Ah the memories of childhood. My parents used psychological warfare against me from day one.
When I was about 5 my parents used to go into the woods for walks and I used to run off. (this was in California before I continue) My mum was probably getting a bit fed up and said that there were Bears in this wood and that I might get eaten if I run off.
Well of I ran my mum sneakily gave chase over took me and hid in a big hollow tree. As I went past she jumped out and roared. I screamed and ran off in the other direction.
My dad once told me (when I had a wart) that if you cut a wart and it bleeds then the wart will get into your blood and you will get warts on your brain. Needless to say I was very concerned when a few days later I accidentally cut the wart.
My dad also had a game called Hansel and grettle (if you know the fairy tale you can probably guess where this is going)
He would take me deep into the woods and run off (not actually that far he would be close enough to keep an eye on us) leaving me lost and a little afraid.
Once when eating some meal that had apricots and some meat in it (no Idea what it was) my dad pointed at a red blob and said "are you going to eat that apricot?" I said it was fat. "No no its an apricot, if you don’t want it I do". In it went, It was sodding fat, the rubberiest chewiest fat of all time. "Now don’t spit it out, its rude" he said. Thanks dad!!
I got up and spat it in the bin after a min.
Pairs. You know the game where you try to match up cards. Well I had an animal pairs game where you matched the adult and child animals. My dad would play it with me. Boy did he cheat, The tabby cat used to be the pair to the female lion (unless he found the cat pair first) Once a penguin became the baby to the panda. Etc. Basically if there was a tiny possible chance of him being able to blag it, he would
Monopoly. I never won against him, he was so lucky (and mean) every time he took a chance or picked up a community chest he would either get money or go to the property he needed to make a set. This is before he extorted me out of property and racked up multiple hotels on the same square (including utilities and stations)
I vaguely remember stories of the boogie man but obviously I have either blocked them out due to scaring or due to them being crap.
Smoking. I used to ask if he smoked. In return I got told that smoking was a disgusting habit and that he was deeply disappointed that his son thought that he was stupid enough and irresponsible enough to mutilate his body in that fashion. (I didn’t find out until I was 16 that he did in fact smoke. Before I was born)
He told me there was a monster in a big lake I visited on holiday (guess where this leads) whilst swimming something grabbed me and pulled me under. I absolutely crapped myself panicked lashed out escaped and swam for my life to the shore. Got there ran up to my mum screaming about being attacked by the monster. My mum bless her kept up the façade until my dad came up laughing.
God there are plenty of other things they have told/did to me that I cant remember right now. But lets just say, if I am not bloody scared for life I sure as hell should be.