Random 3D printing chatter

Still motors and pulleys strapped to the ends of the extrusions, however

...only now they have a bed that is only supported at one edge instead. That's persumably why people seem to be trying to print a second Z support so it's held at the front too. I wonder why they didn't have the bed fixed at the bottom and the Z gantry crawl up and down riding on the corner pillars - with a leadscrew drive as persumably that's more accurate in the tiny steps required than belt drive.
...only now they have a bed that is only supported at one edge instead. That's persumably why people seem to be trying to print a second Z support so it's held at the front too. I wonder why they didn't have the bed fixed at the bottom and the Z gantry crawl up and down riding on the corner pillars - with a leadscrew drive as persumably that's more accurate in the tiny steps required than belt drive.

All ive got is this printed and made up so far:

Just trying to work out what I want to do with the rest of it.
It's looking good so far. Here's a question - and it is just that, I'm not saying I know the answer, 'cos I don't! If you've got two leadscrews on the same axis like that, is it better to run them with separate steppers like you have or is it better to belt them together and drive them off one stepper? I'm not sure which is likely to keep them more in sync.
It's looking good so far. Here's a question - and it is just that, I'm not saying I know the answer, 'cos I don't! If you've got two leadscrews on the same axis like that, is it better to run them with separate steppers like you have or is it better to belt them together and drive them off one stepper? I'm not sure which is likely to keep them more in sync.

Both of mine have them on the same stepper motor driver in series, although I have noticed droop on the second motor, to fight that I am also going to run a sync belt across the top. I should have also said that it depends on the board.. The board I am using for this build is an BTT SKR1.4 Turbo with the TMC stepper drivers if you look at where my thumb is you will notice that two zAxis stepper motor driver ports run off of that single driver.

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When you say your steppers are in series, Vince, what do you mean? Chaining 1 motor directly off of the other? Could you not run them in parallel and treat the connection like a powered PWM splitter? You have double wires coming off the signal ports on the single output and then run the power lines off the PSU (if the single port can't power 2 motors). In theory, both motors get equal power and equal signal.

Edit: oh, I see there are 2 ports off the single z-axis driver, ignore me.
New hotend goodness arrived to play with, a Trianglelab Dragon. Basically a E3D v6 and Slice Engineering Mosquito mashed together.

Certainly looks pretty. Please keep us updated with what sort of effect it has. Found lots of articles showing things like hotend or direct drive replacements and they tend not to say it's made things better - several articles saying things like it was problematic but they expect to improve through tweaks but never then update the article. So it'd be interesting to see if/what it improves for you.
Personally the first thing I think I need to upgrade is the fans....as I'm not allowed to run it while my wife's in the (home-) office otherwise :(
New hotend goodness arrived to play with, a Trianglelab Dragon. Basically a E3D v6 and Slice Engineering Mosquito mashed together.

That does look awesome - I am still getting around to trying my Titan Aero Clone - Exciting stuff :)
Certainly looks pretty. Please keep us updated with what sort of effect it has. Found lots of articles showing things like hotend or direct drive replacements and they tend not to say it's made things better - several articles saying things like it was problematic but they expect to improve through tweaks but never then update the article. So it'd be interesting to see if/what it improves for you.
Personally the first thing I think I need to upgrade is the fans....as I'm not allowed to run it while my wife's in the (home-) office otherwise :(

Fans and stepper drivers are the worst for noise, The hotend fan on my D-Bot is the loudest part of it, lol. And yes I will give details of my testing probably via my YouTube channel.
Can't hear the steppers at all to be honest. Partly that may be that it has the upgraded "silent" stepper driver....but it could just be that once the fan noise comes down, the stepper noise will come to the fore! Like watercooling where you quieten one thing and then you're able to hear something else that irritates you instead!
I'm thinking some of these should sort it: https://www.overclockers.co.uk/noctua-nf-a4x20-pwm-5000rpm-fan-40mm-fg-05v-nc.html
Can't hear the steppers at all to be honest. Partly that may be that it has the upgraded "silent" stepper driver....but it could just be that once the fan noise comes down, the stepper noise will come to the fore! Like watercooling where you quieten one thing and then you're able to hear something else that irritates you instead!
I'm thinking some of these should sort it: https://www.overclockers.co.uk/noctua-nf-a4x20-pwm-5000rpm-fan-40mm-fg-05v-nc.html

You want to try some of thos 1/16 stepping a4988 drivers those things are stupid loud. am living in hope that the new machine I build isnt silly loud.
Pi 3B+ and Playstation Eye ('cos it was cheap) delivered. OctoPi installed on an 8GB card and endless failures to do anything useful. HAProxy failing to start, fstab not working, SSH not generating keys, "LSB failed to resize the root", wouldn't join the wifi.
Reflashed it, same thing. Changed SD card and bingo. Creepy spycam for your 3D printer. Shall be testing out Spaghetti Detective once I have things back together - some buck convertors to work out first!
I have some updates coming for 3d printing stuff soon. Very excited to share but it's not quite time yet :D
So I had a massive adventure today which saw me drive 300+ miles, got stuck on the closed M1 for 3 hours, met an awesome forum member who apart from being an all round awesome guy also has a fascinating story. Honestly @deuse I could have sat and chatted random tech, travel and life all day long thanks for entertaining me for the afternoon. Anyway I digress, this is what I came home with, so vinces 3d printing adventure in association with @deuse just got a lot more interesting.

I couldn't begin to tell you what is here but I can tell you it is a lot. There are boards, more hot ends than you could shake a stick at. A core XY printer and a load of other bits.
Well, with a haul like that the tradition over on Home Shop Machinist would be to tell you:

You SUCK! ;-D

Looks like it should keep you occupied for a while though!
Well, with a haul like that the tradition over on Home Shop Machinist would be to tell you:

You SUCK! ;-D

Looks like it should keep you occupied for a while though!

I think ill start sorting it and go over the whole lot as well as my plans to fix my shed and make it a little 3d printer cave in my project thread. It seems wrong clogging up the chatter thread :) Just know that there is some plans and I might even abandon the current printer and use the board, lcd, drivers etc I bought for that on the core xy. I need to look over how she is wired up and get to grips with what is going on as it has a 600w 220v gel heat bed with a glass top. Titan aero, bl touch, looks like a ramps board in there with the a4988 steppers. No idea what else yet as ive just been trying to organise some space for it all before I go nuts sorting through and doing what I do :)

There are the obvious issues in that I have no idea on the firmware and you can't rip the firmware from the printer, then there is the offset on the bl touch which if I write my own firmware which I have done for my printer on a new board but it was a bit of a mission. Either way I have no idea so will need either a helping hand from a guru with the offsets or ill just struggle away and make something work. :D
So I had a massive adventure today which saw me drive 300+ miles, got stuck on the closed M1 for 3 hours, met an awesome forum member who apart from being an all round awesome guy also has a fascinating story. Honestly @deuse I could have sat and chatted random tech, travel and life all day long thanks for entertaining me for the afternoon. Anyway I digress, this is what I came home with, so vinces 3d printing adventure in association with @deuse just got a lot more interesting.

I couldn't begin to tell you what is here but I can tell you it is a lot. There are boards, more hot ends than you could shake a stick at. A core XY printer and a load of other bits.

It was Great to meet you as well Vince.
Loved our chat about things :)

I hope you find the Core XY and parts to your liking.
Have fun with it all :)

It's the Marlin firmware....will get a link for you.

edit= https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1001065/files
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