Random 3D printing chatter

Yep board is a gonner as is the CPU.. Excuse for ryzen 3000?... Have rebuilt it on a b450 Aorus M which to be fair is a better board than I had in there and it supports the RGBEEEEs which the asrock 450 didn't, the cpu was also bumping up against power delivery (rather than thermals) constantly which I don't think will be the case in the new board. Problem now is I have another 2 boards on the way an MSI and another ASrock and I don't need any of them :D

Ahh well this has turned into a pain.

Edit - Bought a ryzen 3600 with a bit of luck that's the job done.

@Vince Here are the files you will need for the 3D scanner I gave you.


I was wondering how that bad boy works... let me tell you that bearing is massive. I was considering just sticking the wife on it and printing off a newer model. Although she assures me that wont work... women.


I have only 1 more item to give away now :)
Glad your enjoying the freebies :D
2D scan them, import into CAD, confirm 1:1 dimensions and then use as a base to add height of chips (or important features) by hand? If you need both sides, you can scan both and then use the hole pattern there's bound to be for mounting a heatsink to align the two.
3D scanner? Shame you're so far away Vince, I got a few motherboards and GPUs to scan for custom shrouds and waterblocks :D

Mate if it works for you happy to send it up for you to play with :) im easy going.. we have a great community and im all for sharing with that community :D I thought that was what the random 3d printing chatter thread is all about.
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I have the GPU down already, it's only a simple one. I may well take you up on the offer for when I start Akasha Renaissance, but that's unlikely to be until next year now; even if Asteria II gets done in the next month (don't pass out, @Cenedd :P) I'm already very close to starting another 2.
I haven't (don't have a resin printer) but three things stand out on that page:

1. Given that its so non-toxic etc they seem very adamant in the precautions at the bottom that you wear gloves, a mask and wash it off skin immediately.
2. They make much of it being biodegradable and hence eco-friendly....but does that mean your prints will degrade with time?
3. The reviews are from all over the world and shown with the flag from the country. Yet its funny how many people write in German given they claim to be in the UK or USA or France. Perhaps the reviewers aren't certain which country they live in.
I haven't (don't have a resin printer) but three things stand out on that page:

1. Given that its so non-toxic etc they seem very adamant in the precautions at the bottom that you wear gloves, a mask and wash it off skin immediately.
2. They make much of it being biodegradable and hence eco-friendly....but does that mean your prints will degrade with time?
3. The reviews are from all over the world and shown with the flag from the country. Yet its funny how many people write in German given they claim to be in the UK or USA or France. Perhaps the reviewers aren't certain which country they live in.


I am still reading about it.
IF it's none toxic, I will buy a resin printer later this year.
I just converted one of my SKR V1.3 based machines over to RepRapFirmware with the LPC port. Works like a charm.
I love RepRapFirmware. So much nicer to use than Marlin.
I just converted one of my SKR V1.3 based machines over to RepRapFirmware with the LPC port. Works like a charm.
I love RepRapFirmware. So much nicer to use than Marlin.

Ok so im putting a SKR 1.4 Turbo and BTT 35 tft on a D-Bot core X/Y... Talk to me about what you would recommend in terms of firmware for that board :D

I am still reading about it.
IF it's none toxic, I will buy a resin printer later this year.

Which one are you looking at? I'm interested myself but given I still haven't fully explored what a standard printer has to offer I just don't know. Are they really that much better?
Ok so im putting a SKR 1.4 Turbo and BTT 35 tft on a D-Bot core X/Y... Talk to me about what you would recommend in terms of firmware for that board :D

Marlin if you are comfortable with it. RRF if you fancy a challenge. Personally, if I were building a new rig I wouldn't be using anything but a Duet.

For the noobs among us - ie me :D - what's nicer about it and what are the differences?

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is controlled via Gcodes. No need to re-compile firmware to change settings. Want to turn on pressure advance? Gcode. Want to enable nozzle cleaning? Gcode. You get the idea.
Marlin if you are comfortable with it. RRF if you fancy a challenge. Personally, if I were building a new rig I wouldn't be using anything but a Duet.

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is controlled via Gcodes. No need to re-compile firmware to change settings. Want to turn on pressure advance? Gcode. Want to enable nozzle cleaning? Gcode. You get the idea.

Ill stick with Marlin then as I have already had to rebuild a machine and learn it. I have done a fair chunk of coding in the past so the way marlin is set out seemed pretty nice and easy to get to grips with. If a noob like me managed to write firmware for a machine in a day after just a month or so of owning a printer then I think i'll stick with that for now. Although you have peeked my interest in RRF. Also what is a duet? a board?

I'm kinda just taking the machine that @deuse gave me, stripping it back and giving it a new board and firmware. It's currently on a mega 2560 + Ramps and using A4988 drivers. I was just thinking of using the SKR board that I purchased for my scratch build and using that along with the TFT on the D-Bot.
RepRap Firmware and Duet go hand in hand. Duet is the control board. However there is now a fork of RepRap that runs on SKR boards. I'm using it on one of my machines now.
Think of it kind of like Apple Vs Android.

Duet is Apple in that they have a tightly integrated ecosystem from the hardware to the software stack.
Marlin is Android in that it runs on everything from 8-bit Mega2560s through to ESP32 and LPC chips.

Unlike Apple Vs Android they are largely feature comparable and there's no walled garden rubbish like Apple.

Oh, and one big plus for Duet; it's British. Made and designed here as is the firmware.
RepRap Firmware and Duet go hand in hand. Duet is the control board. However there is now a fork of RepRap that runs on SKR boards. I'm using it on one of my machines now.
Think of it kind of like Apple Vs Android.

Duet is Apple in that they have a tightly integrated ecosystem from the hardware to the software stack.
Marlin is Android in that it runs on everything from 8-bit Mega2560s through to ESP32 and LPC chips.

Unlike Apple Vs Android they are largely feature comparable and there's no walled garden rubbish like Apple.

Oh, and one big plus for Duet; it's British. Made and designed here as is the firmware.

Thanks for the info dude. I loved your setup btw. :) I shall do some reading and educate myself!
Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is controlled via Gcodes. No need to re-compile firmware to change settings. Want to turn on pressure advance? Gcode. Want to enable nozzle cleaning? Gcode. You get the idea.

Ahh. I suspect I'm a little too far down the learning curve yet. Filed for the future though. Still working on shoehorning a Pi, buck converters and quieter fans. The noise is very bothersome otherwise....no, not from the fans, from my wife's objection to the fan noise!
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