Ramadan Mubarakh..!



21 Sep 2006
Yes it is. That time year again to fast. 30 days of it.

Very long days. Going to be super tough. But i am looking forward to the challenge, Insha'Allah. :)
Hopefully i can lose few pounds :p

Ramadan Muburak my brothers and sisters :)
(for those are not sure, Google it if you need more info about fasting)

Ps. As Muslims we take enough bad press from the world. Don't derail this thread. Thank you :)
Ramadan Mubarak :)

While I don't think I will ever understand why somebody would do this, I also don't understand why people watch made in chelsea. Good luck, more food for me I suppose. :p
I've not got much time for religion generally, but Ramadan strikes me as quite a noble aspect of belief. The spirituality side of the fast is quite inspiring:

wiki said:
Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection, improvement and increased devotion and worship. Muslims are expected to put more effort into following the teachings of Islam. The fast (sawm) begins at dawn and ends at sunset. In addition to abstaining from eating and drinking, Muslims also increase restraint, such as abstaining from sexual relations and generally sinful speech and behavior. The act of fasting is said to redirect the heart away from worldly activities, its purpose being to cleanse the soul by freeing it from harmful impurities. Ramadan also teaches Muslims how to better practice self-discipline, self-control,[34] sacrifice, and empathy for those who are less fortunate; thus encouraging actions of generosity and compulsory charity
Ramadan Muburak - I say this each year but my God it must be so difficult this time of year. Last time I did it, it finished by end of September/early October.
Oh no the time of year where I am forbidden to rage in Battlefield and bite my tongue when I encounter noobs. That is going to be more difficult than fasting itself. :D
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