[Rant] Apple's idea of what the "British" keyboard is

I can't say it's a "big" annoyance, took getting used to but now I can just switch no problem whether i'm on my PC or MB.

I do think Apple should be stopped from calling it a "British" keyboard though, when it quite clearly is not. I actually bought it expecting the British layout.
Apple have not arbitrarily changed the keyboard layout - the UK keyboards have always been like this on the Mac...
Yes, they have Arbitrarily changed the definition of a "British" layout keyboard.

Concord Rules said:
I meant who started using which format.
Well, seen as though pre-school toy computers (such as V-Techs) and typewriters follow the correct format, I think it is safe to say that 99% of people start off using the proper British keyboard layout - not Apple's version of it.
i hate the Mac layout, esp since the @ and " are not where i normally find them on EVERY other keyboard.. also why is the keys different on every mac too? what happens when they upgrade their OS? my friends MBP has different key layouts to my MBP...

enlighten me apple fanboys
I'm on the op's side... it's not the "@ that bothers me, it's the other things... really grates on me, especially as I use Apple and windows 50% of the time each.
I'm on the op's side... it's not the "@ that bothers me, it's the other things... really grates on me, especially as I use Apple and windows 50% of the time each.

I dont get this at all and I use both, although at the moment its more MBP than PC.

Maybe my brain has just learnt if it sees windows it swaps my fingers round (as I touch type whatever im doing...) :p
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So nobody's allowed to post, unless they agree with you?

I understand that it's an annoyance of yours but to me it's really not a big deal, and you're beginning to sound like a troll. It's not exclusively Apple who don't conform, I've used plenty of windows laptops where differences are to be found. It takes me 30 seconds to adjust and I get on with my work instead of complaining on the internet.
So nobody's allowed to post, unless they agree with you?

I understand that it's an annoyance of yours but to me it's really not a big deal, and you're beginning to sound like a troll. It's not exclusively Apple who don't conform, I've used plenty of windows laptops where differences are to be found. It takes me 30 seconds to adjust and I get on with my work instead of complaining on the internet.
I never said that - I said that the thread isn't concerned with who has learned to use different keyboard layouts. I am sure we're all capable of that.

This thread is about why Apple have rearranged the British keyboard,
I never said that - I said that the thread isn't concerned with who has learned to use different keyboard layouts. I am sure we're all capable of that.

This thread is about why Apple have rearranged the British keyboard,

They wouldn't have re arranged it if they didn't have good reason but sadly apple doesn't release its reasons!

Like they wouldn't have changed to LED displays if there wasn't a point.

Maybe they felt people use @ more than " or something.

If we are all capable of it then why does it warrant a rant about it.

Personally I want to rant about why they haven't released a single socket Mac Pro for people who don't need server grade equipment but need quad core power!!
I am sure we're all capable of that.

We're also all capable of making a thread moaning about the situation but we just get on with it. Send an email to Apple if it's something that troubles you, after all they're the only ones who can correct the issue.

If the keyboard layout is the height of your worries, I'm sure Apple are pretty happy.
We're also all capable of making a thread moaning about the situation but we just get on with it. Send an email to Apple if it's something that troubles you, after all they're the only ones who can correct the issue.

If the keyboard layout is the height of your worries, I'm sure Apple are pretty happy.
Since when has moaning about something inept or incompetent been a problem?

I was half-expecting this kind of reaction from the die-hard Apple fans, it makes me feel ashamed to be a Mac user.
The problem is no-one else considers the keyboard layout to be inept or incompetent.

While it's easy to label everyone who doesn't agree with you as being irrationally loyal to Apple, it does seem you stand alone in being bothered by this.

As I previously said, there are plenty of other laptop manufacturers who deviate from standard layout, it's not just Apple. Your gripe is pointless and you should probably focus on the things more important in your life.
Since when has moaning about something inept or incompetent been a problem?

I was half-expecting this kind of reaction from the die-hard Apple fans, it makes me feel ashamed to be a Mac user.

To be honest, your irrational ranting is coming across like the sort of thing that the Windows fanboys pick at. I also love that you assume anyone who doesn't mind the keyboard layout, or got used to it, or just didn't complain is a die-hard Apple fan. I switch my keyboard layout around when I use Windows now because I prefer the @ being on the 2 and the " being right by shift. I can understand your gripe, just not your inability to deal with it rationally!
it is annoying especially when you make a point of changing the default language of windows keyboard from US (2=@ not ") to UK.

personally its not a UK keyboard unless the " is on the 2, but i guess its just apple being american and/or "unique" again.
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Since when has moaning about something inept or incompetent been a problem?

I was half-expecting this kind of reaction from the die-hard Apple fans, it makes me feel ashamed to be a Mac user.

Everyone is a die-hard Apple fan in your opinion. I'm far from that but you've been shooting that gun at everyone in the thread who doesn't agree with you.

It's a problem for you, it initially was a problem for me as well. But it's not the end of the world and it's pretty easy to adjust to after some time.

If you don't want to be spending 'some time' doing so, then send an e-mail with your views to the people that can correct it. That doesn't seem like a mad idea to me.

Anyone is welcome to have a moan, but you're just being a bit over the top with what is a small issue.
Yes, they have Arbitrarily changed the definition of a "British" layout keyboard.

Well, seen as though pre-school toy computers (such as V-Techs) and typewriters follow the correct format, I think it is safe to say that 99% of people start off using the proper British keyboard layout - not Apple's version of it.

Rot. Think before you type.

It's a Apple Mac, not a clonePC. In 1984 Mac hardware was totally different to the emerging IBM PC standard. It's only since around 2000 with the introduction of open standards such as USB and Firewire that peripherals have been standardised across different hardware platforms.

I agree with Concorde - I use both platforms on a daily basis and it's a non issue. I find more issues with non-standard keyboard layouts on the multitude of PC laptops.
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