Red Dead Redemption 2 (PS4, Xbox and PC Hopefully)

I know what you mean but a large part of me think that for an online Multi player game, any online multi player game, especially one that has been in development for so long, the character creation seems far too basic. It would be nice to have the choice to create anyone from Supermodel to ugly Mofo should you choose to. The online element is never that serious anyway, GTA has show how wacky it can get and if RDR2 online stays that strict to the era or single player experience instead of “fun”, I don’t think many people will stick around. I was tempted to get this game for the online side given how much time I have put into GTA5 online but so far, I don’t think I will.

This game is well worth the purchase even to play the story once.

RDR2 Online is hugely confusing to me, why is it BETA? Why is it massively lacking in content After all this time. Rdr1 online absolutely smashes this POS. 7 missions or so and scattered stranger missions, it’s lame as hell.

We have this incredible world designed for us to enjoy hunting, fishing for earning money with friends but you can’t enjoy any of it because of KOS muppets everywhere you turn. You’ll find posse after posse after posse ganging up on solo players, killing for no reason what so ever. You earn very little coin doing missions, you earn even less doing the stranger missions. The character graphics and the creator looks like its from the early 90’s, it’s outright embarrassing how poor the faces look. You don’t talk, NPCs don’t interact with you, there’s no passive mode option, there’s no ability to solo a mission. There are no card games, no gambling, no hair growth, no legendary animals, no trappers, there’s no depth to be found anywhere.

I’m all round massively underwhelmed and frustrated at how amatuerish this all feels. You’d think the reason they withheld the online for a month after release, would be so everyone had the time to complete the incredible single player story......but nope, it’s almost like they handed this to an indie studio a few months ago and said make us a multiplayer game. A few hours worth of content is all you’ll get from this currently.

Absolute garbage is online, very disappointed in it even if it is in BETA. Why it even needed to launch as a beta totally baffles me.

I'm guessing you don't understand the premise of a BETA? It stands for "Break it Early Test Application". A BETA is not intended to demo the game (as people think it does) it is the purpose of stressing the core code and the servers it runs on in a real world environment where multiple connections from many locations around the world inbound to the server - which cannot be tested in a controlled environment. R* need to ensure that they have sufficient resources in place to deal with the external demands being placed on the servers in order to ensure that everyone gets a fair crack when end product releases.

The fact you have a handful of missions and basic game play is just to give you an idea on what the final product will be like. BETA tests are often code that is no where near representative of the final product and likely missing a lot of end product features. I would guess this is probably code from at least a year if not two years ago (given the entire game was a 7yr development).

I think you have raged a little bit prematurely.. I would concur with you if these features are missing from final release.

I just need to read some guides.
Making money.
Where to get better weapons.
Getting a better horse.

Making money isn't an issue. You make more than enough from story missions for this to not be a concern.

IIRC certain guns like the Lancaster Repeater, Rolling Block Rifle and the Bolt Action Rifle are given to you in certain missions.

Don't worry about a horse, the stock horse is fine for pretty much all of the game however, when you get to St Denis in the story you are able to buy a Black Arabian from the Stable and that is a superb horse.

If you want an early Lancaster Repeater, head to the Rhodes Gunsmith and listen for a boy shouting out from the basement for a quite frankly odd and amusing scene where the Lancaster can be looted from a gun case in the aforementioned basement... You'll need to hold up the Gunshop owner to get him to open the basement door.
It was a bit of a shocker tbh even for R* standards lol I even reloaded last save cos I couldn't handle the shame; went straight up to him and shot the B******! lol

Same! Semi Auto Shotty was equipped, Deadeye activated and pointed at said area. The rest is history.

I've since read that if you don't reload and head back to camp someone remarks on the event as they knew it happened - proper kick you while you are down moment.

I would image R* have dropped the SP element as they did on GTA5 - nothing much else to add in that regard. SP DLC probably doesn't fit in with the narrative given what happens at the end of RDR2 considering its the prequel to RDR.

Although on GTA4 they had the two episodes after that were really good.

Not a sausage on SP content. Already mentioned above it doesn't fit in with the story narrative as RDR2 is a prequel to RDR. They could only write a spin-off of one of the characters or write something new in the same universe but wouldn't make as much sense as it did in GTA4.

Effectively, SP on GTA5 and RDR2 is just what the vanilla game had with no DLC path - I for one applaud this in some regard as it means you had the full game you paid for with the multiplayer bit tacked on for expansion.

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