ramthor's monster build

Create a dedicated build log when you've got the parts.

Dunno why you've attracted quite so many trolls, but not everyone here is like that ;)

After this experience, I don't know if I still have the will to post anything in such an unfriendly environment.

There are exceptions, like yourself, who have been very helpful and I am very grateful for your contribution. It made me re-think my initial build and research more about water cooling.

I've learnt a lot since my first post. If at that point all the components I've chosen could have been assembled together in one afternoon, now with the new plans it will surely take a bit more than that. That's why I didn't "pull the trigger" at that point. I needed time to research water cooling as I knew nothing about it.

Then I've started ordering things starting with the ones taking the longest to be delivered. The case came from Romania, the watercooling bits come from Slovenia, the new desk takes 15-20 days to be built and assembled so it was only logical to start with those.

The main components will be ordered much closer to the date when I'll start the build since I expect the delivery to be next day or second day tops. It doesn't make too much sense to have them already and just look at them while the window to return them passes without me being able to actually test them for faults, does it?

But all the above should've been self-evident and I'm tired to keep defending myself after keep being accused of deceiving or showing off or whatever. I thought this is a community of like-minded people sharing their common passion for computers who help each other, not being jealous on one another just because the other toy is shinier.

Obviously I was wrong. I am deeply disappointed and I don't see any reason to keep exposing myself to the abuse that according to the user a few posts above is actually warranted.
Some of the cooling is here. It may not look much but you are looking at £950 worth of tech. I hope I didn't forget to order something but I probably did. :)

But that shouldn't be a problem since I can start with only one loop. Plenty of time to order anything I might be missing.

Everything else is ordered with deliveries spread over a week starting tomorrow. It will be like a week long Christmas. :)

Unfortunately, I had to order almost everything from the competition as OcUK have not been very competitive on prices or customer support. I did call them and asked if they can offer a better deal but the answer was disappointing or didn't even come.




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Extra pictures for clarification. You only need to read the OP. Ignore the rest.

The HD adapters I will use to build the SLI bridge.

These are the EK-HDC fittings

The flexi tube:

The splitters and valves for the drains:

I probably need a better camera :)

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Nice job, I recognise a lot of that gear! Good luck!

How are you planning on mounting the pumps? Have you given any thought to the actual loop design yet? I would be interested in comparing notes! Also, don't forget to build in a drain point for each loop!


Pumps go in the lower chamber as in the drawing below:
upload gif

The dotted line for CPU loop goes behind the case.
It's still in the early stages of development so I might change it as I go.
Initially it will probably be only flexi tube to get a feel of what water cooling is all about.
Lol. My artistic talent is next to zero but if I knew I would share with the world my talents in drawing I would've tried a bit more. This is what I drew on a piece of scrap paper once.
Or it may be just a whale.... :))
... and two baby seals

Have you considered a layout like this one?

ramthor by CosmicLogos, on Flickr

I think it'll give you cleaner lines... plus you won't have the soft tubing behind the motherboard interfering with cable management.

The orange line would give you more visible tubing too.

The reason not out of the top of the top GPU is... while it might look ok... it will interfere with the RAM as the tubing will be going over the top of the RAM and if you bring it out the bottom of the bottom GPU... it'll line up really well with the bottom of the reservoir.

Looking good. Thanks!

It's just that I read the optimal output from the GPU block should be on the opposite side as the input so you get equal flow in a parallel configuration.

I have seen this layout on JayzTwoCents but I'm not sure it is scientifically sound.
Our ideas are very similar; I will be keeping an eye on this to see how it goes!

You have made some good choices!


P.s. I went full hardline and am pretty sure it was easier to go soft tubing first as Cenedd mentions, I would have saved myself a whole lot of trouble!

I learned a lot by seeing other builds and hopefully I will avoid the pitfalls I've seen. I've done my homework. Now I am prepared to expect the unexpected. I am sure there will be lot of swearing at some point(s). :)

Another tip... be sure to test the basic hardware functions before putting everything together otherwise it could be a pain in the backside.

If you have a basic air cooler for the CPU, use that... if not... build a basic soft tubing loop for the CPU and leave the air-coolers on the GPUs... just test as an open motherboard/etc on your desk and make sure you plug in all ram sticks and m.2/pci-e ssds just to make sure all ram sticks and slots function etc.

Hopefully everything will be fine and that'll be a waste of 30 minutes... but better to use that 30 minutes like that - than to get everything together and find out something is up... fault-finding in a build, especially with hard tubing can eat up a lot of time.

Yep. That is exactly my plan. I considered buying a cheap CPU cooler but then I thought why not start with a basic loop and take it from there. Less complications means less things to go wrong. KISS rule (keep it simple stupid) shall be obeyed. :)
Are these any good?


I've put my name down just in case trolls feel like trolling...

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A few more bits arrived today:


Guess where they came from?




Apologies for the quality of the pictures. There will be better ones from tomorrow on.

*** Please spoiler tag large images - thanks, Armageus ***
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If you're overclocking, it's also best to put the best overclocker as the top card due to it running a bit hotter than the bottom card.

A good time to do quick tests on that is while you're testing the other components while still on air

I know. That's one of my worries when building the parallel water block and have output on bottom. The hottest card gets the least water flow. But that's only theory. I will put it to the test.

Any idea where can I find a working board so I can use the holes in the mandrels to nail them to the board when bending?
They finally got the heat guns in?! :rolleyes: I gave up in the end and had to buy one from a DIY store - had to resist the temptation to buy the fancy one with digital adjustment of temperature for four times what I needed to pay for one :D

I went through a similar process. The fancy guns look cool but then I realized I will not use it all that much for anything else so I calmed down. Not worth it! :)
You might want to check the size of the Monsoon bending cord.

It's fine. I also ordered the EK saw kit which comes with 2 cords for 10 and 12 ID. Since the tubes were bought from them I expect the cords to fit perfectly.
Shouldn't the Monsoon heat gun have come with an UK plug adapter? It hasn't. But there were the gloves in the same box with the gun which was unexpected.
The title reads: "Hardline Pro Heatgun w/ Adapter" so I assumed it's the plug adapter but it's actually the nozzle adapter. It's no biggie because I happen to have lots of plug adapters but maybe future buyers be warned.
The gloves were an unexpected bonus as they are not mentioned anywhere in the description.
Looking really nice!

I see you went with EVGA HB Bridge. Slim chances of EK to come up with one eventually even though they announced it a while ago, I think.

I will probably have to go same route since the original nVidia ones don't fit with the EK blocks but now I see they are out of stock on EVGA EU site.
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