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RDNA 3 rumours Q3/4 2022

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Think about where Nvidia see themselves at, when they make a new ##80 class card that's no better than the one its replaced, jack the price up 30% to make the current ##80 class card which is still retailing on US sites right now for $800... look like good value.

Nvidia really are taking us for ####'s, that's what they think of us.
They really do not hide any of this. Jensen H. said himself openly and on record in earnings call not long ago, that they will manipulate market to slowly get rid of 3k series and uphold high prices and margins from mining time, because that is what their investors (real owners and clients of the company) want. Customers are just milking cows, all he was worried about was to keep high margins, not spoil prices in any way (hence no big discounts on 3k series) and slowly trickle out 4k series till market is ready. They rather sell less and slower for much more than drop any prices. And 4k series is more expensive on purpose, because those are the target prices NVIDIA want to have for all future GPUs.

Now, the only way the above can change is either consumers say no and stop buying these overpriced products (even if they're good), or competition comes and offers cheaper prices for a product that people want to buy. Problem is that irrelevant of pricing, people tend to still choose NVIDIA, just like it was with Intel always chosen over AMD not long ago. And if they do this time as well, these prices will stay and AMD will have no reason to drop theirs either (as it wouldn't increase sales numbers much anyway). And as we can see from public finances of AMD, they still have full warehouses of their current generation to shift first, as they're spending over a hundred million USD just on storage.
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All seems a bit crazy with NVIDIA's pricing, However, if people are willing to buy then I guess there is no reason to drop pricing. I am still really happy with my RX6800 so unless AMD come in with a really decent product and its around the £600 mark I will be sitting out this Gen. I am hoping they do but honestly don't have my hopes up.
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7900xt is the way i will go, if the price is right, even if a bit slower than the 4090 as Nvidia are taking the P**** on pricing. 7900XT at no higher than £1100 for top AIB models will be the way forward. about time AMD leaked some info too, would be nice to see them spank nvidia lol
Problem is that irrelevant of pricing, people tend to still choose NVIDIA, just like it was with Intel always chosen over AMD not long ago.
It's not just mind share but also the issue with amd inventory levels, they just don't make enough of these available. Amd must be also losing opportunities due to stuff simply being unavailable.

Maybe that explains why Nvidia has to stomach much larger losses due to unsold ampere inventory while amd's having things relatively easy
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The thing is I have a PS5 and a Steam Deck I can use and I am not playing any demanding PC games and haven't turned on my Pimax 8KX in months. I am in no rush for a major GPU upgrade at the moment.

Yep, I am gaming more than I ever have since getting the 3090 but its not like the performance needs an upgrade. I am obviously interested in the technology and if its a worthy investment might shift, however like we have seen with any Ada below 4090 its a tiny boost or going backwards (4060Ti gimped ed). AMD could add an interesting option but to grab attention the n31 card will have to beat the 3090 in enough areas to make any sense.

In all honesty it will likely be the refresh of both companies that might be a better upgrade, and that's a good year away now. At least it was one of the benefits of having a solid Ampere card two years ago, its lifespan is looking OK for now!
They really do not hide any of this. Jensen H. said himself openly and on record in earnings call not long ago, that they will manipulate market to slowly get rid of 3k series and uphold high prices and margins from mining time, because that is what their investors (real owners and clients of the company) want. Customers are just milking cows, all he was worried about was to keep high margins, not spoil prices in any way (hence no big discounts on 3k series) and slowly trickle out 4k series till market is ready. They rather sell less and slower for much more than drop any prices. And 4k series is more expensive on purpose, because those are the target prices NVIDIA want to have for all future GPUs.

Now, the only way the above can change is either consumers say no and stop buying these overpriced products (even if they're good), or competition comes and offers cheaper prices for a product that people want to buy. Problem is that irrelevant of pricing, people tend to still choose NVIDIA, just like it was with Intel always chosen over AMD not long ago. And if they do this time as well, these prices will stay and AMD will have no reason to drop theirs either (as it wouldn't increase sales numbers much anyway). And as we can see from public finances of AMD, they still have full warehouses of their current generation to shift first, as they're spending over a hundred million USD just on storage.

Time will tell but first time I'm not bothering with an Nvidia GPU (at least for now) in a long time:

My history in the last 8 years or so is:

290 Tri-Fire
980 SLI
1080Ti SLI

TBH gsync kept me tied to them for a while but that's no longer an issue and then to an extent DLSS/ray tracing for the past two gens but this time around there is simply not enough for me to put up with the pricing.
The more information that comes out about die sizes and performance of the 4000 series, the stupider it looks for AMD to follow Nvidia's pricing lead. I guess we will soon know how stupid AMD is or isn't.
I just hope AMD don't jack up the price and rename the 7600XT and 7700XT to match Nvidias 4080s.

It would be an utter embarrassment for nvidia if a £450 7600XT matches a 4080 12gb and the same if a £550 7700XT matches the £1300 4080 16gb.
I just hope AMD don't jack up the price and rename the 7600XT and 7700XT to match Nvidias 4080s.

It would be an utter embarrassment for nvidia if a £450 7600XT matches a 4080 12gb and the same if a £550 7700XT matches the £1300 4080 16gb.

thats not gonna happen £550 for something that matches 4080 16gb ? what happens to the current stock they have with 6000 series ?
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When you check all kinds of reviews (not just one and not just average scores), you can see that in same games, even at 4k, 4090 is CPU-limited. It could go faster but current CPUs in some games aren't enough anymore - that will likely change when games put even more effects in and even more strain on the GPU. This seems to be the first time where GPU is CPU limited at 4k. But that also means that scores from benchmarks do not tell us the full story about how fast 4090 really is in 4k, especially the average ones. It also means that 4080 could potentially be faster in SOME games than people realise, as in their case CPU limit shouldn't be a thing. However, we'll know for sure when they arrive and it's not all games - in few titles 4090 was on the level of 3090 or even dropped below in 4k (like in CS Go), which to me seems like immature drivers, yet.

This is not a new thing at all. We had people for years purchase the top end GPU to pair them with 1080p screens and or low and mid range CPUs. For example I have seen people pairing a 3080 on an Intel dual core CPU and not realising they were gitting no better than 2080/1080Ti performance.

In fact every single top end review of the past few years shows how Nvidia are bottlenecked at 1080p and even 1440p a lot more than AMD.
what would it take AMD cards? price that matches the 4080 12gb and 16gb
for you ?
Given Nvidias 80 cards are 4060/ti / 4070 I would be looking to pay last gen prices + 20% for inflation and the better process node which is think is a fair increase so for a 4080 12gb competitor I'd pay no more than £450 and a 4080 16 competitor for under £600, if AMD want me to pay £800 which is a almost a 30% increase on a 6800XT msrp then I'd expect proper 80 class performance which is atleast 20% faster than a 4080 16gb.
thats not gonna happen £550 for something that matches 4080 16gb ? what happens to the current stock they have with 6000 series ?

This is the problem. We still have people demading that AMD meet a price/perf ratio they don't ask Nvidia to achieve. A lot want AMD to force Nvidia to lower their prices, just so they can get their Nvidia GPU cheaper.

Then it becomes AMDs fault that Nvidia are so overpriced.
Given Nvidias 80 cards are 4060/ti / 4070 I would be looking to pay last gen prices + 20% for inflation and the better process node which is think is a fair increase so for a 4080 12gb competitor I'd pay no more than £450 and a 4080 16 competitor for under £600, if AMD want me to pay £800 which is a almost a 30% increase on a 6800XT msrp then I'd expect proper 80 class performance which is atleast 20% faster than a 4080 16gb.

What a load of nonsense. So AMD need to be far cheaper than a 4080 16GB and 20% faster before you consider them worth buying.

L O the **** L. Nvdia price their 4080 12GB at £900 and it is no faster than a 3090 (at best), yet AMD must price their 4080 12GB competitor at half that price and also be 20% faster than the 4080 16GB.

Did I get your oh so reasonable demands correct? And if they don't deliver this magical price/perf will you declare AMD 7x00 worthless?
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Given Nvidias 80 cards are 4060/ti / 4070 I would be looking to pay last gen prices + 20% for inflation and the better process node which is think is a fair increase so for a 4080 12gb competitor I'd pay no more than £450 and a 4080 16 competitor for under £600, if AMD want me to pay £800 which is a almost a 30% increase on a 6800XT msrp then I'd expect proper 80 class performance which is atleast 20% faster than a 4080 16gb.

Im going by performance to what Nvidia has out with 40 series dont care what they done with renaming etc what you are wanting is unreasonable lol , if the 4080 16gb is £1269 MSRP and you want AMD to give you it for £550 LOL, and AMD 7800xt matches its performance while maybe lower RT performance £750-£800 seems good to me
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What a load of nonsense. So AMD need to be far cheaper than a 4080 16GB and 20% faster before you consider them worth buying.

L O the **** L. Nvdia price their 4080 12GB at £900 and it is no faster than a 3090 (at best), yet AMD must price their 4080 12GB competitor at half that price and also be 20% faster than the 4080 16GB.

Did I get your oh so reasonable demands correct? And if they don't deliver this magical price/perf will you declare AMD 7x00 worthless?
I don't know why they don't just say they'll never buy an AMD GPU and will always buy nVidia. At least they're being honest!
Im going by performance to what Nvidia has out with 40 series dont care what they done with renaming etc what you are wanting is unreasonable lol , if the 4080 16gb is £1269 MSRP, and AMD 7800xt matches its performance while maybe lower RT performance £750-£800 seems good to me

AMD will price their GPUS in line with Nvidia with a small price/perf improvement. We have reached the new norm a few years back when people were happy to pay scalped 3x00 and 6x00 prices. Both AMD and Nvidia will happily fleece us.

If AMD release a 7800XT that matches the 4080 16GB is it will be only marginally cheaper.
It would be an utter embarrassment for nvidia if a £450 7600XT matches a 4080 12gb and the same if a £550 7700XT matches the £1300 4080 16gb.
Yep AMD needs to be aggressive. I think that if AMD is aggressive enough and forces Nvidia to drop the price of the fake 4080s before launch by a substantial amount, it will damage Nvidia's premium brand image.

Also Nvidia has left a massive performance gap between the 4090 and fake 4080s that AMD could comfortably squeeze a 7800XT, 7800 and maybe the 7700xt into and just sweep sales. It is literally AMD's game to lose.
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Problem is AMD are a lot weaker on features, they can't just knock $50 off the price and say it's just as fast in all these games. I'd rather just spend the extra $50 and get NVIDIA. If they do a substantial price reduction then the perceived value is much lower and no mindshare is made
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