Rate the last movie you saw thread.

2 Mar 2006
Birmingham, England
PLEASE DON'T POST ANY SPOILERS FROM MOVIES, STORIES OR ANYTHING ELSE. Please don't talk about movies that aren't released over here either.
Don't want the thread closed ;)

I made a quick search and couldn't find anything like this. Hope it's ok to make this thread! I think it is seeing as there is a "Now Playing" thread :p

Anyway, i just finished watching Jurassic Park on ITV 2. Awesome movie and it inspired me to make this thread.

Rate the last movie you saw.

Jurrasic Park - 9/10 - Simply awesome movie. A classic. Loved this so much as a kid... and i still do :)
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Watched Hellboy yesterday, great fun film and surprisingly well acted. Ron Perlman does a good turn.


Tonight, Batman Begins.

Leon 9/10

Really enjoyed it. Loved the whole feel of the film, and there's more to it than just violence and action. Nevertheless, the final scene with Gary Oldman made me roar with laughter.
Blade: Trinity

Good points:
- Trench coats + guns + swords = Coolness
- Jessica Biel is HOT!

Bad points:
- Lame storyline
- Typical no brainer action film
- Not enough blood/gore

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Monty Pythons Life of Brian

Really like this film, it is comedy based on religion but it is not serious at all. John Cleese plays about 10 different characters who adds to the comedy. It is a classic which is still very funny and popular even though it was made 27 years ago.


Love the film, the story might have been butchered a lot more than the mini series but I still prefer it. A film I enjoy watching, and I've watched it a lot.

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Walk the Line

The Johnny Cash life story. Didnt think I would like it but it was quite good. Very good acting from Joaquin Phoenix as the Man in Black. Not sure if Reese Witherspoon did enough to warrant the Academy Award for Leading Actress but she was good none the less. A lot of steady performances throughout.

I think IMDB are scoring it right at 8/10
I'm going to rate 'Se7en' which I watched on friday night as I had already seen 'American History X' which I watched last night, so this review is based on how I thought it was. :)

I thought that the cinematography was very good, although didn't feature anything too original, but this didn't detract from my reactions to the 7 deadly sins, which were pretty damn shocking :eek: . I thought the story was great, and kevin spacey played it well towards the end, good film, with a good idea, although the very end was a bit sudden.


(alternatively if i'd have rated american history x, i would have given that 8.5/10 :))
Saw Leaving Las Vegas last night, 9/10, extremely impressed by the performances, so much so I even started a thread about it below. :p
I watched JARHEAD , was quite a good story line but lacked any real action , Had a few funny moments and some quite thoght provoking parts too .

The music sound track was a bit ..how can i say this ? .... It did not fit the movie.

I know it was based on the first gulf war but the music sound track was taken from all over the place .

The actual music score was very good thogh .

I would say its a DVD watch rather than a cinima watch .

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Broken Flowers

Allegedly a comedy...
Laughed...errrr..not at all... Sad as it's a Bill Murray film.

2/10 and thats generous


Kinky Boots

Made by the same people as Calendar Girls, based on a true story, as such it's a harmless gentle comedy. I enjoyed it.

I watched American Beauty again yesterday for the nth time. I really couldn't justify giving it any less than....


I mean, what an amazing film, just superb.
Rush Hour 2 - 8/10

not as good as the first one, but Jackie Chan.. what more need it say? ;) oh, Chris Tucker is in it too!!! :D
Mulder said:
I watched American Beauty again yesterday for the nth time. I really couldn't justify giving it any less than....


I mean, what an amazing film, just superb.
Ooof, totally agree, a great film - I watched this last week for only the 3rd time but it's just great, Kevin Spacey is amazing.
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