Rate the sig above thread.

whats the point in replying in this thread without actually having a sig ^^

goddamed glut of replies while I typed.

(Companies spend millions on logos so I thought I would give them some mileage :P)
RandomTom said:
go for it! I'd give you sig 4/10, could be better tbqh, i don't think the border or text works. :p

I like yours though! 8/10!

I didn't make this sig tbh, someone from graphics did it cos i wwas feeling lazy!
DailyGeek said:
I like yours though! 8/10!

I didn't make this sig tbh, someone from graphics did it cos i wwas feeling lazy!

How wide is that border...

2/10... learn graphics!! IMO :p
RandomTom said:
haha, nice and polite in comparison to what iSaid!

Gords sigs for the win 9.9r/10! :p :cool:

edit: oh and sonata are pretty good, i give you 6/10 :)

Hehe, i was feeling harsh.

I like your sig, i like the colour gradient along with the whispy lines [did you do that yourself using PS?] and as with Mohinder's im a fan of black stroked text with no fancy smooth edges etc. Just the proper pixels.

Good work 8.8/10
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