RAF recruitment, has it gone a bit too far...

From the original article (my italics)
"Admiral Sir Tony Radakin... said this was not "about wokefulness. It is about woefulness. The woefulness of too few women. The woefulness of not reflecting the ethnic, religious and cognitive diversity of our nation." "

Anyone know what that means?
From the original article (my italics)
"Admiral Sir Tony Radakin... said this was not "about wokefulness. It is about woefulness. The woefulness of too few women. The woefulness of not reflecting the ethnic, religious and cognitive diversity of our nation." "

Anyone know what that means?
They need thickos who will fight for 'queen and country' aka frontline fodder
It as gone too far as there was nothing stopping women and ethnic minorities joining the army before.

I would put the guy who as imposed this on trial for treason, for purposely undermining the UK's security.

Is the Tower of London still working?
From the original article (my italics)
"Admiral Sir Tony Radakin... said this was not "about wokefulness. It is about woefulness. The woefulness of too few women. The woefulness of not reflecting the ethnic, religious and cognitive diversity of our nation." "

Anyone know what that means?

It means he's trying his damndest to be an admirable Admiral and making himself sound utterly ridiculous for a high ranking naval officer.
From the original article (my italics)
"Admiral Sir Tony Radakin... said this was not "about wokefulness. It is about woefulness. The woefulness of too few women. The woefulness of not reflecting the ethnic, religious and cognitive diversity of our nation." "

Anyone know what that means?

It's almost as if most women aren't interested in joining the RAF because they prefer careers that don't involve being shot at and being away from their family, just hire the good women that apply and stop fussing about numbers.
No it doesn’t. Any idiot can join. I did.

Same here, heck back in 2009 there were quite a few OCUK'ers joining the RAF at roughly the same time. I remember @Zefan being one of them.

I'm still here, 13 years later and counting down the years.

You don't even need fitness anymore either.

Surely the colour of your skin or birth genitalia are irrelevant? All you need to do is identify as a wheelchair bound gay transgender black Asian woman from Eastern Europe and you're guaranteed a job!
In the days of equality it seems no.
Not content on being equal, minorities want special labels and treatment.

Yep, been out 2 years now, got out at 12 as the cons list was beginning to significantly outstrip the pros. I work in exactly the same team I did when I was in so work alongside a lot of "Aviators", and I make sure to take every opportunity to rib them about how insane things are in the RAF now.

Cant say "manned" anymore, must say "crewed".
The title "Airman" has been changed to "Aviator"
The ranks that include "aircraftman" in their title (AC, LAC/SAC) have been changed to Air Recruit/Air Specialist.

This is just the official stuff, the stuff that goes on behind the scenes with woke warriors (especially in training establishments, where things should be most strict) boggles the mind.

Yep, been out 2 years now, got out at 12 as the cons list was beginning to significantly outstrip the pros. I work in exactly the same team I did when I was in so work alongside a lot of "Aviators", and I make sure to take every opportunity to rib them about how insane things are in the RAF now.

Cant say "manned" anymore, must say "crewed".
The title "Airman" has been changed to "Aviator"
The ranks that include "aircraftman" in their title (AC, LAC/SAC) have been changed to Air Recruit/Air Specialist.

This is just the official stuff, the stuff that goes on behind the scenes with woke warriors (especially in training establishments, where things should be most strict) boggles the mind.
I don't get why it would bother you? Removing the gender from unnecessarily gendered roles removed any stigma that they may be 'male only' roles. And let's be honest the RAF is hardly a macho man force in the first place.
the cons list was beginning to significantly outstrip the pros
That's precisely why I got out. (2001-2010).
The title "Airman" has been changed to "Aviator"
Lol, the vast majority will never aviate, except when on a kite to take them somewhere crap for a few months, or like me, aviated as a past time.
The ranks that include "aircraftman" in their title (AC, LAC/SAC) have been changed to Air Recruit/Air Specialist.
That's ridiculous! For the female form, we used SAC(W) or Senior Aircraftwoman and the like. It worked and the ladies didn't complain.
This is just the official stuff, the stuff that goes on behind the scenes with woke warriors (especially in training establishments, where things should be most strict) boggles the mind.
A former colleague went off to work as an RTS Instructor (bet it's not RTS anymore as it's too Military and abbreviate-ary) at Halton and she needed to teach recruits how to eat with a fork and knife! I worked at a Phase 2 training base for a few years, and you could tell in the early 2000s that recruitment of any kind was an issue, so they were taking anyone who applied. The calibre of recruits perfectly illustrated just how much they were scraping the barrel to meet quotas.

I'm glad I left when I did. Every now and again I consider the Reserves. And then I think about why I left in the first place, couple with the current topic of discussion, and that thought soon evacuates my head!
I don't get why it would bother you? Removing the gender from unnecessarily gendered roles removed any stigma that they may be 'male only' roles. And let's be honest the RAF is hardly a macho man force in the first place.
The specific changes don't bother anyone exactly, but they're absolutely canaries in the coal mine and the tip of the iceberg when it comes to a wild lack of focus on the things that actually matter for the RAF's mission. That is unless becoming a Stonewall champion/great place to work is something you believe should override effective generation of air power. I can't say too much without getting people in trouble, but rest assured that the RAF is absolutely worse than it should be, given their resources, and everyone that's in knows it. To focus on the specific changes I mentioned is to miss the point, it's the fact that effort was spent there when the rest of the service is unfortunately a relative shambles. This isn't to say that the RAF, other military branches or government departments are managed perfectly or were in the past, it's just a comment I'm making based on the context of the thread, my 12 year service and continued contact with those who serve.
The specific changes don't bother anyone exactly, but they're absolutely canaries in the coal mine and the tip of the iceberg when it comes to a wild lack of focus on the things that actually matter for the RAF's mission. That is unless becoming a Stonewall champion/great place to work is something you believe should override effective generation of air power. I can't say too much without getting people in trouble, but rest assured that the RAF is absolutely worse than it should be, given their resources, and everyone that's in knows it. To focus on the specific changes I mentioned is to miss the point, it's the fact that effort was spent there when the rest of the service is unfortunately a relative shambles. This isn't to say that the RAF, other military branches or government departments are managed perfectly or were in the past, it's just a comment I'm making based on the context of the thread, my 12 year service and continued contact with those who serve.
Understood, thanks for sharing!
The same patterns that no doubt are happening across all paths of life now are also surfacing within the Armed Forces.

I'm from the green side and there are minor instances that creep in now and again from wider society... and honestly it's embarrassingly worthless to the point it has 0 effect on any outcome. No one cares, it's all for show.

It can be as subtle as having an email signature so 2022 woke it's unbearable. But in reality, when a job needs doing, none of it matters and things normally get done by the good eggs regardless. That's when it counts. I've seen men, women, different nationalities get stuck in regardless so not sure what the persistent, relentless push is for "change".
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