Red Dead Redemption 2 (PS4, Xbox and PC Hopefully)

Nope, I'm in the same boat as you. I was really enjoying it at the start. But now all I do is ride from one place to another, button bash some menial tasks (NEED TO BRUSH MY HORSE AGAIN FFS) and get forced into a bit of shooting on occasion.

Can't deny the scale and detail of the game is impressive, but it's just missing something in my opinion.

I've brushed my horse like once, I'm up to chapter 3 and never needed to do it, same for feeding, I only do that if I have accidentally injured my horse or its been shot at.
I'm still slowly meandering my way through this and having a whale of a time. Rescued a drowning random last night, stopped the o'Driscolls rescuing one of their gang in a random shootout (the ******* killed my horse though!) got into a mass brawl at a train station and mistakenly destroyed a sheriff/deputy by jumping my horse at him and killing him with a horse to the head :D

Still only chapter 1 but don't care as it's so much freaking fun.
I've found this a bit of a chore for the past couple of chapters, I'm in Epilogue 2 now and kinda want to just get it done.

I think I played the game in the wrong way, I set out to explore from pretty much the second camp and spent too much time on the challenges etc, which meant by the time I got to Saint Denis in the story I'd already been in that area for 2 chapters. If I was to start again and forget everything I'd explore as and when the camp moves, to keep everything fresh. If that makes sense.

Overall still a great game, it's not surprising it's getting a bit stale considering I must be at least 50-60 hours into it.
I'm about 50% in as I've really took my time and done side quests plus a lot of the legendary animals/fish, it feels like a bit of chore to be honest, I'll finish it for the story but I can't imagine playing all the way through it again. I've kind of got better at combat so it's not as hopeless to have gunfights anymore but there are still occasions where trying to use cover causes problems - dead eye spamming and potion chugging when it's empty seems to work the best.
I think the game badly needed editing. Over 100 missions is ridiculous considering you are basically doing the same thing(ride to a shooting gallery) for most of them. Completely remove chapter 5 and cutting down chapters 3 and 6 plus most of the first part of the epilogue would improve the flow of the game imo.

It needed someone to look at chapter 5 and say 'is this really needed? We are 3/4 through the story and this interlude doesn't get us any nearer to the ending'(or have any bearing on it)
I just realised I completely forgot about the guy who asks you to find was one of the first side quests I came across and thought I would come back to it later but never did. I just checked and you can do them after the epilogue so I've still got those to do!
Finally started this yesterday (had to finish AC: Odyssey first) and struggling to understand the high scores so far.

It looks great (XB1X) in terms of main character models and most of the scenery but some of the textures are rough (buying horse accessories really highlights this) and coming from Odyssey, it just feels a bit underwhelming, the skybox is terrible which is a shame for a game where you see the sky so much.

Gameplay doesn't seem to have moved on at all since the last game, "go here and shoot stuff with some clunky actions every so often". I loved that I could do bits of Odyssey's missions then come back to do the rest when I felt like it but in this I "failed" the "look for Karen" mission because I walked near the General Store before going to the hotel. Any sense of it being open world is totally lost in the missions which are so on rails that it's painful. It feels like I have to play every mission exactly how the game intends and there is no scope for creativity at all.

The sheer number of pointless mechanics just makes the game feel a clunky mess, I don't want to have to track down my hat or pat my horse or brush it or remember to eat/shave/sleep or watch the same skinning cutscene each time.

I play games for fun and so far just seems so self-satisfied with how clever it is that someone forgot it was meant to be enjoyable.
I quite enjoy just sitting in the theatres and watching the shows, love the musical ones! :D

I think it really is the details in this game that amaze me more than the actual gameplay
I just realised I completely forgot about the guy who asks you to find was one of the first side quests I came across and thought I would come back to it later but never did. I just checked and you can do them after the epilogue so I've still got those to do!
worth doing some are quite funny :p
The sheer number of pointless mechanics just makes the game feel a clunky mess, I don't want to have to track down my hat or pat my horse or brush it or remember to eat/shave/sleep or watch the same skinning cutscene each time.

I play games for fun and so far just seems so self-satisfied with how clever it is that someone forgot it was meant to be enjoyable.

I get where you are coming from, I'm still liking exploring the world at the moment but I do find it very clunky, it's good and looks amazing in parts but is no Breath of the Wild...
If you accept the fact that it's essentially a totally linear, on-rails story with some rudimentary shooting galleries and QTEs, rather than a genuine open world game, it's quite enjoyable.

I don't find it particularly engrossing though, I tend to avoid firing it up if I don't have much time because I don't know how long the next on-rails mission is going to take. At least you can put cinematic mode on and go make a cup of tea, and hope your horse doesn't commit suicide :P
Two minds in getting this sounds a very marmite game. Think I'll wait for the sales and when I get a bigger TV to appreciate it in 4k.

I'd suggest waiting for a sale or buying second hand. Unless the multiplayer is spectacular the market is going to be flooded with second hand copies soon enough IMO. I don't want to be £50 out of pocket on a game I'm not enjoying!

I sold my copy today as I can get near what I paid for it at the moment. The game itself I didn't enjoy though. Combat is awful and basically just a minor update of the GTA5 controls. Missions are linear and the map seems empty and devoid of character. I'd barely call it an open world game.

It's odd as I really enjoyed GTA V but I realised my main draw in that game was the driving dynamics and cruising around the city. Riding on horseback is tedious in comparison.

I contemplated keeping it for the promise of the multiplayer but I'll buy it again in future on sale if that turns out to be something i want to play.

I don't understand the universal praise the game is receiving. Sure the presentation (graphics,audio,music) is top notch but the gameplay and game dynamics have barely improved since last gen. It's a massive disappointment after grand theft auto 5 in my eyes.
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The last few days I think I have definitely seen and experienced more of the tedious aspect to this game that others have mentioned

Accepted the mission and then had to go there, a cut scene, shoot a few guys and then ride all the way back again - Granted that is the way these games work but there is something about it that appears to be dull and dreary as you cannot deviate, because if you do its mission failed!

There is more good than bad in this though, nearly on chapter 5... ;)
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