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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

14 Dec 2013
Wake me up when Vega or the 1080Ti launches. :p

Seriously though I hope this is a success for AMD, they really do need a winning product to turn their fortunes around.
21 Nov 2014
South Wales
This is quite silly for the sole reason that multi-GPU support in DX12 is largely down to developers and is not abstracted in the drivers anymore.

I can see a push for multi-GPU implementations in VR applications, but I can only think that traditional Crossfire/SLI is going to slowly become less and less supported. Not only are rendering pipelines become more complicated and non-straightforward(a major reason mGPU support has fallen off in the past few years), but developers are going to be hard pressed to spend the extra time and resources to optimize for a fairly niche system setup.

Is it so silly if AMD really go for it and work even harder with Devs to get it to succeed? What if AMD decide that it maybe more cost effective to produce lots of mid range cards or if they start putting two P10 chips on a card for a dual setup (due to smaller chips and better yields) and to make crossfire/mGPU more cost effective for them to produce and for us to buy, than producing/buying a single top end card. Lots of people bought two 970s instead of 980Ti's in this respect.

Just a bit of pie in the sky based on those Master Plan videos. :)
16 Feb 2011
good price will have to see benchmarks I wouldnt go back to amd because of poor drivers for games and nvidia gameworks always gimping games when having a amd card. I also own the shield tv. but that is a good price point for someone wanting a cheap gaming rig without breaking the bank too much. I think the 1060 is prob ready to be shown off now
8 May 2014
This is quite silly for the sole reason that multi-GPU support in DX12 is largely down to developers and is not abstracted in the drivers anymore.

I can see a push for multi-GPU implementations in VR applications, but I can only think that traditional Crossfire/SLI is going to slowly become less and less supported. Not only are rendering pipelines become more complicated and non-straightforward(a major reason mGPU support has fallen off in the past few years), but developers are going to be hard pressed to spend the extra time and resources to optimize for a fairly niche system setup.

it isn't silly, it's not a coincidence that the leaks about the new PS4K suggest the current GPU performance multiplied by 2 or microsoft for the xbone4k multiplied by 3.
these console upgrades will have 2 or 3 way gpus, and Devs will have to deal with multi-gpu, not as a bonus feature, but a must go through when working on console, and ofc this will translate into PC ports, it's a win/win for both amd and nvidia, but the real + for AMD would be DX12 frequent usage for such games.
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