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Red Dead Redemption 2 now has DLSS 2 support

20 Nov 2020
I see some people are telling a different story, for example this is supposedly DLSS in motion
Source in the comments
Well even if they are right and it is bad atm, it can be fixed, maybe the devs made some mistakes during implementation.
21 Feb 2021
I see some people are telling a different story, for example this is supposedly DLSS in motion
Source in the comments
Well even if they are right and it is bad atm, it can be fixed, maybe the devs made some mistakes during implementation.

that is monitor overshooting. nothing to do with dlss or game, the user probably adjusted their overdrive setting to max

i can literally replicate the same effect on my own monitor, my monitor also has three overdrive options: normal, fast and ultra fast. ultra fast is literally overshoot clown fiesta. fast is a bit bareable. i use normal in single player games because it really does a well job at hiding minor microhitches/stutters. the better your response time is, the more "precise" your frames need to be (this is irrevelant to the topic, sorry). having good responsetime and not having overshoot in the same is also a panel quality issue. having a high response time can be good (although it will blur the image more, but thats a sacrifice you can take if it means its going to hide motion hitches)
4 Jun 2009
There are definitely some minor issues, I have seen some saying that 2.2.6 dlss version works better, not tried myself though.

On the whole, the game is a joy in motion now though, there is some artifacting happening on edges but suspect that is largely down to the over sharpening happening with dlss now (which is maybe why 2.2.6 works/looks better), either way, even with the "minor" issues it does have and also some minor weird blur on things, mostly text on buildings, it is by far the best option this game now has:

- msaa is a performance hog and even at 4x and 8x, it still has awful jaggies and can't render hair at all properly
- TAA more blurry overall and the issues with motion make it nigh on unplayable

Definitely not noticed any missing shadows either.

Always puzzles me how people have a bone to pick with dlss motion yet TAA motion never seems to get the same level of scrutiny despite being literally 10 times worse.....
20 Nov 2020
Looks like a a mobile phone video of a low response panel?
It is not the only one who reported problems while moving that's why i posted the image. For example someone on reddit said: "Too many artifacts at screen edges, weird sharpening around trees when doing small movements." etc.
Maybe there is a difference between Vulkan DLSS and DX12.
I think it is ok to have good and bad implementations of any feature. As long as they work to fix it, it doesn't matter if it has some small bugs on release.
30 Jun 2019
I think the min fps reported by the game benchmark seems very low, I'm gonna assume its taking a reading while the game is still loading a scene, or just after.

Readings I can see from the Microsoft Game Bar have all been good, although maybe its not the most sensitive way to measure performance.
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Looks like a a mobile phone video of a low response panel?

Possibly monitor response issues but looks like what happens if you use the new DLSS ultra performance setting (not sure if it is in RDR2) with a lower base resolution and upscale to a much higher resolution and/or use DSR in the mix:


Also similar happens if you "peekaboo" a scene with foliage - DLSS seems to fill in the missing detail with a bit of inconsistency.
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