Random people let their toddler walk around my drive

It does look at bit suspicious. It's like they created a situation that would allow them to have a reason to be looking towards your house. They weren't even talking to each other. They were just staring.

I'd keep an eye on the situation.

Before my Dad's quad was stolen from the backyard we'd noticed small things out of place, like sticks we propped up were knocked over. It was about a month prior to the plan they were doing that.

After that happened we installed cctv cameras and noticed different people from the same group would come back at night time looking for a replacement quad. It was always about 11pm. I was still up and sometimes one would jump over the fence. I'd flash the lights on my car that was right next to the guy inside the yard.
It does look at bit suspicious. It's like they created a situation that would allow them to have a reason to be looking towards your house. They weren't even talking to each other. They were just staring.

I'd keep an eye on the situation.

Before my Dad's quad was stolen from the backyard we'd noticed small things out of place, like sticks we propped up were knocked over. It was about a month prior to the plan they were doing that.

After that happened we installed cctv cameras and noticed different people from the same group would come back at night time looking for a replacement quad. It was always about 11pm. I was still up and sometimes one would jump over the fence. I'd flash the lights on my car that was right next to the guy inside the yard.

Did you go to the police or have a welcome prepared one night?
One of my kiddos is autistic and can take a seemingly random (yet oddly specific interest) in items on peoples front gardens/decorations, so this is kinda normal for me. I haven’t managed to train him to reach in and grab the door keys yet though.
It's this sort of behaviour that really annoys me. Let's assume it's innocent. Why would any parent believe it's acceptable for their "little darlings" to trespass on someone else's property? Basically, you are telling the kid that it has a right to go where it wants.
It's this sort of behaviour that really annoys me. Let's assume it's innocent. Why would any parent believe it's acceptable for their "little darlings" to trespass on someone else's property? Basically, you are telling the kid that it has a right to go where it wants.
Trespass :cry:
Did you go to the police or have a welcome prepared one night?
When they enacted their plan they removed the back fence panels to get the quad out. We called the police. No one came out. We stopped the local pcso to come and look. They asked the police to come out but they refused.

After that I got the cctv, which allowed me to monitor them coming back.

As an aside note the cameras came in handy later on when the front camera caught the car registration of a stranger who walked into an old neighbours house. The womans family came in to see him sat there, and thanks to my camera the police requested footage and they arrested him.
Have they been back and nicked your car yet? That "toddler" is clearly a midget scoping the place out.

It is a weird though. The kid seems interested on something on your doorstep, have you got anything sitting there?
The only weird part is they took a 90 degree turn from their walk and went to your driveway. As for where the toddler started to go, that seems to me like the parents letting the kid go and explore a bit. The reason they are not talking is because they are keeping an eye on him. There was no direction from the parent to tell him where to go and from the body language they are not checking the neighbours to see if people are looking at them or scouting the surroundings. Their attention is on the kid. Soon as the kid bent down he rushed over and stopped him.

I don’t see any malice here. The only concern would be your property, but some people sees open space right next to the main road to be less private to the back garden. If you take this to the police they will tell you to go away, it’s a civil matter.

I wouldn’t lose sleep over it.
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Is it normal to have the entire front of your house illuminated at night like that? Looks like the kid liked your drive and them being foreigners (maybe my southern shandy drinking ***** nature coming across but they sounded like some sort of eastern European to me) they don't have the castle-doctrine lite mentality we do.

If you don't want people to look/interact maybe consider not lighting it.
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