7 Days
I do hope it sells well. For some reason I just feel like no-one other than Rockstar followers and hardcore gamers actually know about the game!
If it had GTA written on it, it would sell loads as pretty much everyone owns a GTA game. But ask a random person in school or something about Red Dead Redemption, and I think they would say, "wut?".
Just imo of course.
Getting drunk and bumping into someone can start a duel
Marston can drink in saloons and bars and can get so drunk he passes out for a few hours
The World is, in total, roughly twice the size of San Andreas
The World is split into three large regions, each larger than GTA IV's Liberty City
Every building is enterable
Each NPC follows their own routine and way of a life. For example, one spends all day working as a blacksmith, then at closing time heads off to the saloon for a couple drinks before going home.
NPC appearances are randomly generated so there won't (or shouldn't) be clones
NPCs will converse with each other
You can converse with NPCs yourself
NPCs can hold grudges. A man you beat up in the saloon may come back later with a gun.
NPC houses can be broken into and robbed
Find buried treasure, hunt down cannibals, cheat at poker and sock a mountain lion in the kisser. Now that's how the West was really won.
...I rushed to the rescue, killed the bad men, then tried to play it Clint Eastwood cool by shooting the rope that was hanging the poor man. Only, I missed with the first shot. And the dumb **** died on me.
As I tried to remember how to switch to my fists so I could show this jerk some manners, he pulled out a knife and stabbed the woman repeatedly in the stomach. In fact, he followed her to the ground and kept stabbing.
Twice the size as SA?!?!
Without a fighter jet??
They better have fast travel in this
If only it was out today.
Haven't wanted a game this much since Half Life.
Cannot wait, still not sure whether to get the LE or not though. Don't mind paying the extra money. Don't want to spoil it by getting the unlocks right at the start. Don't want to be at a disadvantage without dead aim and the war horse. If everything was unlockable I'd get the standard version, pity it isn't.
Tell me about it! Still, not long to go.
Are you getting the PS3 or the 360 version?
I've pre-ordered on the 360. But might see if they have any LE stock on the PS3 next Friday. Not sure.
Am I the only one who thinks the MP aspect of this is just sounding a bit boring? Very social, but not very interesting. Will there be missions for MP?
Honestly, Rockstar didn't even really need to do anything new with the multiplayer in Red Dead REdemption -- we would have been happy to simply see our childhood cowboy shoot-em-up battles reenacted in shiny HD. But it looks like they went ahead and surprised us anyway. As you can see in the new trailer above, every battle starts out with a Mexican standoff, with the winner getting a head start on the map. The reworked dead eye system is available in multiplayer, too, letting you paint targets and then unleash a hail of gunfire. And bringing in old-school cannons and a turncrank gatling gun is a nice, old (olde?) Western touch, too.
All of those tools are available across multiple modes, including normal and team deathmatch, and a few capture-the-flag variations based on bags of gold: Hold Your Own is standard CTF (on a large scale in some maps), Gold Rush gives multiple bags to chase around, and Grab the Bag has everyone going after just one. All of the modes grant progression across weapons challenges, with golden guns serving as the ultimate reward. And here we thought it was fun just chasing the other kids around the living room pointing our fingers at each other.