Bit of a side question, who is running an R9 290 on a 1440p 144hz freesync screen and plays The Division? ive been holding off buying a new monitor as i was waiting on the AMD stuff to compare to Nvidia before vendor locking myself.
Seems I will be sticking with AMD, while im tempted by the 480, i can just buy a screen right now to run my 290 on, i only really play Grim Dawn, D3, Division, Elder Scrolls online and Wow, most of these dont tax the 290, the Division does a bit though.
Just wondering what kinda framerate im going to get on a 290 @ 1440p, im guessing it should be in the Freesync range, but this also makes me think i might aswell trade up my 290 anyhow for a 480 for now til big Vega comes and then move to that?