Reading/Leeds Festival

Pearl Jam were AMAZING!!!


excuse quality, phone pic
lemonkettaz said:
taxi mate

Useless post alert^!

In my opinion, i've seen Muse once and thought they were immense. I cant imagine them being bad live. Having said that -- Reel Big Fish put on the most fun show ever. Fact.
What a weekend.
Pearl jam and muse were stunning. Muse's set was unreal!

Killswitch engage, slayer and mastodon were all awesome.

Pit action for KSE and slayer and 2 stepping to the bled = awesome fun

Thursday were good but their song selection was disappointing :(

Coheed were good but most of the fans were tools. Since when could you have a wall of death to an accousticy solo. That annoyed me.

Fightstar were surprisingly good.

Panic were appaling. 2 covers in a 45 minuite set? whats that about?

Did anyone see fosters man? A guy waling around with fosters helmet and fosters body armour? I will have been with him haha, he is my best mate.

Quality weekend overall. Some guy asked to buy ecstacy off me but used the chemical name :confused: I thought that was a bit strange (I'm not on drugs, they asked everyone).

Boysetsfire were preety class, as were rise against.

Oh man I'm still excited.

I'm so burnt from the friday goddammit. Stayed out all day.
The Klaxsons were the highlight of my weekend. I had my horn, my glowsticks and the face paint. The fact that I was off my face also helped.

Simply manic.

Muse were amazing, managed to push my way to the front and got thrown headfirst over the barrier after crowdsurfing.

The View also suprised me, I wasn't expecting much from them but they blew me away.

Other highlights included Peaches, Clap Your Hands, Flogging Molly, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Mystery Jets and THAT pillow fight!

Good work by everyone in the campsite, only a few minor problems. "ANGRY MOB ANGRY MOB" and "NOEL EDMONDS" were inspired.

On to next year!
lemonkettaz said:
who has a useless post?

You. If you're gonna diss someones opinion at least post why. Rolleyes does not constitute an argument.

A5H said:
Coheed were good but most of the fans were tools. Since when could you have a wall of death to an accousticy solo. That annoyed me.

I was gonna ask if anyone saw Co&Ca. I've been getting into them so much recently but simply couldnt afford to see them in London or at Reading :( Wall of death? Sounds lame:(

I know it's a long shot, but did anyone catch Sonic Boom Six? I think they were suposed to be on first at the Lockup Tent thingy.
The crowdsurfers **** me off during most of the bands. FFS theres signs everywhere asking you not to do it and yet you still keep going over kicking me in the head on your way every 30 seconds... give it a rest :rolleyes:

mind, i didnt think many people would think that their performance was rubbish.

even if your not a muse fan.. the actual "performance" and the stage setup was pretty good
The kooks set ****** me off, all these idiots forcing there way into the tent when there was clearly no room, I almost punched someone in the face becasue he thought it was funny to just run at the crowd and smash his way in hurting my g/f

No swearing.

Scam said:
Wall of death? Sounds lame:(

It is for a band like that. But for stuff like lamb of god where its a slow little intro then absolute musical carnage, it's ace.

To the guy above, you should have punched them.............for liking the kooks :p

The campsite was funny as. Really good atmosphere in red camp.

Also: Adam D from killswitch on the ferris wheel was hilarious. Then taking back sunday tried to take the **** out of them hahaha. Awesome.
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