Red Dead Redemption 2 (PS4, Xbox and PC Hopefully)

That you should have got the X1X?

How I am feeling anyway, PS4 does this game no justice. Can't wait until tomorrow when I go and buy the X1, to play this game how it should be played. It does not look good on the PS4 at all, stopped playing until tomorrow.

It just sounds like you're baiting tbh.
The attention to detail in this game is nothing short of astounding, even from something small like carrying a dead deer the way it flops about on your shoulder and then you end up with blood smears on your shoulder, it's just ridiculous
Only played up to chapter 2 but the attention to detail is amazing. If the story and gameplay live up to the first game I couldn't really care what it looks like, I'll still love every second if it.
I spent a long time driving one earlier, then saw my saddle was half way up the map so I reserved all the way, carried the saddle and dropped it into a carriage then drove down south.
Think I'm going to restart and try not to get killed now I know the controls a lot better, just need to see if it affects my preorder stuff cos I quite like my horse.
I can believe that....I spent an hour in the gunsmiths, about 2 hours playing poker and about 10 hunting only today.

A masterpiece this.

And some people have raced through it to complete it on release day. What a waste. I love exploring everything here ad it doesn't feel restricted like 'you can't enter here until you reach level 35' and the likes.
By the way guys, little tip for PS4 pro and 4K LG OLED.

Turn off HDR in menu, adjust in game brightness probably around max then adjust tv brightness to just about see the rockstar logo in the calibration menu. Now give it about 30 sharpness and voila, much cleaner experience.
Lol, I don't know who sounds more like a fanboy:p Fifty-something posts and an obvious trolling atempt. You probably don't even have the game.

Not trolling and I do own the game, sad when you state a fact about a system people are obsessed about it is trolling or baiting.

Facts are facts, the PS4 version has insane blur I looked it up and the x1 version does not. So I will be buying the x1 with RDR2 tomorrow to play it without the blur the PS4 version has. To stop the blur effect on PS4 1080 does seem to do this but the downgrade in other visuals is not worth it. Turning off HDR also does help, but again I would rather use HDR. Sadly my PS4 will have to sit around while I play the x1 version.
Well in the middle of AC Odyssey and tried this... awesome and I've only played it an hour! Brilliant weather effects and intro/tutorial.

Controls are a bit faffy but I should get used to them.

Same as me. AC feels a bit light after playing this for a bit, but must finish!
This game is incredible. Once you get used to the clunky controls it really is an amazing game!!

And some of the missions! Drinking with Lenny :D
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