Red Dead Redemption 2 (PS4, Xbox and PC Hopefully)

Loving the game but agree about the linear missions. Sadly, nothing has evolved in that regard. Same tired GTA formula of travel to point a, kill or chase enemies, rinse repeat.

Wish they'd gone for a more Skyrim/Oblivion open ended style game where you created your own character at start and just went on a path like bounty hunting etc.

Have def had some incredible moments so far though. The mission where you get drunk in the saloon was really funny. Loved way NPCs remembered it for days after. The minor details are what make this really compelling for me. Combat is not that great though sadly.
Just did the stealth mission and the linear nature is just awful. I didn't take out the first person in the exact stealthy way the mission planned for so despite no noise the entire camp magically knows I am there.

I don't know how some of this made it through playtesting/QA, it's just so out of date compared to every recent AAA title.

The level of detail is impressive but the game really does do its best to make the whole experience rather dull and frustrating. The dialogue is great as others have mentioned but I'm only 5 hours in and already a bit over having to ride to each mission for 5 minutes before 30s of clunky combat.

I gave up last night when I jumped over a log on my horse (on flat ground) and its hoof clipped a small loose rock causing the horse to fall over and roll down a slope and kill me. If that had happened in a mission then I'd have just uninstalled, I'm sure someone was very pleased with themselves about the fact the horses can slip/trip but it's a shame no one thought to ask if that actually made it a better game.
This might sound a bit stupid but do I need Xbox live to play the game if I have the disk?
Can't say for xbox but ps4 did not need ps network. However, without psn I didn't get the 3gb patch (I assumed it had already been taken care of in the background). Explains a few things with oddities I experienced versus others.
I have not finished it but going to trade it in i think its so boring go shoot some blokes come back again next mission go shoot some more blokes and all the side stuff like hunting is tedious as well.
I really wish you could switch some elements off. I can't be hooped cleaning my gun, brushing/feeding my horse, sleeping, eating etc.

I'll persist with it and I am mostly enjoying it but I do wish it wasn't so slow and clunky feeling.
I really wish you could switch some elements off. I can't be hooped cleaning my gun, brushing/feeding my horse, sleeping, eating etc.

I'll persist with it and I am mostly enjoying it but I do wish it wasn't so slow and clunky feeling.

I think some of you are taking this stuff to seriously, all these things you mention are really not such a big deal, I brushed my horse like twice since playing, hardly ever feed my horse unless he is injured, same goes for Arthur. As for cleaning my pistols/rifles, only needed to do it once so far with my pistol.

I'm up to chapter 3 and that's with a fair bit of free exploring, not found anything to be a chore like some on here mention.

As long as you sleep/save at camp every day/night cycle all stat cores get replenished.
I think some of you are taking this stuff to seriously, all these things you mention are really not such a big deal, I brushed my horse like twice since playing, hardly ever feed my horse unless he is injured, same goes for Arthur. As for cleaning my pistols/rifles, only needed to do it once so far with my pistol.

I'm up to chapter 3 and that's with a fair bit of free exploring, not found anything to be a chore like some on here mention.

As long as you sleep/save at camp every day/night cycle all stat cores get replenished.

Perhaps, I'm not that far into it either.

It's been decent but I think that I was expecting more based on the reviews. The controls are awful though!
I just can't continue with this game. Half way through chapter 3 and I'm still 20 hours from finishing...I just can't dedicate more time to it.

I'm done...will sell today.
When I jump aboard a train, middle of nowhere, silently kill the guard at the back, shoot a bird from the back... 'wanted' comes up, I jump off the train, wanted turns to 'bounty for disturbing the peace' despite being hooded, not being seen by anyone. WTF? Happens every time.
I just can't continue with this game. Half way through chapter 3 and I'm still 20 hours from finishing...I just can't dedicate more time to it.

I think this is my concern. I'm in a similar position, with about 30 hours played. I figure I've got about another 40 hours to play to the end... I just don't know I can do that.
Just got ambushed (no bounty, only ~5 hrs played), dead in 3 seconds from 5+ attackers, whoever thought that was a fun mechanic shouldn't be allowed near a game again :(
I think this is my concern. I'm in a similar position, with about 30 hours played. I figure I've got about another 40 hours to play to the end... I just don't know I can do that.

I just can't. I'm not enjoying any aspect of it...I find it a grind and honestly tedious. I'm not finding anything fun...everything is a chore to do.

I might be being harsh...I'm just very disappointed in the whole thing.
Epilogue 1 has been tedious to get through

Do enjoy the death animations, I screenshot most of them now


Finally finished this last night (epilogue).

I chose a crap ending for Arthur which annoyed me. I knew I shouldn't have gone back for the money! My reasoning was that John was already safe by that point, so I might as well go back and get it and give them a better chance. It was a terrible send off for such a brilliant character.

I have to say though, I think I enjoyed the part with John in the epilogue a bit more. Meeting part of the gang again, building his ranch and seeing him reunited with his family ready to live their dream life. It was a nice ending... That is until you remember what happens in the RDR1 :(

Oh, and remember to watch the credits all the way through.
I must be the only one thoroughly enjoying this game, not sure what people were expecting and whether they played the first red dead.
Maybe I am just getting older and prefer the slow pace of this game! :)
I just can't. I'm not enjoying any aspect of it...I find it a grind and honestly tedious. I'm not finding anything fun...everything is a chore to do.

I might be being harsh...I'm just very disappointed in the whole thing.

Careful, people will start saying your TV is rubbish and that is to blame for everything lol

Personally I think it’s great, at least on the one x.
I don't think this game is all that polished, its clumsy. I don't mean about missions being linear, more the controls - take cooking/crafting, you set up the camp, watch an animation, wait a few seconds, button prompts appear, you press whatever you want, second or two, animation, press back, press leave, pause whilst he stands up, wait for a few seconds, button prompts appear, tear down camp, more animation, wait a second or two before control is regained.. Its just unnecessary - ok first time its nice to see but after that, why force the player to see that every time ? GTA5 has the same sort of thing when you drive in to a garage or enter a building, but at least GTA didn't have as many pauses.

The mechanics around the satchel, holding skins on the horse and transfer to the bloke at camp/butcher/trapper is awkward too. I still haven't worked out if its better to give the camp butcher a whole animal or best to skin it yourself and then give him the pelt for crafting and carcass for food separately (note if you do this, the carcass gets magically moved about the camp with no map marker, so unless you know exactly where to go it just ends up rotting.

One thing that gets annoying is you take a gun out whilst on horseback, you then encounter a stranger and you want to "greet" or "defuse", press LB (or trigger? I don't remember.. - too many controls) and he starts waving the gun around, which is likely to antagonise the stranger, which then turns in to a ******** with witnesses, being hunted and bounties. Or is that just me ?

Trudging around on horseback is bad enough, but I can't go around at max speed, because when the horse is knackered and needs a bit of a rest I get the bounty hunters after me and can't out run them, even enough to get to cover. So, I end up trotting around, which just takes longer. The map and waypoint system is obviously lifted from GTA, the problem is there are far less roads/tracks in this, so some of the routes it maps out are ridiculous, especially when you think this is cowboy land, they just used to roam where ever.. I set waypoints and then ignore the route and just head straight for the waypoint on the minimap. This also helps staying away from strangers who want you to take them somewhere - I can't for the life of me see why that sort of thing has been added, its utterly pointless.

You see the same sort of thing when you have to feed/pat your horse, you have to wait for the button prompts to get enabled to do anything.

The magical "wanted" when no-one is around is daft too. For example:
I did the mission to get Sean earlier, I thought it was pretty easy ? anyway, at the end two of your folk go off on one horse, the other bloke disappears too after Arthur says he's going to have a look around - ok, so I start wandering around the camp and find a few bits and pieces, a small yellow "cloud" appears on the map with a yellow question mark on it, before I can get there there's an investigation - yet there is no-one around and its been some time since the shoot out. Red blips heading my way. Ok, do a runner outside of the red area, all cleared, I go back and the yellow question mark is gone? so what did I miss ? All I find is some twonk taking pictures who asks I retrieve his bag when an animal nicks it - again another pointless encounter. Now I've no idea if I have part of the story missing ? did I finish the mission ? I've no idea. For a game accused of being linear its rather vague sometimes.

The story doesn't flow anywhere near as well as GTA5 did, the whole thing is more awkward and disjointed. The sloth like pace of walking around the camp is painful, the random conversations with your little posse bewilder me too.

It does make me wonder what the inevitable GTA6 will be like, seems R* haven't really moved forwards from GTA5, in some respects they've gone backwards. I haven't played the AC game or Witcher 3 but it seems R* need to up their game if you'll pardon the pun.

Oddly I don't really have a problem with the combat/shooting (so far) but I'm used to GTA5 and typically shoot from cover in that - rdr just needs you to account for the limited shots and slow reload.

I'll keep on playing because I want to know what happens, want to collect stuff and see what multiplayer is like, but I can't see me playing it in 5 years (like I do GTA5 now..)

Just the thoughts of a filthy casual..
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