RB's Training Log 2015

15 Feb 2009
My last (and first) thread was getting a bit messy with the changing of different programs/lots of breaks, etc, and not starting properly and not being committed until a few months ago, so this new thread WILL contain a solid year of lifting. :cool:
Previous log: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18514047

I have no excuse not to workout seeing as of yesterday I finally got a job working as a fitness coach (Virgin Active) full-time. :)
I do plan on working towards my PT qualification learning in my spare time and aiming to take it maybe 6-12 months down the line once I've got a bit more experience.

Current stats:

Height - 5' 10"
Weight - 171lbs

Squat - 112.5kg
Deadlift - 125kg
Bench - 70kg
OHP - 45kg

Squat - 130kg
Deadlift - 150kg
Bench - 80kg
OHP - 50kg
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Just slowly getting back in from Christmas break.

110kg - 5x5
Paused 75kg - 5

45kg - 6x5

Lateral Raise
2x10kg - 5x7

Reverse Fly
2x10kg - 5x10
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so this new thread WILL contain a solid year of lifting

Quoted for evidence later :)

I have no excuse not to workout seeing as of yesterday I finally got a job working as a fitness coach (Virgin Active) full-time. :)

A PT who squats!! Well done on the job and hope it goes really well. So, what's your assessment of your weaknesses as where you want to improve? I ask because I have very similar stats to you (bar squat where I'm way behind)
Nice work on the job...

However, take a look at Strength & Conditioning coaching qualifications (ASC or something) as it may well be more worthy of your time in the long run.
Quoted for evidence later :)

A PT who squats!! Well done on the job and hope it goes really well. So, what's your assessment of your weaknesses as where you want to improve? I ask because I have very similar stats to you (bar squat where I'm way behind)


Thanks. Generally, get my shoulder mobility up and sort out any kinks in my form/any other tightness issues.
In terms of my lifts, rows; doing single arm rows are fine but BORs feels really hard in comparison so want to get that up as before (well, today) I've been doing single arm exclusively.

I really want to push my squats as well.

Nice work on the job...

However, take a look at Strength & Conditioning coaching qualifications (ASC or something) as it may well be more worthy of your time in the long run.

Cool, I will do. Thanks.
The great thing about working with Virgin is that they take care of their employees. The have loads of CPD qualifications that I can do for free and some of the more expensive ones massively discounted.
I should get all the info of what's available this week once I've started properly. That course might be one on the list. :)
Seeing as I hadn't done deadlifts in 3 weeks :o they went up ok!

100kg - 5
130kg - 3x5
100kg - 10

60kg - 5
50kg - 4x7

Upright Row
20kg - 5x10
Major back DOMS from that deadlift, still aches a bit today! :o

Busy getting to grips with stuff at work (which is going well, and everyone's super chill and friendly :)) so didn't have time for yesterdays workout and only got in a couple of exercises in today.

105kg - 5x5
Paused 65kg - 7

45kg - 7, 5, 6, 6, 5

The squat rack has quite high catchers so if I'm not careful the bar could hit it :( which it did today, not too badly fortunately.

Shoulder's getting better though. The shoulder dislocations exercise with a stick seems to be working for me.
I think I'll prefer doing morning shift despite going to have to wake up at half 4. Waking up pretty late atm so no time to get in early to do a workout so only have 45-60 minutes in lunch break.

100kg - 3x10
80kg - 10
60kg - 10

40kg - 4x12

And some lat pulldowns and pull ups here and there whilst on job.
Nice to hear the job is coming up good...

And even better to hear you getting nailed by deadlift DOMS... :D

I remember the first time I took a break from deadlifts for a while and then reintroduced them as part of a routine switch this time last year: I honestly thought I'd been ripped apart, beaten up, and then put back together badly. :eek:
Yeah it felt a bit like when I had my back injury all those years ago. :o :(
But it's all good again. Hopefully.

135kg - 5, 5, 4
100kg - 10, 7

Form was all a bit sloppy from the start.

Seated Row
45kg - 5x7
Man the squats were heavy!

90kg - 12, 12, 12, 9
70kg - 12

30kg - 5x12
50kg - 2
40kg - 7

Then I done some box jumps for the first time. Started with 40cm to test the waters and quickly moved onto 80cm.
After a few more jumps this went up to 100cm which felt comfortable and started to get a little challenging. I put a few mats underneath to make things more interesting but I still felt I had more to give.
So finally I ended up managing to jump onto 120cm high boxes from standing and next time I'll try higher as I'm sure I can do it (and not after squats). Not bad for first go! :cool:
Warm up properly! Pulled a muscle in my neck whilst doing OHP. :(:( I should know better... lol.

115kg - 5, 5, 5, 2
85kg - 10

45kg - 6, 5, 5, 5, 5

Leg Press
130kg - 3x7
He hasn't noticed! Maybe I should post my session on his log. :p

100kg - 3x10
80kg - 15
60kg - 20

Seated Row
40kg - 4x10

50kg - 2x7
40kg - 2x10
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