I didn't check, and I've reconnected it a couple of times. So either it doesn't matter or I've just got lucky.
haha well thats good news then. or yes you are lucky
I didn't check, and I've reconnected it a couple of times. So either it doesn't matter or I've just got lucky.
thanks, would it matter if the + and - were the wrong way around on the switch?
ive got it all plugged in (those little spade type connectors really cut up my fingers) but i dont want to turn it on if something will break.
i have ordered a black with white ring as i think it will tie in with the build more (i did ask for this originally but i received a silver one - im not going to complain as i didnt pay for the case)
The power switch was easily the most confusing part of the build for me
So true. Parvum guys if you are reading this, perhaps a simplified switch could be something to consider for the future. Or at the very least have some sort of documentation to explain what needs to go where!
Very nice and clean build! Well done!
Dat upgrade itch.
I'm toying with the idea of growing a pair and watercooling my CPU. How did you get your fluid that shade of green in the end?
Well I lasted just over 2 months and I'm gonna have to tinker with this again, just couldn't resist.
Finally managed to source a 580 EK backplate!
Took this opportunity to invest in a Aqua Computer Poweradjust 2 Ultra, which will give me control over my DDC pump. So hopefully now I can actually achieve a near-silent system, as the pump has always been the loudest component.
Once everything arrives I will do the following:
- Drain the system & clean components
- Attach the new backplate
- Will be removing my two HDD's and replacing with an extra SSD
- Create a mounting plate for the poweradjust 2 chip
- Will re do the wiring to be more compact
- New lighting scheme (this time with green LED's)
- New fluids
Can't wait, updates soon!
Nice build loving it, what did you use to mount your x res