler on it.

Could possibly be cooler i think if i manually did the clock but i have no clue how to OC my Haswell CPU, last CPU i OC'd was a Q6600 and this Haswell is vastly different, so many more options.

So im just lazy and use the EZ-Tune thing, something similar for GPU would be good :)
Lets all agree on what Gregster said on move on? He has a point so lets all agree? Yaaaaay.

God im counting down the days its Killin me. Lol
480 where art thou :D

That forbes article was a good read cheers!

agreed - the Forbes article was a solid read with some very interesting information on AMD graphics :D
I still think this card will be r9 390x level,but probably with an overclock might hit Fury level.

If it does any better AMD will have a definite winner.

I've put it from the beginning at 980/390X levels at DX11 - with it improving as drivers improve to possibly nano......and between nano and fury levels in DX 12 and improving to higher with driver improvements.

now where it ends up overclocking we don't know......
i remember the old ati software used to have a overclocking tool that would find the best stable overclock for you, never worked that well mind you as it always over did it a bit but was ok if you knocked it down slightly after you ran it
i just found this, extreme mountains of salt required before viewing, i actually let out a little laugh

I told you this card would eventually end up faster than a 1080 eventually. lol

Anyways, really wish that we could get some solid gaming benchmarks. I could go a couple weeks without my 970 if I could be sure the 480 will be the card I want it to be.
I've put it from the beginning at 980/390X levels at DX11 - with it improving as drivers improve to possibly nano......and between nano and fury levels in DX 12 and improving to higher with driver improvements.

now where it ends up overclocking we don't know......

Thats the key aswell. 3D Mark also doesn't reflect the true performance difference in my opinion.

If you look at the following chart based on TweakTown benchmarks, 1070 FE vs Fury X and how much faster is the 1070 FE in percentage terms.

In 3D Mark Firestrike at 1440p, the 1070 FE is 15.4% faster. In 3D Mark Firestrike at 4K the 1070 FE is 10.6% faster.

But when we look at the games benchmarks, the percentage % difference is smaller at 1440p and even smaller at 4k. Infact, in some games the Fury X will beat the 1070 FE.

So if the 480 truly can OC to 1400mhz / 1500mhz (pure speculation) and does reach in spitting distance of a Fury X as WCCFTech claim... The performance difference between a £230-£250 card is not that much when compared to a £400 card.

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An easy OC tool to accompany the GPUs would be good for a noob like me. My mobo does the same for my CPU without me doing anything.
Auto-overclock settings for CPU tend to be a bit......sketchy. You may get the performance, but they will often turn the voltage a good bit higher than needed. Much better to manually adjust multipliers and voltage to find the ideal balance between performance and temperatures. Takes a bit more work, but it is worth it, and is not just something MAX overclockers benefit from. There are a good number of tutorials out there to show how to do this.

That said, GPU overclocking is usually a whole lot simpler. Unless you're interested in getting every last drop of performance from your card, it's pretty easy to just use something like MSI Afterburner, throw the power slider up to max and then add on another 100-200Mhz+(depending on how good the GPU overclocks) with the clock slider. It may not be 'auto overclocking', but it's really brain dead easy.
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Previously discussed. Poor photoshop clone job.

I'm not at all saying it is real, but if you're a random dude who got your hands on a card to play around with and you don't have the other cards to compare with, it's not insane to just take an existing graph and fit in your result to give an impression of where the performance is.

Being a photoshopped bar chart doesn't make the result false, it's just a different way of making a barchart.

Also iirc the performance this guy showed for the base RX480 was initially disbelieved but since then others believe that is about where the cards will actually be.
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