Red Dead Redemption 2 (PS4, Xbox and PC Hopefully)

Cleaning guns, eating and resting all sound like boring things I could do without.

Remember when in GTA: San Andreas you had to go to the gym to keep your fitness up and eat to replenish health? It was rubbish.

Added layers of realism, a lot more depth, I wish games would put more of this in. I want immersion in the game world, I’m massively into that and loved how San Andrea’s touched on it.
Those sound fun to me, See how far you can get with a dirty pistol.

Few more juicy bits:

You can hip fire both revolvers and rifles/shotguns.

The story evolved naturally out of the first Red Dead- a small team had begun writing ideas for the story of Dutch’s Gang before the first Redemption had even released, and the vagueness of how the gang’s history was described in the last game helped that.

Arthur is a character not mentioned in the previous game, and although there are basic characteristics to him, whether he is an honourable outlaw or a brutal outlaw is up to you (outside of story missions).

You can research animals and add them into a journal.

If you come across someone with a snake bite, you’ll need to use a tonic, if you don’t have one, Morgan will need to suck the poison out of the bite.

Inspect your guns at any time to decide to whether to clean them.

You have to scrub each part of Morgan individually whilst having a bath.

Certain women in towns will offer you a “deluxe bath”

Michah bell was a hitman previously before joining the gang, amongst other things.

Stealth is a bigger element than the previous game. You can direct other gang members to take out enemies quietly.

You can perform dressage with your horse.

There are letters and books across the environment filled with the lore of the world.

Using guns in the rain increases likelihood of rusting.
R* just tweeted this:

The diverse habitats and climates of Red Dead Redemption 2 are home to around 200 species of animals, birds and fish, all of which behave and respond to their environment in a unique way.

Agh, dear me. I normally don't buy games on release (last one was Horizon Zero Dawn back in March 2017). But I am so tempted by this!
Looks like the map is going to encompass all of the west from California coast to the Mississippi River if those animals are anything to go by.
Gah...tempted to get an Xbox one x for this :E

I would have liked to have got an X but couldn’t justify it. Will be interesting to see how high the res is on the X; lucky people haha.
Curse you!

Do you have one Bain? Tbh, seems like a great bit of kit - and the chance to get 1080p60

Also, to be clear I do have an OG Xbox one

I do have one mate yeah, replaced a One S last November... it's a cracking piece of kit, although I'm using it with 4K/HDR.
i'm really looking forward to this, with the first one being one of the few single player games I've completed. I generally just don't enjoy single player games. I got God of War with my PS4 Pro, everyone says how amazing it is and I played about 30 minutes... RDR2 though, I think I can last through, although it does worry me all this 'clean your gun' and 'feed your horse' type malarky.
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