Reaper - Cancelled?!?

Yeah thats one show I was very upset to see cancelled :mad:. But there is a very good chance there will be a continuation of the show, albeit in the form of a 2 hour straight to DVD movie.

Midway through Season 2 was pretty poor - but the last couple of episodes rocked....

Now deadded... :(
Midway through Season 2 was pretty poor - but the last couple of episodes rocked....

Now deadded... :(

Yeah, very true, i think a lot felt like that. The Sarah centric episodes killed it.

But there are strong fan campaigns going on to save the show, including a big mobile billboard being driven around LA and past the WB studio.

One of the producers (James Middleton) who also produced Salvation has said that there have been meetings about sorting out a 2 hour straight to DVD movie and told fans not to give up :).

The problem is the way we watch TV has changed and with the internet young people don't tend to sit in front of a TV to watch their fav shows anymore. This is especially true with shows like TSCC and DH that are put on on a friday when young people the show is aimed at will be out. The Nielson rating system is really out of date and as such good shows are getting canned before their time.

Also reality TV doesn't help either.
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My Name Is Earl canned too? this may be old news but I didnt know. That is a classic show that me and my wife love.

This is a very sad thread :(
I have a worry with a lot of shows I watch that they'll get canned. My brother has a habit of watching shows, then finding out they're being canned, so i've banned him from finding new shows. The next show i'm worried about is Warehouse 13. Sure it's been re-newed for a second season, and has the highest SyFy ratings for a long time, but I don't know where they can really take it after season 2 as there's only so much you can do with a show like that.
Good, Hopefully I'll never have to hear the annoying voice on the E4 adverts any more "reapaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

shut up!

/rant off
That's a shame, I recently started watching Reaper after seeing it recommended on here and have been really enjoying it. Thought it was a bit amateurish at first but after the first couple of episodes it really started to shine. The Devil is an excellent character in it too.

It's no Chuck, but it's a good substitute until Season 3 arrives.
The creators of the show signed contracts with another network (Fox i think) so had the show carried on, they wouldn't have been there to guide it so to speak. That's why it ended.

Anyway, I loved Reaper. Sock was a great character, Andi was super hot, and the Devil character was just brilliant. I just want to know the end to the story.
I liked Reaper. I was never overly fussed about it, but used to enjoy catching it when I could.

I do agree about Sam though - he wasn't likeable enough. Other than Sock, some of the characters lacked a certain charm that shows like Chuck have in abundance.

But if you look at viewing figures for all drama/sitcom/comedy shows - after Seasons 2/3 the rating really plummet. I think people just get bored of the same scenario, stories and characters, but the writers/creators would never change it because you'd p*** off the hardcore fans, which is really all thats left after the first few seasons.
Obviously its all about money for the networks, so its just a shame that certain shows get canned without a proper ending.

I'm a massive fan of Chuck though, so I'm just relieved it get renewed for S3. I do think this will be the last though, so I hope they give it a proper ending.
Excellent, I will have to watch out for that. Thanks! :)

Only problem is it has all time low viewing figures of 2.6 million. These figures for a major network like Fox are very bad. Wife swap for instance gets around 8 million and costs next to nothing to make.

I'm just hoping they don't pull a firefly and can it before the whole season airs :(. Summer will be appearing in episode 6 or 7 i believe and has secured a recurring role. Lets hope its still on the air for that.
The problem is the way we watch TV has changed and with the internet young people don't tend to sit in front of a TV to watch their fav shows anymore. This is especially true with shows like TSCC and DH that are put on on a friday when young people the show is aimed at will be out. The Nielson rating system is really out of date and as such good shows are getting canned before their time.

Also reality TV doesn't help either.

1st part has almost nothing to do with it, ratings are ratings and they work fine, things only get moved to friday night when everyones out then they aren't fighting for viewers, already dying shows get put there. That Sarah Conner got a second season was surprising tbh.

Smallville, finally is on a friday meaning it shouldn't get another season.

But the reason so many shows are canceled is the second part, reality tv. No actors, so no fee's, someone like a Chandler or Josh from the west wing in Studio 60, will be getting 200-500k an episode(1st season 200k maybe, if it got a 5th season 500k-1m) reality tv just doesn't have stars. Even the presenters will be useless people not making very much at all. Writers could be on anything from 10-100k a show, and a big show will have anything from 5-30 writers. Again reality tv costs nothing, the producer and 3 interns coming up with dumb stuff for them to do isn't writing and costs nothing.

Reality tv is almost 100% pure profit, proper TV shows are mostly just trying to break even and if lucky, after 3-4 years can make decent money in syndication and dvd sales :(

Its a shame, Studio 60 for example, was superb, but money was short, thats why the two main guys weren't in for best part of 2 episodes, to save on costs. It was probably the best writen thing around in a long time, but too many people prefer watching reality tv and more importantly, other countries have to pay a lot more to show a Studio 60, than The bigger loser, or whatever other cheap and crap reality tv, so syndication is hard on the big shows now as other countries don't want to pay given the choice now.

Saying all that, Reaper was miles away from being one of the great shows around to be canceled, honestly surprised it finished the first season at all.

Sarah Conner had the same problem, it was being writen as a 10 season epic with plenty of time for loads of episodes about upset girlfriends, teenage angst, should I/Shouldn't I be in school. It was turning into a half action series, half teenage angst series, and 98% of people tuning into a Terminator series didn't give a crap about his angst. Action costs more though and CGI pushes costs up hugely, what they really needed was to write in a group of humans helping the terminators who wanted to help end the planet and start again. Introducing a cheap as chips way to add action without CGI and robots and continue the story.
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My Name Is Earl canned too? this may be old news but I didnt know. That is a classic show that me and my wife love.

This is a very sad thread :(

My Name is Earl had a decent first season(though watch it again and you realise most is stupid slapstick and far far less funny a 2nd time) the second season started off terribly, but picked up, 3 and 4 were dreadful, absolutely abysmal TV, from a show that even with stupid jokes and slapstick was laughing most of the way through, the last season had loads of episodes I could literally sit through without laughing, there were no real jokes anymore. They'd do something stupid and laugh and expect the audience to. Don't know anyone who though the last couple series were close to good, bar, the odd episode.

I agree with your comments about TSCC turning into a "half action series, half teenage angst". On all the TSCC forums people were calling him "Emo John", none of the tscc fans liked that and we all told Josh Friedman we didnt. Most of the fans HATED the Sarah centric episodes, the first episode back after the hiatus was abysmal.

There were some really good things about the show and a lot of things that needed to be changed. Introducing Riley (Johns girlfriend) was a big mistake IMO and turned the show into a soap.

It really bucked up in the last few episodes and really showed where the show could go, but it was too late by then.

But hearing about what Josh had planned for season 3...maybe its better off dead.
Not heard about 'Reaper' being cancelled!!! I really liked that show. 'Sock' was so funny in it. Shame!!!
Not heard that TSCC was cancelled either. Oh well, I've still got 'Sanctuary' series 2 to look forward too!
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