Ready Player One (2018)

Have you read the book? If you have an ounce of nostalgia for the early years of gaming and 80's kitsch then it's a pretty enjoyable read.

I haven't read the book.

I have considered it, but I keep hearing the nostalgia is the only really good thing about it.
Looks horrendous from the trailers, like everything I hate about Hollywood rolled into one giant hamfest for the types of people who think super hero films are awesome.
I haven't read the book.

I have considered it, but I keep hearing the nostalgia is the only really good thing about it.

I'd say this will be a film that's better than the book. The book is all nostalgia, I read it the first time and got caught up in that, re-read it and realised it's utter drivel as a story, all far too convenient and timing and solving of puzzles and riddles laughable. It's written like a 8 year old summing up a story, like when they try to cram the plot conveniently into two paragraphs.

Enjoy the film, ignore the book.
I'm listening to the book on audible. Despite it being narrated by Wesley Crusher I'm quite enjoying it.

I understand the criticism about it though. The main character Wade is a Mary Sue, everything just falls into place for him all the time.
I'm really looking forward to seeing this. The book was excellent and I enjoyed the nostalgia of it. I think there's a risk of taking this movie too seriously and forgetting that a huge draw is the vintage video games and 80's nostalgia. Spielberg surely has the vehicle to reference his old classic films too?

What's the soundtrack like?
Looking forward to this - re-reading it at the moment, although expecting the film to deviate as required.
WTF does that mean? I looked it up on wiktionary but I am still lost.

It means you are acting disagreeable so that you can stand out. Someone who probably wears a fedora and has a collection of samurai swords.

Having listened to the book now, almost to completion, via audible I will say that I have enjoyed the book overall.

Two things that have nagged me. I have already mentioned that the lead character just has everything fall in place for him. Want to solve a puzzle? Just sit there until it "comes to you".

The plot twist at the end is incredibly cringey. The author just goes off on a SJW tirade with what you think of as a main character in the simulation being a plethora of diversity tick boxes. Think preferred pronouns.
Two things that have nagged me. I have already mentioned that the lead character just has everything fall in place for him. Want to solve a puzzle? Just sit there until it "comes to you".

I dunno that seems a little harsh, it does say that he has spent 5 years studying Halliday and the Egg Hunt including playing of all the games Halliday idolised. I saw it more a case of once he'd made that breakthrough future breakthrough came more easily and he is helped by others that beat him to the breakthrough. It's not a case of he is suddenly has Jedi powers y'know because, there is definitely implied apprenticeship, the plot takes place over years there is time for growth understanding etc.
It's more how convenient the following clues are solved, that all of main players can solve clues 2/3 and so on almost together despite not working as a team when the first clue took years to solve. Admittedly I didn't notice it on first read but second read it was terrible.
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