Reccomend me some good tv scifi series to watch

For some reason Im really enjoying the Dark Angel repeats at the moment - I guess its cos Albas easy on the eyes

Quantum Leap has to be watched!!!

ps3ud0 :cool:
iJedi said:
Firefly - like Space Above and Beyond was canceled after the 1st series, however they did make a film called serenity to close things off which was pretty kool

All I've been watching recently.
The Time Tunnel and Land of the Giants; seriously, they made Sundays awesome.

Enough said

(I admit both series have their flaws. Farscape for instants every episode consiists of Kryten getting annoyed at something, being macho confident, somebody almost dies, then survives and everything is ok. Stargate, exactly how many times does daniel need to die, lol.)
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Totally addicted to SG1 and SGA.
Tried to get into Battlestar Galatica but failed ;/

Loved Space Above and Beyond when it was on. Used to stay up as a kid and watch it. Last episode I saw was not good for them. Can someone pm me what happened in the last episode?
I've seen virtually every sci fi series out there and would say the best out of the lot was Farscape, Followed closely by Stargate SG1, and galactica (new series)
Twin Peaks or
American Gothic

Both really weird but fantastic shows :) Technically not Sci-fi, but if you like the X-files, Invasion and anything eerie these are a must. ;) The guy who created Invasion created American Gothic as well, and they both share similar styles where weird things happen in a small confined town with a supernatural sheriff running the show.
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Taken is an incredibly well done sci-fi series :) I have the full DVD set, only cost £20 iirc a while back.

Superb storyline to it though :)
ohhh whats that one with the guy who knows everything apart from his name?

and the one where the government take a guy whos hit by a train and make him a body, but he's not alowed to talk to anyone he knew (or leave his room when not needed etc)?
Ones that i dont think have been mentioned -

Crusade (underrated if you ask me)
Blakes 7
Earth 2

I suppose both Buffy and Angel fit into this Category as i suppose does Alias.
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I'd say Firely as well. Can be got for £11.99 if you look around.

VeNT said:
ohhh whats that one with the guy who knows everything apart from his name?

John Doe. I wouldn't recommend that though due to the ending although I thought it was great.
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