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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

18 Oct 2002
So i own a 290x - i don't have a preference for either Nvidia or AMD. I just buy whatever i feel at the time offers me the most value, depends on the deals about.. Before the 290x i had a 780Ti - but somebody offered me a substantial amount of cash on top to trade so he could SLI.

The key for Nvidia will be the 1060, if i look at it in context of the previous generation performance i'm not that shocked by the 480.

The 970 was 47% faster than the 960. So if the 1060 was as fast as the 980, it was would 45% slower than the 1070. Essentially we all in the same ballpark generation to generation.

The interesting part will be the squeeze it puts on Nvidias pricing. Essentially meaning the increases they've applied to the 1080 and 1070 aren't going to be do-able for the 1060, well not without making them uncompetitive in that sector.

It's a major boon for consumers.

I Agree with this and talked about it earlier. The 1060 is going ti be skmomar ballpark performance to the 480 and Nvidia can definitely afford to price it comparably. The issue is the 1070 and especially 1080 will look very out of place price wise and there will be a big happy between the 1060 and 1070. I'm not sure Nvidia will like that at all. They also wont want to lower 1070 and 1080 prices so soon as it would be admitting a pricing error.

AMD did a great job setting the 480 at $200, I just hope they have sufficient margins for the future. If AMD can massively invest in their crossfire support (not just drivers but proactive developer engagement) then they could be in a very strong and interesting position.
8 May 2014
A 480 is faster than a 390x?

Fingers crossed these sell well forcing Nvidia to drop their 10 series prices.

as i said earlier i am positive that the first price cut for 10 series will come in july, and not a small cut, it will probably be around 50$ for the 1070 and 70$ for the 1080 ( at least )
18 Oct 2002
as i said earlier i am positive that the first price cut for 10 series will come in july, and not a small cut, it will probably be around 50$ for the 1070 and 70$ for the 1080 ( at least )

I don't think so. These cards exist in a market of their own. The FuryX is like $550 and soundly beaten by a card nearly $200 cheaper.

It's Nvidia's lower end that will have to get priced right. The 1060 is definitely close but if it isn't then will we see the 980 drop to $250 and 970 to $180 to compete against the 480?
7 Aug 2013
Is it so silly if AMD really go for it and work even harder with Devs to get it to succeed? What if AMD decide that it maybe more cost effective to produce lots of mid range cards or if they start putting two P10 chips on a card for a dual setup (due to smaller chips and better yields) and to make crossfire/mGPU more cost effective for them to produce and for us to buy, than producing/buying a single top end card. Lots of people bought two 970s instead of 980Ti's in this respect.

Just a bit of pie in the sky based on those Master Plan videos. :)
I think you're misunderstanding that it's not going to be like before when it comes to DX12. Working with the GPU manufacturer is going to be of very limited help because it'll be down to the developers to manage the graphics tasks to the different GPU's themselves. Before, this was something largely handled with drivers, so Nvidia/AMD could provide abstracted functionality through a driver, but this wont be the case anymore.

And as I said, rendering pipelines have become more and more complicated. Which means that not only will developers have to do things on their own for the most part, but the actual work involved is going to be more troublesome.

it isn't silly, it's not a coincidence that the leaks about the new PS4K suggest the current GPU performance multiplied by 2 or microsoft for the xbone4k multiplied by 3.
these console upgrades will have 2 or 3 way gpus, and Devs will have to deal with multi-gpu, not as a bonus feature, but a must go through when working on console, and ofc this will translate into PC ports, it's a win/win for both amd and nvidia, but the real + for AMD would be DX12 frequent usage for such games.
As I've said before, multi-GPU consoles are not going to happen. Developers would throw temper tantrums over it and rightfully so.

You've obviously watched that 'one' video and bought into completely although it's complete wild speculation, and unrealistic speculation at that.
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20 May 2007
I don't think so. These cards exist in a market of their own. The FuryX is like $550 and soundly beaten by a card nearly $200 cheaper.

It's Nvidia's lower end that will have to get priced right. The 1060 is definitely close but if it isn't then will we see the 980 drop to $250 and 970 to $180 to compete against the 480?

? The 970 and 980 will be discontinued :p
25 Jul 2014
I always seem to alternate between AMD and Nvidia, last moved from a 7870 to a 970. I think it's partly because every so often AMD do like to throw in a bargain of a card, Nvidia don't usually do that.
24 Feb 2014
Anything know if anything higher than 480 could be in the works soon? I'm guessing this wont compete with the 1070, & from what I've read it isnt really worth upgrading to 1070 from the r9 290 I have atm, especially looking at the division benchmarks, which is pretty much all I play atm.
1 Dec 2011
Promising news, hope the prices translate well to GBP. Always had ATI/AMD so I was thinking I might venture to Nvidia next time but this 8GB RX 480 looks interesting at the right price.

Releases in the US for $199, in the UK that means we get it for £299 and £399 when online shops feel like ripping customers off to get the card a week early :p
8 May 2014
i hope AMD doesnt do the same as fury pro and force AIBs to 28cm cooler for a 16cm pcb.
they didnt even bother making a specific cooler for polaris they just slapped the 300/duo reference on it, hope hey dont end up like 290x reference for thermals and noise.
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