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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

21 Nov 2014
South Wales
You will see reviews at the exact time you can buy it. You will have all the information needed on the day of release so can make an informed opinion whether you want to or not. This has been standard practice for the majority of launches over the years from both companies.

+1 Exactly

If this was being done by Nvidia you would all be saying "Hey look at that, you can purchase cards on launch day" and would be shouting it from the highest treetops.

Nothing is making you buy before reading a few reviews. I don't know about you, but I have never bought a gfx card without reading a lot of reviews first...I guess if your an Nvidia user that may/may not be a null point. :eek:
20 May 2007
+1 Exactly

If this was being done by Nvidia you would all be saying "Hey look at that, you can purchase cards on launch day" and would be shouting it from the highest treetops.

Nothing is making you buy before reading a few reviews. I don't know about you, but I have never bought a gfx card without reading a lot of reviews first...I guess if your an Nvidia user that may/may not be a null point. :eek:

Jesus wept.
21 Nov 2014
South Wales
He certainly does his homework before uttering a word on any of his topics. I like that he takes that effort from me since I couldn't be bothered to read that much.

Yeah, I agree. Lots of logic to his thinking too. If you have seen the Master Plan videos and his latest update (and if you havent, you should) I think he is pretty much on the right track with what AMD are doing.

If you watch the AMD announcement, one of the slides mentions mGPU support on the far right and I believe Raja Koduri said something about putting a lot of emphasis on mGPU support in the next 12 months. They do seem to have upped their game with drivers, as promised.

I believe that, that is what AMD are going to do. If AMD/RTG can really make in roads into their Crossfire/mGPU DirectX 12 support and make it work well then we are in for quite a ride, especially with cards at the RX 480 price point.
4 Feb 2006
50% gpu utilization in the bench they showed the 480 xfire beating the 1080, whilst the 1080 was maxed out. So I would say we can expect at minimum 980 and at max fury speed.

That 50% utilization is strange though. I had crossfire cards where 50% utilization meant it was running at about the same fps as a single card.
Assuming AMD can get utilization upto about 80-90% like most crossfire games then the 480 CF should be roughly 25% faster than a 1080.

If the videocardz leaked benchmark is correct then the 480 should be about Fury Nano level performance which is excellent value for a sub £200 card.

3 Oct 2009
So i own a 290x - i don't have a preference for either Nvidia or AMD. I just buy whatever i feel at the time offers me the most value, depends on the deals about.. Before the 290x i had a 780Ti - but somebody offered me a substantial amount of cash on top to trade so he could SLI.

The key for Nvidia will be the 1060, if i look at it in context of the previous generation performance i'm not that shocked by the 480.

The 970 was 47% faster than the 960. So if the 1060 was as fast as the 980, it was would 45% slower than the 1070. Essentially we all in the same ballpark generation to generation.

The interesting part will be the squeeze it puts on Nvidias pricing. Essentially meaning the increases they've applied to the 1080 and 1070 aren't going to be do-able for the 1060, well not without making them uncompetitive in that sector.

It's a major boon for consumers.
3 Oct 2009
This is the actual benchmark submission from that slide, Dave found it and put it in the other thread. http://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/11263084

It was submitted long before Computex, no one can ever be sure if anything like this is legit, and yet everything matches up to what we now know, including the clock speeds.

If true its as fast as a Fury, or 15% shy of a 980TI, $200.

I'm hoping for 980 to 390x performance, if it ends up doing that then Nvidia will have to re-think their pricing.
26 May 2014
This is the actual benchmark submission from that slide, Dave found it and put it in the other thread. http://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/11263084

It was submitted long before Computex, no one can ever be sure if anything like this is legit, and yet everything matches up to what we now know, including the clock speeds.

If true its as fast as a Fury, or 15% shy of a 980TI, $200.
That's a strangely-modest system they've benchmarked it on. A non-K 4770 on a H87 motherboard with 1600MHz DDR3.
23 Jan 2013
Definitely a good announcement for Radeon graphics, it will be interesting to see what the next few will be i.e. 490, or the next fury? :) Brilliant price point
7 Aug 2013
I believe that, that is what AMD are going to do. If AMD/RTG can really make in roads into their Crossfire/mGPU DirectX 12 support and make it work well then we are in for quite a ride, especially with cards at the RX 480 price point.
This is quite silly for the sole reason that multi-GPU support in DX12 is largely down to developers and is not abstracted in the drivers anymore.

I can see a push for multi-GPU implementations in VR applications, but I can only think that traditional Crossfire/SLI is going to slowly become less and less supported. Not only are rendering pipelines become more complicated and non-straightforward(a major reason mGPU support has fallen off in the past few years), but developers are going to be hard pressed to spend the extra time and resources to optimize for a fairly niche system setup.
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