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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

Well they are going to be bringing Vega later down the line. This is just their small-medium die.

Also they have implied they're going for many-smaller-dies in future (so multi gpu on an interposer). And in theory they can make this work really well with DX12 and Vulkan.

But we'll only know for sure if things are going that way if/when a generation of consoles starts using 2 or more gpus.

In theory? Mgpu requires developer support, something that has been severely lacking of late.
So FuryX owners see their cards as being comparable to a $20 casio?

Or once again are community members being criticised as "willy wavers" for taking part in the community aspect of this forum?

Tell you what, why not go in to the project logs section of the website post in every thread that the person posting pics of their rig is just a willy waver, see how far that gets you
Apple talk again. Its nothing like prefaring one gfx card over another.

I have iphone and samsung and the iphone is the better phone imo, i do not walk around saying everyone should buy an iphone or post on phone forums that i have one and people really should accept that people have different views on everything in life and your not a moron if you choose something different to suit your needs.
Well, it's WFFC always have your salt ready but here you go:

480 can OC to 1400+Mhz, AMD will provide special OC software with voltage control.


all aboard the hype train !

So FuryX owners see their cards as being comparable to a $20 casio?

Or once again are community members being criticised as "willy wavers" for taking part in the community aspect of this forum?

Tell you what, why not go in to the project logs section of the website post in every thread that the person posting pics of their rig is just a willy waver, see how far that gets you

Calm down mate. Everyone is free to do whatever they want with their life. If posting a picture of their new expensive card makes them happy, then by all means. No need to get all sensitive about it.

Besides, there is a big difference between pictures of a rig which look visually pleasing vs picture of a card with your forum handle to prove you own a cool card :p

It is funny how many people I have seen sell their 980Ti to add another £200-£300 on top to get a 1080. One guy even argued for ages about how happy he is with his Titan X and how pointless it is for him to go for a 1080 and would be waiting on the 1080Ti. Same guy recently put his up his TX for sale and got a 1080, too funny :D
480 - $230
1070 - $370

$140/230 = 60.8% more

it's 379$ not 370$ so it's 65% more.
but in reality it's more like 75%, there is no 379$ 1070, average price is 400$.
but honestly you should go by reference price since he was talking about crossfire, so blower fans, 229$ against 449$, that rounds up to 96% more :D

Im lost, I am sure 375 is 47.9% more than 230. So how are you getting 60%+?

Even if it was 50% more it works out to 345, not 375.

EDIT: I have worked out the difference! Just noticed! Haha
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Calm down mate. Everyone is free to do whatever they want with their life. If posting a picture of their new expensive card makes them happy, then by all means. No need to get all sensitive about it.

Besides, there is a big difference between pictures of a rig which look visually pleasing vs picture of a card with your forum handle to prove you own a cool card :p

I'm completely calm thanks fella. I just find it peculiar that some people come to a hardware enthusiasts forum and post up stuff about not understanding or accusing people of being willy wavers for talking about their hardware.

mine and troopers examples were to point out how ridiculous you are being calling people names for doing what people who are part of a community generally do

you can't call someone a "willy waver" in one post and then in the very next one say "people are free to do what they want", people don't normally feel free to do what they want with someone calling them childish names every time they do it
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I'm completely calm thanks fella. I just find it peculiar that some people come to a hardware enthusiasts forum and post up stuff about not understanding or accusing people of being willy wavers for talking about their hardware.

mine and troopers examples were to point out how ridiculous you are being calling people names for doing what people who are part of a community generally do

you can't call someone a "willy waver" in one post and then in the very next one say "people are free to do what they want", people don't normally feel free to do what they want with someone calling them childish names every time they do it

All I did was agree with what two others said. I also explained how there is a difference between posting a picture of a rig, or even a car. Those are usually customised in some way to each individual and are visually pleasing to look at hence I understand.

Again, no big deal. People should do what pleases them. Everyone is different and it's all relative.

Though forgive me if I find it amusing when people contradict themselves :p
I'm completely calm thanks fella. I just find it peculiar that some people come to a hardware enthusiasts forum and post up stuff about not understanding or accusing people of being willy wavers for talking about their hardware.

mine and troopers examples were to point out how ridiculous you are being calling people names for doing what people who are part of a community generally do

you can't call someone a "willy waver" in one post and then in the very next one say "people are free to do what they want", people don't normally feel free to do what they want with someone calling them childish names every time they do it

The article actually says 1500MHz+ on air. So 1600MHz should be realistic with watercooling :)

Unless it's all lies. Would not be surprised if it was. Lol

With th enew process I would expect higher clocks than the previous generation so 1500MHz should not be seen as a fantasy. If Nvidia can get over 2000MHz I'm sure AMD with their refined GCN4 can get at least 15000MHz.

With non-reference coolers any new gen card should be cool enough since they use much less power than the old gen.
I'm completely calm thanks fella. I just find it peculiar that some people come to a hardware enthusiasts forum and post up stuff about not understanding or accusing people of being willy wavers for talking about their hardware.

mine and troopers examples were to point out how ridiculous you are being calling people names for doing what people who are part of a community generally do

you can't call someone a "willy waver" in one post and then in the very next one say "people are free to do what they want", people don't normally feel free to do what they want with someone calling them childish names every time they do it
To be fair the community is usually mostly bragging or fighting half the time :p When I try and discuss issues that effect the entire community like gsynch being divisive compared to freesynch, prices of Nvidia cards not being good for expanding the community, looking at which card I buy from an industry wide perspective such as what tech they'll bring in the future and which company would offer the brighter future given the lead (regularly bemoaned by many), gameworks and how it was developing and being divisive to the community then generally there was quite a bit of hostility there too. Not everyone will always agree, some may view the people with the 'must have latest toy now' philosiphy that fuel Nvidia's overcharging and bad practices as bad for the general community and then there's those that simply don't care about the community and when push comes to shove opt for the 'just go it alone and buy whatever you want' approach. That's cool as long as people respect the issues but not many seem to even get that far.

Like you said yourself, it's a community so guess what ... differing opinions. Some might prefer more discussion and less willy waiving in a community but for me I'm not bothered either way as I think it's fine either way but lets be honest, if you're promoting community then expect differing opinions and also don't expect the thin connection this community has due to regular fighting and sticking up noses to make it the most sensitive community anyway ;) People are usually more interested in whether they are green or red around here from what I've seen. Plenty of good fish in the pond though so I'm not trying to tar everyone with the same brush.
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Unfortunately a lot of people like to brag and Willy wave

a lot of people are morons

a lot of people own Nvidia cards

a lot of people own AMD cards

Quite a few forum members here are atleast 2 of the four above, that my friends is the facts of life
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