A bit late to the party.
Well I enjoyed it even through to the end of Season 1. Interesting blend of fantasy, horror and sci fi. I liked many of the concept choices, the andriods, being on a another planet, theological war etc. The choice of an alternate history where there appears to be only one monotheistic religion and an opposed aethiesim was good. Quite smart too if thats the story device you want to use avoids any baggae of real monotheistic religions.
In the middle of the series I had wondered if the other creatures were humans who had deliberately genetically modified themselves to survive on the harsh planet. Now I guess that theory is blown, the kind of neo pagan or idol worship thing going on at the end was an interesting curve ball.
Overall it's well enough made and acted, even if the writing has a few holes, that it will keep me watching. It is in that category of "is this well thought high concept TV or is this high concept trash where no one has a plan and is making it up as they go along". I'm hoping the former but the latter is far too common in US TV.