Rate the last movie you saw thread.

Human Traffic - Utter ***** 3/10

Yeah its funny to see people off their faces for about 10mins then it gets a bit boring...

Other than that, we also hired out a film called Hostage with Bruce Willis in it, wasn't too bad actually - I give that 7/10

BB x
Pumpkinstew said:
It's a town called Mata Mata on New Zealands North Island. I've been there. They have a building shaped like a sheep and a building shaped like a dog. :eek:

I mean the REAL Hobbiton... complete with hobbits :D
Serenity (On DVD) - Simply a fantastic piece of Sci-Fi. I was really disappointed that i never got to see it at the cinema and after watching the DVD i was even more disappointed i'd missed it on the big screen. Great characters, great pacing and some great comedy moments makes it one of the best Sci-Fi films i've seen and easily makes it into my list of favourite movies of all time. I can see why it was many peoples film of 2005.
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Herbie: Fully Loaded

I can only assume that the Fully Loaded part refers to Lindsay Lohan's chest; the only two good things in the movie.

They've tried to tap into the cool kids market by rehashing an old idea and making Herbie seem like a tooled-up skateboard. Herbie used to zoom around Monte Carlo and on the sides of mountains taking part in great European races, now he's reduced to road racing in the desert and plodding round circular NASCAR tracks like a CGI whore. The only thing I really liked about this movie was that they used the old theme tune once and it made me reminisce about the old movies. Why Michael Keaton and Matt Dillon agreed to be in this can only be answered by numbers with lots of zeroes after, it's the only reason I can think of why freakin' Batman would appear in this gumpf.

I recall reading that Lindasy Lohan was obligated to be in a certain number of Disney movies. We can only hope this is the last and that she goes on to do something better like... Showgirls 2 or something.



It's The Hustler meets Lock Stock in New Zealand. WTF?

Not half as cool as Guy Ritchie's initial outings and very little shots of the pool being played, but a great little film nontheless. Three guys, all with varying styles of pool game, get roped into an underground tournament with a side-plot of saving their local bar (hmm, sounds familiar). Some good banter from the main leads but it all seems rather unnatural, especially as to why these three people are friends in the first place.

The few shots of cue action we see are usually quite nifty, but you have to wonder how many takes they took. A few good lines, a few good performances, but ultimately not very polished. The bad guys just don't seem that bad either.

There's worse ways to spend an hour and a half.

melchy said:
Serenity (On DVD) - Simply a fantastic piece of Sci-Fi. I was really disappointed that i never go to see it at the cinema and after watching the DVD i was even more disappointed i'd missed it on the big screen. Great characters, great pacing and some great comedy moments makes it one of the best Sci-Fi films i've seen and easily makes it into my list of favourite movies of all time. I can see why it was many peoples film of 2005.

You should really go out and buy the "Firefly" series on DVD. (£18 in HMV for the whole series, iirc) Firefly is the series Serenity is based after (Serenity is after Firefly in the timeline). Has got all of the same actors and you get to find out about the characters more in depth and about their relationships etc etc. Really good series. I have the box set and have watched it through 3 times.

I Highly recommend you buy/rent/see that series.
Ren.182 said:
You should really go out and buy the "Firefly" series on DVD. (£18 in HMV for the whole series, iirc) Firefly is the series Serenity is based after (Serenity is after Firefly in the timeline). Has got all of the same actors and you get to find out about the characters more in depth and about their relationships etc etc. Really good series. I have the box set and have watched it through 3 times.

I Highly recommend you buy/rent/see that series.

I'd watched bits and pieces of Firefly in the past before watching Serenity and think as a film it stands pretty well on its own (people shouldnt be put off if they have never watched the series) . I did go out and get the box set though :D Managed to find it for £13.99 though :)
I also saw the movie before the series. Loved the movie so much i had to go out and buy the series. And the series is really well made... hard to tell the movie apart from the series.
Withnail an i
My thumbs have gone weird.

We want the finest wines available to humanity, we want them here, and we want them now.

I must have some booze. I demand to have some booze.

I want something's flesh.

Don't threaten me with a dead fish.

I'm going to pull your head off, because I don't like your head.

I have a heart condition. If you hit me, it's murder.

Look at that. "Accident Blackspot"? These aren't accidents. They're throwing themselves into the road gladly. Throwing themselves into the road to escape all this hideousness.

what a great film
melchy said:
Serenity (On DVD) - Simply a fantastic piece of Sci-Fi. I was really disappointed that i never got to see it at the cinema and after watching the DVD i was even more disappointed i'd missed it on the big screen. Great characters, great pacing and some great comedy moments makes it one of the best Sci-Fi films i've seen and easily makes it into my list of favourite movies of all time. I can see why it was many peoples film of 2005.

Serenity is an awsome Sci-Fi film and I would recommend anyone who likes that sort of thing to give it a go on DVD, I wish the new StarWars films had been like this! The transition from TV (firefly) to movie really worked well and if they don't make a sequel I will cry! :p
G.O.A.T said:
Serenity is an awsome Sci-Fi film and I would recommend anyone who likes that sort of thing to give it a go on DVD, I wish the new StarWars films had been like this! The transition from TV (firefly) to movie really worked well and if they don't make a sequel I will cry! :p

I heard there was another 2 or 3 films being planned. But i'm not sure they're going to go ahead seeing as the movie didn't do so well in the box office.
Richdog said:

Guy Ritchie film, wish i'd never let my girlfriend waste £3 renting it. probably the worst film i've seen in months (genuinely mean that). One good character in the whole film (a bespectacled hitman, absolutely nails), a script that thinks it's about 100x cleverer than it is, and a plot that got lost about 10 minutes into the movie. Don't rent it... please. :(

that's a shame, i really enjoyed that film.

mine is Naked Gun 2 1/2

if you've not heard of it/seen it then you need to get out of your chair and go buy it because it's simply amazing. i love Leslie Nielsen and so do you. stupid humour and CONSTANT laughter throughout the film. i've seen it 3 times this week!


Lots of people on here have written good things about it when mentioned in other threads. So I decided to get the DVD and give it a bash. It really surprised me and I really enjoyed it. Not what I was expecting at all.

It's certainly not a classic but it's a well made film. Funny in places and action packed. Nothing too taxing and good fun to watch.

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Syriana - 5/10

The film spends the first of the 2 hours giving you a load of background info on the characters that could have been given in 10 minutes.

The film has 4 "strands" going on. 4 Characters in their own independant lives. They start to converge at the end, but rather woefully

this could have been such an amazing film, but rather poorly executed i thought.
Serenity - Absolutely amazing sci-fi film although it helps if you have seen the Firefly series

With Firefly - 10/10

Without - 8/10
Lord Of War,


really enjoy anything with Mr Cage and this was true to form. most entertaining. just loved the sheer amount of weaponry in it :D
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