Yep AMD needs to be aggressive. I think that if AMD is aggressive enough and forces Nvidia to drop the price of the fake 4080s before launch by a substantial amount, it will damage Nvidia's premium brand image.
Also Nvidia has left a massive performance gap between the 4090 and fake 4080s that AMD could comfortably squeeze a 7800XT, 7800 and maybe the 7700xt into and just sweep sales. It is literally AMD's game to lose.
I'm sorry but AMD need to be no such thing. People said the same last year and it never happened. AMD do not owe you or I anything in relation to some magical price/perf just to give Nvidia a kick up the hole.
I am not happy about pricing either. But expecting AMD to deliver a price/perf that more than double what Nvidia offer is not just unrealistic, but completely laughable.
Think about it, significantly less than half the price of the 4080 16GB for the same perfomance?