RAF recruitment, has it gone a bit too far...

Just glad I'm old enough to have enjoyed times not ruined by the ever sicker political correctness, and have no children to go to my grave concerned about. We have gone from immigration biting us on the arse to a future where they'll be tearing our throats out, (whilst our masters apologise to them for specious "stuff").

Those that fought for the UK and all it stood for, I thank you, those so called British that would see us "made better" by uncontrolled multiculturalism and immigration, have fun, it won't last long before the reality of what you're supporting sinks in. Probably needs a war to be frank...See who is there for you and yours.
Just glad I'm old enough to have enjoyed times not ruined by the ever sicker political correctness, and have no children to go to my grave concerned about. We have gone from immigration biting us on the arse to a future where they'll be tearing our throats out, (whilst our masters apologise to them for specious "stuff").

Those that fought for the UK and all it stood for, I thank you, those so called British that would see us "made better" by uncontrolled multiculturalism and immigration, have fun, it won't last long before the reality of what you're supporting sinks in. Probably needs a war to be frank...See who is there for you and yours.
Britain had an Empire that spanned almost the entire globe. We weren't invited to any of those places, as I recall :p

I don't blame anyone living today for that, of course. But it's kind of poetic that people from all over the globe are now returning to Britain.

My question to them would be: Why the hell do you want to come to this right-wing lunatic asylum?

But that's going off on a tangent. The RAF recruitment policy was bonkers.
At least the discrimination has been recognised and not just swept under the carpet

Sadly it took the failures of a whole raft of weak minded, spineless senior Officers passing down an obviously illegal order before it finally hit an Officer worthy of their Oath (Group Captain Nicholl) who finally said No!

I've banged on about this a lot but the RAF's entire Senior Officer corps needs gutting from top to bottom, not only because they are grossly over-manned for the size of the RAF*, but because a whole tranche have proven to be unworthy of the rank and have become a distraction from the entire raison d'etre of the RAF with their incompetence.

Even with a new Head of the RAF (CAS) who "seems" to be a decent bloke, the rot is still firmly in place and its quickly destroying the enlisted folks faith in the entire senior leadership of the RAF as proven by the results of the Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey in which the belief that the senior leadership were doing a "good" job had halved!

* - There is roughly 155 RAF senior Officers with a rank equivalent to the Army rank of a "General" for only 30,000 "Troops" that make up the entire RAF - thats 1 "General" per 193 "Troops" vs the Army who has 210 Generals for 78,000 Troops - 1 General per 370 Troops - almost double the amount and the amount of garbage jobs the RAF senior leadership have "invented" simply to deliberately boost their numbers is disgusting!
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This should really be the scandal of the decade, not just a very small byline.

I mean just take a minute and actually *think* about it.

It's just so absurd it borders on surreal.
Sadly it took the failures of a whole raft of weak minded, spineless senior Officers passing down an obviously illegal order before it finally hit an Officer worthy of their Oath (Group Captain Nicholl) who finally said No!

I've banged on about this a lot but the RAF's entire Senior Officer corps needs gutting from top to bottom, not only because they are grossly over-manned for the size of the RAF*, but because a whole tranche have proven to be unworthy of the rank and have become a distraction from the entire raison d'etre of the RAF with their incompetence.

Even with a new Head of the RAF (CAS) who "seems" to be a decent bloke, the rot is still firmly in place and its quickly destroying the enlisted folks faith in the entire senior leadership of the RAF as proven by the results of the Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey in which the belief that the senior leadership were doing a "good" job had halved!

* - There is roughly 155 RAF senior Officers with a rank equivalent to the Army rank of a "General" for only 30,000 "Troops" that make up the entire RAF - thats 1 "General" per 193 "Troops" vs the Army who has 210 Generals for 78,000 Troops - 1 General per 370 Troops - almost double the amount and the amount of garbage jobs the RAF senior leadership have "invented" simply to deliberately boost their numbers is disgusting!

Could it be that the RAF needs to pay those highly experienced people to actually stay in the RAF and not leave to get paid big bucks for some Middle Eastern country? My Uncle was in the RAF working on Nimrod and he was offered loads of money to go work in Saudi Arabia or somewhere in that area.
Listening to the radio about this yesterday and they kept referring to it as the RAF's policy of positive discrimination. There is no positivity resulting from discrimination. When a demographic is put at a disadvantage because of their skin colour or gender then it is simply discrimination.

At least the discrimination has been recognised and not just swept under the carpet

It only come to light because a senior officer refused to implement the policy, blew the whistle and then resigned. I doubt the RAF wanted to bring it to light voluntarily. They certainly didn't recognise it until the whistleblower made it public.
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Could it be that the RAF needs to pay those highly experienced people to actually stay in the RAF and not leave to get paid big bucks for some Middle Eastern country? My Uncle was in the RAF working on Nimrod and he was offered loads of money to go work in Saudi Arabia or somewhere in that area.

Nope, the people like myself who leave and go to Saudi/Qatar/Oman etc are usually those "workers" directly involved in operational flying (Aircrew, Engineer, Simulator Technicians etc) which is where Saudis/Qataris/Omanis etc need the most help and therefore the people who do that tend to be much lower in Rank than the "management" senior Officers above. So for example a pilot (say Flt Lt or Sqn Ldr) is only 1/3 of the way up the Officer promotion chain whereas the senior Officers are the top 1/3 and in my experience its true for the Engineers too, mostly SAC/CPL "workers" (bottom 1/3 of promotion chain) leave to go to the Middle East, rather than "management" FS/WO levels (top 1/3) - so pretty much it's the "workers" who go whilst the "management" generally tend to have found better jobs in the UK when they leave and don't need to go abroad for the extra money.

Looking at the excessive amount of Senior Officers mentioned above, some of them have jobs which make sense and I don't deny that some of these roles are very much needed, but on the other hand there are jobs like "Head of RAF Sport" for example, which apparently needs a person to be paid £115k+ per year (and a 50% pension on retirement), or Attachés to various embassies (again £115k+ per year again), or a single person paid £125k+ just to look after "RAF Scotland" with it's one, single air base and then there's "cross-over" roles where 7 Officers all have the same title i.e "Head of Training" etc.

The reason for this level of "over-Officering" is, and sadly it's a well established trope, that the only people who can create/manage the roles are the same ones who do them, rather than being managed by the MOD, so sometimes (not every-time TBH) they create roles to create extra places just for their low-rank work-mates to get promoted and fill, who then all get a lovely pay bump and a much better pension when they leave, and because its only senior Officers who create roles, its also only them who can cancel the role, which never happens, meaning the senior officer branch gets bigger and bigger every year whilst the number of people in the RAF gets lower. It's all very much "Jobs for the Boys" sadly.

As an example of this, every RAF base this year, which used to be managed by a single Group Captain (1 rank below "General") has now been split into two Group Captain roles - Infrastructure and Flying - so instantly we've created a dozen new Group Captain roles which now need to be filled by a whole bunch of extra Group Captains, all being paid around £95k-105k a year, and a percentage of these extra Group Captains will need to be promoted, meaning that extra Air Commodore (rank equivalent of "General") roles will need to be created for them to move into, creating even more £115k+ jobs which you, me and every other tax payer pays for at a time when the number of people in the RAF keeps dropping further and further - But the Senior Officers on their 6 figure wages and 50% pensions don't care about that, and they're the only ones who can reverse these decisions, and that'll never happen because they're "in on it" for want of a better term as, understandably for them, none would close their own position even if it could instead be combined with another.

Just to put our own bloated senior Officer corps into context - The Israeli Defence Force (Army/Air Force/Navy etc) is similar in size to the UK's Armed Forces (full time) at around 130k-150k people - It only uses 25 "General" rank senior Officers for those 140k people (link). Or how about this, in WW2 the Army had just 362 Generals for over 2.5 Million Soldiers but now still has 210 Generals for just 78,000 Soldiers etc (yes its endemic through-out our whole military, the Navies just as bad too).
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Could it be that the RAF needs to pay those highly experienced people to actually stay in the RAF and not leave to get paid big bucks for some Middle Eastern country? My Uncle was in the RAF working on Nimrod and he was offered loads of money to go work in Saudi Arabia or somewhere in that area.

I hear China is recruiting British pilots you should join you'll fit in
Could it be that the RAF needs to pay those highly experienced people to actually stay in the RAF and not leave to get paid big bucks for some Middle Eastern country? My Uncle was in the RAF working on Nimrod and he was offered loads of money to go work in Saudi Arabia or somewhere in that area.

Military pay is based on rank, with very little variation for the role you actually do. On the whole, very few trades gain useful civilian qualifications because the government know that you’ll just leave and use them to get paid more. This is why being an RAF pilot does not allow you to fly civilian aircraft - why would you stay in and do the military stuff if you can get paid twice as much to fly around the world in comfort and hotels?

I happen to be in one of the exceptional posts where I’ve been given my civilian aircraft engineering licence (long story) and I’m now serving my 3 year Return of Service for the RAF giving it to me for free. Once I leave and take up the same role out of uniform, my pay will go from under 40k to 60k and up, with options for overtime plus my military pension.

They try and make people stay by offering lump sums, but these always end up being targeted at the wrong people and when taxed result in payments which just won’t keep people in unless they were planning on staying anyway.

Randomly, I did my first 8 years on Nimrod up in Scotland.
Is the King’s Coronation medal being issued generally yet or only for those directly involved in the ceremony?

Units are putting together lists of those eligible, but no, medal is not been issued yet.

Criteria is 5yrs service at time of KC - so people are getting miniatures and ribbons done now before the rush.
Talking of Medals, can anyone ID this particular one? I think its the Sierra Leone OSM from the colours (poor image I know) but that doesn't make sense having them ordered as Iraq '03 (Op Telic), Afghan '01 onwards (Op Veritas and Herrick) and then SL as they should be laid in the order awarded from left to right and SL was awarded in 2000-2002.

I think the colour is the same as the Herrick but with a Green outer band rather than Herrick/Veritas Sand coloured one, what do you think?

Talking of Medals, can anyone ID this particular one? I think its the Sierra Leone OSM from the colours (poor image I know) but that doesn't make sense having them ordered as Iraq '03 (Op Telic), Afghan '01 onwards (Op Veritas and Herrick) and then SL as they should be laid in the order awarded from left to right and SL was awarded in 2000-2002.

I think the colour is the same as the Herrick but with a Green outer band rather than Herrick/Veritas Sand coloured one, what do you think?


That is the Op Shader medal with clasp, so 30 days in Syria/Iraq. It’s the 4th OSM with the outside colour being grey to symbolise the air power which was the bulk of offensive weaponry against ISIS.

Sierra Leone was green, Afghan was sandy and the Congo was a browny red.

Edited to add my own collection with a better view of it:

29BE1E09-BF4B-4EEB-9A89-BF1199395E0E by Martin Dewfall, on Flickr
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This should really be the scandal of the decade, not just a very small byline.

I mean just take a minute and actually *think* about it.

It's just so absurd it borders on surreal.

Who in their right mind would want to join the UK military. The aftercare is pretty bad, the way people treat them is pretty bad.

From what I see the US treats them pretty well.

They would remove this positive discrimination if we were at war. Those that sign up are those from the poorer aspects of white societies.

Might be a way out for some from the poorer white groups, but they are the ones that would sign up over any other races or class in the UK.
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