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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

2 Oct 2012
It may be faster than the model it replaces but for a new gen card dont consumers expect it to beat the model up from the previous gen at least? From what im reading this doesnt beat the 970.

From the reviews ive seen it either matches it or is slightly faster than the 970. Its right in between 970 and 980 performance. People was expecting it to match or beat 980/390x including me tbh. It's where all this disappointment is coming from as well as certain people lapping it up and playing on the disappointment.
25 Sep 2011
United Kingdom
I just made this for myself, thought it may be useful to others:

27 Aug 2008
I was hoping for 390X peformance but quite disappointed by another 390/970.

Maybe the aftermarket cards will overclock like crazy but at what price? If they come in at over £270 then they would have to beat a 980 or else pointless.

Although they do seem to respond well to core clock increase from the reviews I have seen, I wouldn't bank on it. As you say they will cost more.
A 4GB with aftermarket cooler for under £200 might be attractive if they can OC more than reviews have shown with reference cards.
2 Oct 2012
I see the Americans are going wild for the 480. But then again. They are actually getting the card for $199. Which is a lot less to most Americans than we are paying. I think the cards will be a success. But not here.

That's the problem atm. In the UK we always pay that invisible UK rip off tax but on top of that atm there is the currency which is dropping in value since the referendum. It's quite likely why the 10 series prices seem so bad. I'm surprised the 10 series prices haven't jumped up even more due to supply problems from AIB and the currency taking a massive poop.

Going to be interesting to see prices of AIB 480s
2 Jun 2014
Yep the 4gb 480 has more vram than the 4gb 970, nice maths there batman.

Does insulting people over the internet make you feel good? :confused:

The 970s memory is cut into two segments. Because of this it cannot fully utilise all 4gb of its memory like other cards would.

Next time do some research, Sherlock. :p
18 Feb 2015
He tested the 480 in CF in 23 games and Crossfire was only broken in 6 of them.... I can't believe he said "only broken in 6 of them". That just reiterates that CF and SLI can do one for the foreseeable future for me.

Broken because of tech choices (e.g. Doom) or just sloppy development (e.g. Arkham Knight, Anno 2205), so that's not really on AMD/Nvidia's shoulders. There's way more games that work with CF/SLI than don't, so it's not that bad. You can't expect AMD & Nvidia to develop the games for them now can you!
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
Tarinder said:
The reason I'm more hopeful of quality AIB cards is because the reference board isn't good. If the game can really hammer the GPU then the engine core clock never hits 1,266MHz, quoted as the peak speed by AMD. I know this because of the following frequencies produced during the 3DMark Stress Test:

http://hexus.net/media/uploaded/2016/6/db0c372d-b4cc-46ce-86ac-cc62370d0c5b.txt - it's about 100MHz off peak, because the temperature is hitting the default 80°C, and the GPU is scaling back. This is without increasing the board power. The effect is less prevalent in games, mind.

A quality Asus or Sapphire cooler ought to keep temps in check and allow the RX 480 GPU to hit its frequency stride more often.

We're down for getting one of the very first Sapphire own-designed cards in the next few days; its review scores will make for an interesting comparison.

Wait,what he is getting a custom card soon??
18 Feb 2015
It may be faster than the model it replaces but for a new gen card dont consumers expect it to beat the model up from the previous gen at least? From what im reading this doesnt beat the 970.

Do people also expect next year's Honda Civic to be a BMW M3? If they do, they're going to be disappointed because that's not what it was intended to be. Likewise, the 480 wasn't intended to occupy the high-end card segment, i.e. be a successor to the 390/x. Those cards are coming out later on.

What I find funny is that no one's complaining so much that the 1070 is basically at 980ti levels and not faster when this here is the same situation.
8 Aug 2003
I can't see custom cards selling very well if they are priced over £250.

Just my views:
Think many find the 1070 is too expensive and WE NEED a card that is 390X / 980+ performance in the £250-£300 price point.

We may see some 1060 AIB duke it out for the £250+ performance crown or the 1070 come down in price as aggressive competition.
Sure old cards are going to get cheaper but constantly in this thread why do people keep neglecting the new features.

I eagerly await an affordable 21:9 Freesync HDR monitor. By next year the UHD Premium 4K tellys (proper 10 bit) will be a lot cheaper. Full 10bit HDR should not be underrated in how gorgeous it can make not only games appear but streaming content like Netflix etc.

Sure some of you within a year will be onto another card but many here @ Ocuk are not representative of the general public. They might want a £250 or more card last them at least 2 years. Buying a card without the new features is less future proof even if they have potentially better framerate or overclock performances
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26 Oct 2013
Nice, one.
So in short, on average it's around 30% slower than 1070 for less than half price, or 10% slower (5fps average) than 980 for £100 less (50% less).

Looks good value to me.

Just remember though, people seemed to be putting this card on a pedestal and expecting it to be some kind of Titan X killer for £180. That alone is why this is being seen as a 'fail'.

I accept I hoped for more and i still remain hopeful there is more to come but time will tell on that.
7 Aug 2013
Just remember though, people seemed to be putting this card on a pedestal and expecting it to be some kind of Titan X killer for £180. That alone is why this is being seen as a 'fail'.
No, 'people' were not doing that. A small minority were getting overexcited about things. Most of us were expecting more like 390X/980 performance, which is where the disappointment is coming from.
8 Aug 2003
Multi-GPU setups are headaches and you're just as likely to be stuck with little to no scaling in many situations for double the cost.

I tend to agree overall a single card is best even if its interesting/eventual upgrade path for some. The GTX1070 ZOTEC AMP EXTREME @ £400 looks to be rather mighty and upto 1080 standard performance.
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