Nothing to do with piracy, especially when denuvo for the PC has stopped the most important part of the sale period for new games i.e. the first few weeks/month.
It is just down to pure greed.
Why release a game for all 3 platforms at the same time when they can get people to double or even triple dip? Just look at GTA 5
And don't get me started on the in game micro transactions.... They made the online side of things extremely expensive and also make it a long/boring/hard grind to get the money to be able to buy one of the new fancy DLC cars but don't worry..... if you want to get an adequate amount of money, you can buy a shark card for only £30+....
GTA 5 has generated $1-2 billion and it is said that they got an additional $500 million profit just from the shark cards, their "strategy" worked extremely well.
As for the exclusive titles like LOU, uncharted, horizon, that will be down to Sony paying the publisher/developers a nice fat sum for PS4 only, as said above, it sucks big time all this exclusivity bull **** but at the end of the day, it is what sells a lot more consoles and is one of the reasons why the PS 4 is a lot more popular than the xbox one. PC sales compared to the console market (especially the PC) are extremely tiny.