1. Stray Dog - Mirror (Signum Mix)
2. DJ Misjah & DJ Tim - Access (Original Mix)
3. Danny & Graxx - Something for your soul (Beachhouse Brothers Mix)
4. Mauro Picotto - Lizard (Tall Paul Mix)
5. Aqualon - Evolution 404 (Original Mix)
6. N&R Project - Before Daybreak (Original Mix)
7. John Askew - The Witch (Original Mix)
8. ATB - 9PM Till I Come (Signum Mix)
9. Gaia - Aisha (Aly & Fila Mix)
10. Binary Finary - 1999 (Gouryella Mix)
11. Dutch Force - Deadline (Original Mix)
12. Ayla - Ayla (Verachocha Mix)
13. Cern - The Message (Southern Mix)
14. Aly & Fila - A New Age (Omar Sherif & Jonathan Carvajal Mix)
15. K.K.System - Housetime Is Anytime (Flying Trance Mix)
16. Ralph Fridge - Man On Mars (Martin Eyerer Mix)
17. Dirt Devils - The Drill (Evacuation Mix)
18. Darren Tate - Prayer For A God (Original Mix)
19. DJ Kim - Jetlag (Alphazone Mix)
20. Alex G & Fame - Freedom (Green Court Mix)
21. Free State - Different Ways (Dirt Devils Mix)
Virtual mixer so a couple of glitches in the mix but not too bad for dipping my toes back into DJing again after a few years away
Feedback welcome