Got this yesterday and played a bit last night, dont really get what im supposed to do. Did some rabbit and coyote killing with Bonnie to get me started, but then it was the morning and all I got told was to meet a Marshall at some point.
Anyway went into the local Marshall hut or whatever it is, the black bloke runs it with his dog I think and nothing giving, so just went riding off on the horse. Found a signpost that on one angle pointed towards a place called Thieves Reef or something... decided id head that way, so as im on that way I see a bloke screech past on a horse... he stops up the road and comes back toward me, so I nail him with the carbine.
Bad mistake it seems as now im wanted... 3 stars come at me, I assume cops, so I gun them down... next thing I know is there are a load of dogs dragging the dead bodys off so I get on my horse and plough on and dont seem to be wanted, but it said I cant go back to my village as they will hate me.
Anyway not far on I see 2 blokes dicing around on horses, 1 looks like he is about to get robbed and as i get closer 'bang' he got shot, then the other bloke gets off his horse and starts to rummage through the dead man. So thinking im doing a good dead, I get off my horse and shoot the bloke.... wrong, this time 4 stars come after me. I nail each of them... now im some sort of bad man, so think sod it, shot a horse, skinned it... made me feel a bit ill
So turned it off.
I need to have a read about what to actually do!